Legend : mRNA The GenBank/DDBJ/EMBL accession.
Method The method or program, or GOLD.
#Exon The number of exons in the alignment.
Length The length of the cDNA to be aligned; i.e. the length of the accession minus the eventual poly A and vector.
From The first base aligned, in coordinate on the accession as it is in GenBank.
Aligned The total number of bases aligned, not the last base of the alignment!
#err The number of point differences from the genome, as measured by Smith Waterman.
Chrom The chromosome number (or NT_ contig if unmapped).
from The beginning of the alignment on the genome, in basepairs, calling 1 the first base.
to The end of the alignemnt. If End < From, the cDNA aligns on the minus strand.

mRNA Method #Exon Length From Aligned #err Chrom from to
AK000252 Gold_bad 3 4071 2685 1363 27 9|NT_078081 31529 42998
AK000655 Gold_bad 1 584 1 216 4 1|NT_077964 193338 193552
AK023361 Gold_bad 3 2346 959 1364 27 9|NT_078081 31529 42997
AK024414 Gold_bad 7 2520 1 1142 19 7 129713373 129699085
AK057495 Gold_bad 1 1765 89 65 3 6 25315017 25315083
AK057495 Gold_bad 1 1765 1489 41 1 11 6985749 6985709
AK057495 Gold_bad 2 1765 1309 110 2 1 224817597 224817907
AK057572 Gold_bad 1 2487 1041 195 5 X 135226204 135226010
AK057572 Gold_bad 1 2487 1602 113 1 16 14547422 14547311
AK094243 Gold_bad 1 2324 199 55 2 X 46311450 46311396
AK094243 Gold_bad 1 2324 327 45 0 8 26990734 26990690
AK124167 Gold_bad 1 1994 1714 72 3 9 33068526 33068598
AK124167 Gold_bad 1 1994 1810 45 0 12 47761138 47761094
AK125305 Gold_bad 1 2521 480 32 0 1 140849918 140849950
AK125305 Gold_bad 1 2521 772 183 4 1 141193816 141193999
AK125305 Gold_bad 1 2521 2320 32 1 5 89799821 89799790
AK128489 Gold_bad 1 3263 1470 39 1 2 58061787 58061826
AK130991 Gold_bad 1 690 128 35 0 16 31187315 31187350
AK130991 Gold_bad 1 690 254 112 3 11 77589575 77589687
BC013858 Gold_bad 1 1335 562 168 7 19 40758346 40758514
BC013858 Gold_bad 1 1335 1208 82 2 5 71230815 71230897
BC013858 Gold_bad 1 1335 1281 55 0 20 33864077 33864023
BC015783 Gold_bad 1 1737 1410 34 1 6 16274454 16274488
BC015783 Gold_bad 1 1737 1510 30 0 7 7648784 7648755
BC033874 Gold_bad 1 277 1 166 4 1 198721929 198721763
BX647273 Gold_bad 1 1388 1055 321 9 4 36678117 36677797