Pestivirus infections in Norway. Serological investigations in cattle, sheep and pigs

Acta Vet Scand. 1991;32(1):27-34. doi: 10.1186/BF03546994.


Serum samples from 1,133 dairy cows (187 herds), 3,712 ewes (103 flocks) and 1,317 adult pigs (877 herds), were tested for neutralizing antibodies against the NADL strain of bovine virus diarrhoea virus. The prevalence rate of seropositive animals was 18.5% in cattle, 4.5% in sheep and 2.2% in pigs, such seroreactors being found in 28% of the cattle herds and 18% of the sheep flocks. In all three species the rate showed considerable herd and geographical variation. In cattle the seroreactor rate was similar in herds with normal reproduction and in 62 herds with problems of repeat breeding. Of 31 pig sera containing antibodies against the NADL strain, 27 were also positive in a neutralization test for antibodies against swine fever virus (Baker strain). However, all sera showed a higher titre of antibodies against the bovine strain than against the swine fever virus. It was concluded that the immune response of the pigs had been induced by ruminant pestivirus, and not by swine fever virus.

Serumprøver frå 1133 mjølkekyr, 3712 søyer og 1317 vaksne grisar frå høvesvis 187, 103 og 877 buskapar i ulike område i Noreg vart undersøkte for nøytraliserande antistoff mot bovin virusdiaré-virus (NADL stamme). Prevalens av antistoff-positive storfe, sau og gris var høvesvis 18,5%, 4,5 % og 2,2 %. Denne raten hjå storfe var omlag den same i 62 buskapar som hadde problem med mykje omløp. Hjå alle 3 dyreartane varierte raten mykje mellom ulike buskapar og geografiske område. Seropositive dyr vart påvist i 28 % av buskapane med storfe og i 18 % med sau.

Av 31 svinesera som var positive for antistoff mot NADL stamma, var 27 positive også i ein nøytralisasjonstest for antistoff mot svinepestvirus (Baker stamme). Alle prøvene viste høgre titer av antistoff mot NADL stamma enn mot svinepestviruset. Det vart konkludert med at desse antistoffa skul-dast immunsvar på infeksjon med drøvtyggjar-stammer av pestivirus, og ikke svinepestvirus.

MeSH terms

  • Animals
  • Antibodies, Viral / blood
  • Cattle
  • Cattle Diseases / epidemiology*
  • Female
  • Norway / epidemiology
  • Pestivirus / immunology*
  • Prevalence
  • Sheep
  • Sheep Diseases / epidemiology*
  • Swine
  • Swine Diseases / epidemiology*
  • Togaviridae Infections / epidemiology
  • Togaviridae Infections / veterinary*


  • Antibodies, Viral