What is LitVar ?
LitVar provides access to genomic variant information from the biomedical literature by mining the 27 million PubMed abstracts and 1+ million PMC full-text articles. LitVar shows the results of research conducted in the Computational Biology Branch, NCBI.
Normalizing variants

Disambiguation engine

The variant entered in the search box is searched by a disambiguation engine for its normalized form. For example, if you enter “V600E” in the search box, LitVar will translate this search to the HGVS form “p.V600E” and find rs113488022 in our database record.

Alternative hits

If a variant name can be mapped to multiple records, we return articles for one variant with all other matching variants shown as alternatives. Variants are ranked based on the number of publications in which they appear.

Contact us

If you would like to report a match that does not seem accurate for your search query, please e-mail the information to us.

tutorial search
Understanding search results

LitVar displays 15 publications per page with the most recent publications shown first.

When examining returned publications, you can find pre-annotated biological concepts (displayed in color) as well as concepts matching the query (displayed with a colored background). Each color corresponds to a different biological concept: variant, gene, disease, or chemical.

tutorial publication
Using Concept Filters

Ranked biological concepts

Concept filters show genes, diseases, chemicals, and variants that are the most commonly co-occur with the query variant in the same sentence.

Add biological concepts to search

You can click on these concepts to narrow down search results. In that case, only publications containing all the selected concepts (including user submitted variant and selected concepts) will be returned.

tutorial facets
Using Publication Filters
Publication-level filters show the top journals in which matching publications were published, as well as the types of these publications, and the number of publications in the last year, last 2 years and last 5 years. You can filter your results by selecting a journal, publication date or publication types.
tutorial facets
Saving and Subscribing
You can download the PMIDs of the publications matching your query, as well as following the publications about the searched variant by subscribing its RSS feed.
tutorial save