Effects of neural differentiation maturity status of human induced pluripotent stem cells prior to grafting in a subcortical ischemic stroke model

Neurol Psychiatry Brain Res. 2016 Dec;22(3-4):178-182. doi: 10.1016/j.npbr.2016.02.001. Epub 2016 Apr 6.


Neural cell grafting is a promising therapy for stroke, but the optimal differentiation status of the cells prior to grafting is unclear. We grafted cells at different maturity stages (days 28, 42, or 56 of in vitro neural differentiation) into the brains of eight-week-old rats one week after subcortical ischemic stroke, and assessed motor and sensory behavioral recovery over one month. We did not find a difference between the grafted or control groups on behavioral recovery, or on brain tissue outcomes including infarct size, microgliosis, or astrocytosis. Further research is needed into mechanisms of benefit of neural cell grafting for stroke.

Keywords: differentiation; grafting; human; induced pluripotent stem cells; ischemic stroke; maturity; model; neural; rat; subcortical.