Utilization of the Validated Windshield Material Model in Simulation of Tram to Pedestrian Collision

Materials (Basel). 2021 Jan 7;14(2):265. doi: 10.3390/ma14020265.


The rail industry has been significantly affected by the passive safety technology in the last few years. The tram front-end design must fulfill the new requirements for pedestrian passive safety performance in the near future. The requirements are connected with a newly prepared technical guide "Tramway front end design" prepared by Technical Agency for ropeways and Guided Transport Systems. This paper describes research connected with new tram front-end design safe for pedestrians. The brief description of collision scenario and used human-body model "Virthuman" is provided. The numerical simulations (from field of passive safety) are supported by experiments. The interesting part is the numerical model of the tram windshield experimentally validated here. The results of simulations are discussed at the end of paper.

Keywords: HIC; crash; pedestrian; tram; windshield model.