Enhanced Arithmetic Optimization Algorithm for Parameter Estimation of PID Controller

Arab J Sci Eng. 2023;48(2):2191-2205. doi: 10.1007/s13369-022-07136-2. Epub 2022 Aug 26.


The Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller is a key component in most engineering applications. The main disadvantage of PID is the selection of the best values for its parameters using traditional methods that do not achieve the best response. In this work, the recently released empirical identification algorithm that is the Arithmetic Optimization Algorithm (AOA) was used to determine the best values of the PID parameters. AOA was selected due to its effective exploration ability. Unfortunately, AOA cannot achieve the best parameter values due to its poor exploitation of search space. Hence, the performance of the AOA exploit is improved by combining it with the Harris Hawk Optimization (HHO) algorithm which has an efficient exploit mechanism. In addition, avoidance of trapping in the local lower bounds of AOA-HHO is enhanced by the inclusion of perturbation and mutation factors. The proposed AOA-HHO algorithm is tested when choosing the best values for PID parameters to control two engineering applications namely DC motor regulation and three fluid level sequential tank systems. AOA-HHO has superiority over AOA and comparative algorithms.

Keywords: Arithmetic optimization algorithm (AOA); Harris Hawk optimization algorithm (HHO); PID controller.