Legend : mRNA The GenBank/DDBJ/EMBL accession.
Method The method or program, or GOLD.
#Exon The number of exons in the alignment.
Length The length of the cDNA to be aligned; i.e. the length of the accession minus the eventual poly A and vector.
From The first base aligned, in coordinate on the accession as it is in GenBank.
Aligned The total number of bases aligned, not the last base of the alignment!
#err The number of point differences from the genome, as measured by Smith Waterman.
Chrom The chromosome number (or NT_ contig if unmapped).
from The beginning of the alignment on the genome, in basepairs, calling 1 the first base.
to The end of the alignemnt. If End < From, the cDNA aligns on the minus strand.

mRNA Method #Exon Length From Aligned #err Chrom from to
AK125874 Gold_bad 1 3484 1 225 2 20 395767 395991
AK125874 Gold_bad 5 3484 214 3269 115 18 14844963 14849505
BC027848 Gold_bad 3 184 49 59 8 18 44177704 43885465
BC047341 Gold_bad 1 1554 197 373 66 18 75995271 75994899
BC047344 Gold_bad 4 3767 3106 433 56 18 19361562 19362495
BC057848 Gold_bad 2 2216 645 1570 69 18 14173649 14175367