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GTR Home > Conditions/Phenotypes > Familial atrial myxoma


Familial atrial myxoma is a rare, genetic cardiac tumor characterized by the presence of a primary, benign, gelatinous mass located in the atria and composed of primitive connective tissue cells and stroma (resembling mesenchyme) in several members of a family. Clinical presentation depends on the size, mobility and location of tumor, ranging from nonspecific and/or constitutional symptoms to sudden cardiac death, and includes dyspnea, hemoptisis, syncope, fatigue, fever, cutaneous rash, increases in venous pressure and/or peripheral edema. [from ORDO]

Available tests

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  • Also known as: ACRDYS1, ADOHR, CAR, CNC, CNC1, PKR1, PPNAD1, PRKAR1, Prkar1alpha, TSE1, PRKAR1A
    Summary: protein kinase cAMP-dependent type I regulatory subunit alpha

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