Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd05814: CBM20_Prei4 
Prei4, N-terminal CBM20 (carbohydrate-binding module, family 20) domain. Preimplantation protein 4 (Prei4) is a protein of unknown function that is expressed during mouse preimplantation embryogenesis. In addition to the N-terminal CBM20 domain, Prei4 contains a C-terminal glycerophosphoryl diester phosphodiesterase (GDPD) domain. The CBM20 domain is found in a large number of starch degrading enzymes including alpha-amylase, beta-amylase, glucoamylase, and CGTase (cyclodextrin glucanotransferase). CBM20 is also present in proteins that have a regulatory role in starch metabolism in plants (e.g. alpha-amylase) or glycogen metabolism in mammals (e.g. laforin). CBM20 folds as an antiparallel beta-barrel structure with two starch binding sites. These two sites are thought to differ functionally with site 1 acting as the initial starch recognition site and site 2 involved in the specific recognition of appropriate regions of starch.
PSSM-Id: 99888
Aligned: 14 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 138.225
Created: 11-Sep-2007
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
starch bindingstarch binding
Feature 1:starch binding site 1 [chemical binding site]
  • Comment:Based on the binding of substrates to the starch binding site 1 of other family members.
  • Comment:Site 1 is small relative to site 2 and exhibits minimal structural changes upon ligand binding. It acts as an initial starch recognition site.
  • Citation:PMID 9195884
  • Citation:PMID 8672460

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1                                             #                                          
NP_062539      4 SQVAFEIRg---------tLLPGEVFAICGSCDALGNWNPQNAVALLPend----------------------------- 45  human
NP_608804     44 RLWTFRVLmn-------qdLAPNEQLAIVGNCEALGNWQHSGAAILSKnee----------------------------- 87  fruit fly
NP_649082     49 CKPTLREFnvrl----evpLAAEERLGLTGDVKALGEWQLSRSVALESl------------------------------- 93  fruit fly
NP_649081     69 CVPLFRIFslelr--hnirLAPDEFVAVSGDHPALGLWQLEKALPLKEqd------------------------------ 116 fruit fly
XP_973461     38 KRWLFRVRap--------dLKKDEVMCVSGSVPELGSWQAEKCVPLERe------------------------------- 78  red flour beetle
AAL89998      40 TEWPFCVVfh-------ssLNGNEYVAISGNCPSLGNWDPKEVYILAKndci---------------------------- 84  fruit fly
NP_611548     47 KRNAPLVFnftltlpdadqLASFERPALVGNLPVLGAWQAGRAVLLNRt------------------------------- 95  fruit fly
XP_001602254   6 RDWMFRVQvp--------gLEKNDVVFVVGNLPELGAWNHNQAIQLTKehsgtdeaspaafenngssdftdfygnscdga 77  jewel wasp
NP_001022322   7 VRVHFAVDve--------nLHAHQSVYVVGSNDVLGTWEATRAMPLVQdp------------------------------ 48  nematode
NP_001024786  98 YKAHFKVFcs--------eVREWEKIHVVGSLPVLGEWNPRKSFPLTKst------------------------------ 139 nematode
Feature 1                                         #                        ##    #               
NP_062539     46 -----------tgESMLWKATIVLSr-GVSVQYRYFKGYfle--pktIGGPCQVIvhKWETHLQPRSITPLe-------- 103 human
NP_608804     88 ----------dneYSNLWTGEIYIPr-HCDTEYRYMVCAv-------DPGTEQLIvrRWETQLQPRIVKELd-------- 141 fruit fly
NP_649082     94 -------------DELNWQATVALQs-CRQLEYRYFVYVe------dLSGYKQIR--RWETHFKPRSLGPCt-------- 143 fruit fly
NP_649081    117 ------------kARTKWYLRVWICa-SQRFYYRYLIYSk-------NRQGNRVLr-TWEGQRVARMLQTYe-------- 167 fruit fly
XP_973461     79 ------------dESDVWSLPVMIPd-RVNIQYRFCVCVv-------IDAGLQVIvrSWEAQIAPRAIHAT--------- 129 red flour beetle
AAL89998      85 ---------sclcNCRQFEASLEIPr-NIDIHYRYCVVIh-------DPETDEVYirFWESQLYPRVIRTC--------- 138 fruit fly
NP_611548     96 ------------aILNVWSASVEIPq-NSSVEYRYFAAAv------gQSGAVQIR--RWESHVQARTFNTT--------- 145 fruit fly
XP_001602254  78 dsvgdcsaenseeGGRIFSQNIALPs-DADVQFRYFVAVvcepngtkNSAKTLIIr-KWETHMSPRQIKKDvpsnicaaa 155 jewel wasp
NP_001022322  49 ------------dRFMRWKGSIVTD--VHQLKFRYFIGYnl-----mSDQGERLIvdKWEAFLHPRSTLCLaes-----r 104 nematode
NP_001024786 140 ------------dEENTFHAIVSVPssIKEFNFRYIRVMyldpsennTSEPIMVLs-KWETFNNARTCLIGves-----q 201 nematode
Feature 1                                       
NP_062539    104 --SEIIIDDGQFGi-----hNGVETLDSGWL 127 human
NP_608804    142 -eQPAKNQSDIFGs-----fNGQEKVDRGWL 166 fruit fly
NP_649082    144 --ELQCSQLDVFGits-dnsDLKPQVHRGWL 171 fruit fly
NP_649081    168 --IYRSPGLDIFGeaypvsvGGGFYLERGWL 196 fruit fly
XP_973461    130 --EKSPLETDEPLtyg--dyGNVCRIDRGWL 156 red flour beetle
AAL89998     139 --QNMLKNCDVFGkph--ddDEANQVDRGWA 165 fruit fly
NP_611548    146 --KFSGNRSDEFGl-----iGNERQLSRGWL 169 fruit fly
XP_001602254 156 agEESLPDPDKFGy-----hNGYRKIERGWL 181 jewel wasp
NP_001022322 105 ndECRVDRVDLFGy-----yAGRKCVSDGWL 130 nematode
NP_001024786 202 dgVARKNITDQFGs-----ySGKTQITDGWI 227 nematode

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