
Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd00912: ML 
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The ML (MD-2-related lipid-recognition) domain is present in MD-1, MD-2, GM2 activator protein, Niemann-Pick type C2 (Npc2) protein, phosphatidylinositol/phosphatidylglycerol transfer protein (PG/PI-TP), mite allergen Der p 2 and several proteins of unknown function in plants, animals and fungi. These single-domain proteins form two anti-parallel beta-pleated sheets stabilized by three disulfide bonds and with an accessible central hydrophobic cavity, and are predicted to mediate diverse biological functions through interaction with specific lipids.
PSSM-Id: 238454
Aligned: 7 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 96.8163
Created: 5-Feb-2003
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
putative lipid
Conserved site includes 22 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:putative lipid binding cavity [chemical binding site]
  • Comment:hydrophobic cavity of conserved residues

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1     #            #  # #                 #     # # #                   # # #         
1G13_A      5 WDNCDegk-dpaVIrSLTLEPd-------------pIIVPGNVTLSVXGSTSVPLSSp------lKVDLVLEKEvaglWI 64  human
CAG83607   18 FSDCFhq---rnNPlGLSWTPdsvf--------adyDKDDGRLHFSVTGTVSGAVLSdlnetenkYTTLNSQSR----SM 82  Yarrowia lipolytica
NP_015103  31 LVTCMensqlsaNSfDVSFSP---------------DDRSLHYDLDMTTQIDSYIYA--------YVDVYAYGF----KI 83  baker's yeast
O95711     30 HVVCSd-----sGL-EVLYQScdplqdfgfsvekcsKQLKSNINIRFGIILREDIKEl-------FLDLALMSQ----GS 92  human
1KTJ_A      5 VKDCAn-----hEIkKVLVPGchgs-------epciIHRGKPFQLEAVFEANQNTKTa-------KIEIKASID----GL 61  European house dus...
1NEP_A      5 FKDCGsw---vgVIkEVNVSPcptq--------pckLHRGQSYSVNVTFTSNTQSQSs-------KAVVHGIVM----GI 62  cow
AAD16095   47 LEYCNdpsgdilDIkQVDLSPn-------------pPLPGKTLAITASGTLREKIEDg------aYVLLEVKYG----LI 103 Aspergillus oryzae
Feature 1                    #                            #       #                     # # # 
1G13_A     65 KIPCtdyigsctfEHFCDvldxliptgepcpeplrtyglpchCPFkEG-TYSLPksefvvpdl-elpswlttgNYRIESV 142 human
CAG83607   83 KGLFvd-----nyTRFCDevskd--------------tkpetCPIqPGqEASFAytvevpevarrisdiatifKIISPVD 143 Yarrowia lipolytica
NP_015103  84 ITEN---------FDVCSmgw------------------kqfCPVhPG-NIQIDsieyiaqky--vkmipgiaYQVPDID 133 baker's yeast
O95711     93 SVLNf-------sYPICEaalp----------------kfsfCGRrKGeQIYYAgpvnnpe-----ftipqgeYQVLLEL 144 human
1KTJ_A     62 EVDVpg-----idPNACHym---------------------kCPLvKGqQYDIKytwnvpk------iapkseNVVVTVK 109 European house dus...
1NEP_A     63 PVPFpi-----peSDGCKsg--------------------irCPIeKDkTYNYVnklpvkn------eypsikVVVEWEL 111 cow
AAD16095  104 TLVRq-------tADLCEqlvn----------------velkCPLgPG-DMTLTkqvdlp-------kqippgKYTVQAD 152 Aspergillus oryzae
Feature 1     #             #  # # #
1G13_A    143 LSs-------sGKRLGCIKIAA 157 human
CAG83607  144 NGd--------GLVVGCVEIQT 157 Yarrowia lipolytica
NP_015103 134 AYvrlniynnvSENLACIQVFF 155 baker's yeast
O95711    145 YTe-------kRSTVACANATI 159 human
1KTJ_A    110 VMg-------dDGVLACAIATH 124 European house dust mite
1NEP_A    112 TDd-------kNQRFFCWQIPI 126 cow
AAD16095  153 VFns------dGEHITCLKALN 168 Aspergillus oryzae

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