Legend : mRNA The GenBank/DDBJ/EMBL accession.
Method The method or program, or GOLD.
#Exon The number of exons in the alignment.
Length The length of the cDNA to be aligned; i.e. the length of the accession minus the eventual poly A and vector.
From The first base aligned, in coordinate on the accession as it is in GenBank.
Aligned The total number of bases aligned, not the last base of the alignment!
#err The number of point differences from the genome, as measured by Smith Waterman.
Chrom The chromosome number (or NT_ contig if unmapped).
from The beginning of the alignment on the genome, in basepairs, calling 1 the first base.
to The end of the alignemnt. If End < From, the cDNA aligns on the minus strand.

mRNA Method #Exon Length From Aligned #err Chrom from to
AL050355 Gold_good 6 2184 38 2183 10 3 126508614 126486402
AL096734 Gold_excellent 3 3171 7 3173 3 1 153912451 153908479
AL117403 Gold_excellent 2 2106 1 2106 5 1 153786006 153783757
AL137511 Gold_excellent 8 1608 1 1608 3 1 224145346 224149792
AL512693 Gold_partial 7 1785 12 1761 2 15 98877634 98845367
AL832384 Gold_excellent 2 4359 1 4337 10 7 73857720 73852821
AL832384 Gold_excellent 2 4359 1 4337 10 7 74412865 74417765
AL832516 Gold_excellent 13 1842 22 1831 0 12 131008758 131029391
AL832582 Gold_excellent 12 4135 50 4109 4 8 103832946 103795179
AL833089 Gold_excellent 17 4954 38 4954 12 15 28999841 28918852
AL833114 Gold_excellent 2 3474 1 3458 2 12 63966775 63961704
BX640937 Gold_excellent 4 2940 1 2940 4 18 44538540 44638923
BX648087 Gold_excellent 3 6266 33 6232 8 5 110165218 110177073
BX648423 Gold_partial 3 3800 54 3726 12 5 131884952 131880798
BX648728 Gold_excellent 21 6543 1 6538 11 19 51050808 51014053
BX648739 Gold_good 6 2770 1 2770 37 19 18526465 18540385