Legend : mRNA The GenBank/DDBJ/EMBL accession.
Method The method or program, or GOLD.
#Exon The number of exons in the alignment.
Length The length of the cDNA to be aligned; i.e. the length of the accession minus the eventual poly A and vector.
From The first base aligned, in coordinate on the accession as it is in GenBank.
Aligned The total number of bases aligned, not the last base of the alignment!
#err The number of point differences from the genome, as measured by Smith Waterman.
Chrom The chromosome number (or NT_ contig if unmapped).
from The beginning of the alignment on the genome, in basepairs, calling 1 the first base.
to The end of the alignemnt. If End < From, the cDNA aligns on the minus strand.

mRNA Method #Exon Length From Aligned #err Chrom from to
AB051544 Gold_bad 1 4945 1 86 0 3 9450668 9450583
AB051544 Gold_excellent 19 4945 85 4861 2 3 9450677 9493143
AK025047 Gold_bad 1 2673 14 868 11 3 114640800 114639933
AK025047 Gold_good 1 2673 882 1807 6 3 114629425 114631242
AK057855 Gold_bad 1 1777 1688 90 0 3 44120283 44120372
AK057855 Gold_partial 1 1777 1 1668 2 3 44119571 44117904
AK124389 Gold_bad 1 1965 1798 168 0 3 197986316 197986149
AK124389 Gold_excellent 9 1965 1 1810 1 3 197939352 197984636
AL080232 Gold_bad 1 3052 1 1056 4 3 189283552 189284606
AL080232 Gold_bad 1 3052 1105 33 0 3 189284606 189284574
AL080232 Gold_partial 1 3052 1133 1919 13 3 189284602 189286519
AL162034 Gold_bad 1 751 1 58 0 3 48981246 48981303
AL162034 Gold_excellent 1 751 59 688 1 3 48981986 48981300
AL834214 Gold_bad 2 1570 11 329 2 3 151698752 151705712
AL834214 Gold_excellent 9 1570 340 1231 0 3 151724454 151698583
BC019853 Gold_bad 1 892 1 36 0 3 10343600 10343636
BC019853 Gold_excellent 1 892 31 862 1 3 10343611 10342751
BC043393 Gold_bad 1 3903 17 45 0 3 184800956 184800912
BC043393 Gold_excellent 17 3903 58 3846 0 3 184800945 184850773
BX647128 Gold_bad 1 4481 40 191 1 3 186529697 186529888
BX647128 Gold_excellent 2 4481 223 4259 2 3 186533421 186526299