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--$Revision: 32084 $********************************************
--  entrez2.asn
--   Version 1
--   API to Entrez Engine (1999)
--   Retrieval of sequence done through ID1 module
--     Also, SeqId queries
--   Retrieval of PubMed records through PubMed module
--   Retrieval of Structures through PubStruct module
--   Retrieval of Genomes through Genomes module


   --  Entrez2 common elements

Entrez2-dt ::= INTEGER                   -- a date/time stamp
Entrez2-db-id ::= VisibleString          -- database name
Entrez2-field-id ::= VisibleString       -- field name
Entrez2-link-id ::= VisibleString        -- link name

Entrez2-id-list ::= SEQUENCE  {          -- list of record UIDs
  db Entrez2-db-id ,                     -- the database
  num INTEGER ,                          -- number of uids
  uids OCTET STRING OPTIONAL  }          -- coded uids

       -- The structured form of the boolean is the same in a request or
       --    return so that it easy to modify a query. This means some
       --    fields are only considered in a return value, like counts
       --    by term. They are ignored in a request.
       -- The structured boolean supports specific boolean components,
       --    an unparsed string in query syntax, and UID lists as
       --    elements of a boolean. This makes it possible to submit
       --    a single string, a fully structured query, or a mixture.
       --    The UID list feature means one can also perform refinements
       --    on UID lists from links, neighbors, or other operations.
       --    UID list query now returns a history key for subsequent use.

Entrez2-boolean-exp ::= SEQUENCE {
  db Entrez2-db-id ,                         -- database for this query
  exp SEQUENCE OF Entrez2-boolean-element ,  -- the Boolean
  limits Entrez2-limits OPTIONAL }           -- date bounds

Entrez2-boolean-element ::= CHOICE {
  str VisibleString ,                       -- unparsed query string
  op Entrez2-operator ,                     -- logical operator
  term Entrez2-boolean-term ,               -- fielded term
  ids Entrez2-id-list ,                     -- list of UIDs - returns history key in reply
  key VisibleString }                       -- history key for uploaded UID list or other query

       -- the term is both sent and received as parts of
       --   queries and replies. The attributes can be filled in
       --   by either, but may be ignored by one or the other. Flags are
       --   shown if a real value is only of use in the query (Q), only
       --   in the reply (R), or used in both (B)
       -- do-not-explode and do-not-translate are only active set by
       --   by the query. However, they retain those settings in the
       --   return value so they can be resent with a new query

Entrez2-boolean-term ::= SEQUENCE {
  field Entrez2-field-id ,                  -- B
  term VisibleString ,                      -- B
  term-count INTEGER OPTIONAL,              -- R count of records with term
  do-not-explode BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,     -- Q do not explode term
  do-not-translate BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE}   -- Q do not use synonyms
Entrez2-operator ::= INTEGER {
  and (1) ,
  or (2) ,
  butnot (3) ,
  range (4) ,
  left-paren (5) ,
  right-paren (6) }

  --  Entrez2 Request types
       -- The basic request wrapper leaves space for a version which
       --   allow the server to support older clients
       -- The tool parameter allows us to log the client types for
       --   debugging and tuning
       -- The cookie is a session ID returned by the first Entrez2-reply
Entrez2-request ::= SEQUENCE {           -- a standard request
  request E2Request ,                    -- the actual request
  version INTEGER ,                      -- ASN1 spec version
  tool VisibleString OPTIONAL ,          -- tool making request
  cookie VisibleString OPTIONAL ,        -- history session cookie
  use-history BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE }    -- request should use history

E2Request ::= CHOICE {                   -- request types
  get-info NULL ,                        -- ask for info block
  eval-boolean Entrez2-eval-boolean ,    -- Boolean lookup
  get-docsum Entrez2-id-list ,           -- get the DocSums
  get-term-pos Entrez2-term-query,       -- get position in term list
  get-term-list Entrez2-term-pos ,       -- get Term list by position
  get-term-hierarchy Entrez2-hier-query, -- get a hierarchy from a term
  get-links Entrez2-get-links ,          -- get specific links from a UID list
  get-linked Entrez2-get-links ,         -- get subset of UID list which has links
  get-link-counts Entrez2-id }           -- get all links from one UID

       -- When evaluating a boolean query the counts of hits is always
       --    returned.
       -- In addition, you can request the UIDs of the hits or the
       --    the parsed query in structured form (with counts by term),
       --    or both.
Entrez2-eval-boolean ::= SEQUENCE {       -- evaluate Boolean query
  return-UIDs BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,      -- return UID list?
  return-parse BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,     -- return parsed query?
  query Entrez2-boolean-exp }             -- the actual query

Entrez2-dt-filter ::= SEQUENCE { 
  begin-date Entrez2-dt,
  end-date Entrez2-dt,
  type-date Entrez2-field-id }

Entrez2-limits ::= SEQUENCE {            -- date limits
  filter-date Entrez2-dt-filter OPTIONAL,
  max-UIDs INTEGER OPTIONAL,             -- max UIDs to return in list
  offset-UIDs INTEGER OPTIONAL}          -- start partway into UID list
Entrez2-id ::= SEQUENCE {                -- a single UID
  db Entrez2-db-id ,
  uid INTEGER }

Entrez2-term-query ::= SEQUENCE {
  db Entrez2-db-id ,
  field Entrez2-field-id ,
  term VisibleString }

Entrez2-hier-query ::= SEQUENCE {
  db Entrez2-db-id ,
  field Entrez2-field-id ,
  term VisibleString OPTIONAL ,          -- query with either term
  txid INTEGER OPTIONAL }                -- or Taxonomy ID

Entrez2-term-pos ::= SEQUENCE {          -- request portions of term list
  db Entrez2-db-id ,
  field Entrez2-field-id ,
  first-term-pos INTEGER ,
  number-of-terms INTEGER OPTIONAL }     -- optional for hierarchy only

Entrez2-get-links ::= SEQUENCE {         -- request links of one type
  uids Entrez2-id-list ,                 -- docs to link from
  linktype Entrez2-link-id ,             -- type of link
  max-UIDS INTEGER OPTIONAL ,            -- maximum number of links to return
  count-only BOOLEAN OPTIONAL ,          -- return only the counts
  parents-persist BOOLEAN OPTIONAL }     -- allow original uids in list

  -- Replies from the Entrez server
  --  all replies contain the date/time stamp when they were executed
  --  to do reqular date bounded searches use this value+1 to search
  --  again later instead of recording the date/time on the client machine
  --  the cookie allows a simple key string to represent UID lists in the history
Entrez2-reply ::= SEQUENCE {
  reply E2Reply ,                       -- the actual reply
  dt Entrez2-dt ,                       -- date/time stamp from server
  server VisibleString ,                -- server version info
  msg VisibleString OPTIONAL ,          -- possibly a message to the user
  key VisibleString OPTIONAL ,          -- history key for query
  cookie VisibleString OPTIONAL }       -- history session cookie

E2Reply ::= CHOICE {
  error VisibleString ,                 -- if nothing can be returned
  get-info Entrez2-info ,               -- the database info
  eval-boolean Entrez2-boolean-reply,   -- result of boolean query
  get-docsum Entrez2-docsum-list,
  get-term-pos INTEGER,                 -- position of the term
  get-term-list Entrez2-term-list,
  get-term-hierarchy Entrez2-hier-node,
  get-links Entrez2-link-set,
  get-linked Entrez2-id-list,
  get-link-counts Entrez2-link-count-list }

Entrez2-info ::= SEQUENCE {             -- describes all the databases
  db-count INTEGER ,                    -- number of databases
  build-date Entrez2-dt ,               -- build date of databases
  db-info SEQUENCE OF Entrez2-db-info } -- info by database

Entrez2-db-info ::= SEQUENCE {          -- info for one database
  db-name Entrez2-db-id ,               -- internal name
  db-menu VisibleString ,               -- short name for menu
  db-descr VisibleString ,              -- longer explanatory name
  doc-count INTEGER ,                   -- total number of records
  field-count INTEGER ,                 -- number of field types
  fields SEQUENCE OF Entrez2-field-info,
  link-count INTEGER ,                  -- number of link types
  links SEQUENCE OF Entrez2-link-info,
  docsum-field-count INTEGER,
  docsum-fields SEQUENCE OF Entrez2-docsum-field-info }

Entrez2-field-info ::= SEQUENCE {       -- info about one field
  field-name Entrez2-field-id ,         -- the internal name
  field-menu VisibleString ,            -- short string suitable for menu
  field-descr VisibleString ,           -- longer, explanatory name
  term-count INTEGER ,                  -- number of terms in field
  is-numerical BOOLEAN OPTIONAL ,
  single-token BOOLEAN OPTIONAL ,
  hierarchy-avail BOOLEAN OPTIONAL ,
  is-rangable BOOLEAN OPTIONAL ,
  is-truncatable BOOLEAN OPTIONAL }

Entrez2-link-info ::= SEQUENCE {        -- info about one link
  link-name Entrez2-link-id ,
  link-menu VisibleString ,
  link-descr VisibleString ,
  db-to Entrez2-db-id ,                 -- database it links to
  data-size INTEGER OPTIONAL }          -- size of link data element    

Entrez2-docsum-field-type ::= INTEGER {
  string (1) ,
  int    (2) ,
  float  (3) ,
  date-pubmed (4) }

Entrez2-docsum-field-info ::= SEQUENCE {
  field-name VisibleString,
  field-description VisibleString,
  field-type Entrez2-docsum-field-type }

Entrez2-boolean-reply ::= SEQUENCE {
  count INTEGER ,                       -- records hit
  uids Entrez2-id-list OPTIONAL,        -- if uids requested
  query Entrez2-boolean-exp OPTIONAL }  -- if parsed query requested

Entrez2-docsum-list ::= SEQUENCE {
  count INTEGER ,                       -- number of docsums
  list SEQUENCE OF Entrez2-docsum }

Entrez2-docsum ::= SEQUENCE {
  uid INTEGER ,                         -- primary uid (gi, pubmedid)
  docsum-data SEQUENCE OF Entrez2-docsum-data }

Entrez2-docsum-data::= SEQUENCE {
  field-name VisibleString,
  field-value VisibleString }

Entrez2-term-list ::= SEQUENCE {
  pos INTEGER,                          -- position of first term in list
  num INTEGER,                          -- number of terms in list
  list SEQUENCE OF Entrez2-term }

Entrez2-term ::= SEQUENCE {
  term VisibleString ,
  count INTEGER ,                       -- count of records with this term
  is-leaf-node BOOLEAN OPTIONAL }       -- used for hierarchy only

Entrez2-hier-node ::= SEQUENCE {        -- for hierarchical index
  cannonical-form VisibleString ,       -- the official name
  lineage-count INTEGER ,               -- number of strings in lineage
  lineage SEQUENCE OF Entrez2-term OPTIONAL , -- strings up the lineage
  child-count INTEGER ,                 -- number of children of this node
  children SEQUENCE OF Entrez2-term ,   -- the children
  is-ambiguous BOOLEAN OPTIONAL }       -- used for hierarchy only

      -- Links are returned in sets also using OCTET STRINGS

Entrez2-link-set ::= SEQUENCE {          -- set of links
  ids Entrez2-id-list ,
  data-size INTEGER OPTIONAL ,           -- size of data elements
  data OCTET STRING OPTIONAL }           -- coded scores

Entrez2-link-count-list ::= SEQUENCE {   -- all links from 1 uid
  link-type-count INTEGER ,              -- number of types of links
  links SEQUENCE OF Entrez2-link-count }

Entrez2-link-count ::= SEQUENCE {        -- link count of one type
  link-type Entrez2-link-id ,
  link-count INTEGER }