Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd00987: PDZ_serine_protease (this model, PSSM-Id:238487 is obsolete)
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PDZ domain of trypsin-like serine proteases, such as DegP/HtrA, which are oligomeric proteins involved in heat-shock response, chaperone function, and apoptosis. May be responsible for substrate recognition and/or binding, as most PDZ domains bind C-terminal polypeptides, though binding to internal (non-C-terminal) polypeptides and even to lipids has been demonstrated. In this subfamily of protease-associated PDZ domains a C-terminal beta-strand forms the peptide-binding groove base, a circular permutation with respect to PDZ domains found in Eumetazoan signaling proteins.
PSSM-Id: 238487
Aligned: 190 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 46.864
Created: 1-Nov-2000
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
protein binding
Conserved site includes 9 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:protein binding site [polypeptide binding site]
  • Comment:contains the GLGF loop, a carboxylate-binding motif
  • Comment:PDZ binds to either the terminal COOH group of a peptide ligand (1KWA) or an internal peptide sequence that mimics the PDZ binding motif (1QAV)
  • Citation:PMID 8674113

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1        #### #                                                        ##  ##           
1KY9_A      263 GELGIXGTELnselaka--xkvdaqRGAFVSQVlpnSSAakaGIKA----GDVITSlnGKPISSFAALRAQVGtxp---- 332 Escherichia coli
BAA11365    364 VVNGVKFVDLtpdlvkkynitsannNGLFVLEVspnSSWgryGLKMglrpRDIILS--VKRDDNKKDISVKTLreivtni 441 Rickettsia typhi
NP_343943   202 PYVGIGVIKLnkalaty--lgvrkqNGLLVTNIdpnGSAykyGIRR----GDIILKvnNQEVKSPIDLLAVLEemv---- 271 Sulfolobus solfa...
NP_376823   216 PYLGIRVIKLnkaisty--fnlssdSGVLVVAVdedSPAyeaGIRR----GDIITEvnGKKIESQLDLVASIDetg---- 285 Sulfolobus tokodaii
NP_563146   367 LKLGITARTVtpelak----enkleEGVYVVGVqefSPAekaGLKI----GDLIVEfgGKRVKTLEELNQVKSqyn---- 434 Clostridium perf...
NP_563402   299 VTLGVTGSTVadek--------sniYGIYVEDVdkgSNAfnaGIKP----TDIIVEadNEKVKNIESLADLLKkhs---- 362 Clostridium perf...
ZP_00000981 218 NYIGISGIEInessqgr--ygvkleNGVMVARIdrySPAydaGLRP----GDVITEfaGKPVKSMRDLIKGVAem----- 286 Ferroplasma acid...
ZP_00104104 289 PMIGINLIDEnyfe--------tneSIVKVGYVvpnSPAaksGIFI----NDIILKvgKTNINNSSDVINEISnng---- 352 Prochlorococcus ...
EAA21164    361 PFLGIVFRDKgliiqn----srpltKELKISSIlanSPAdlgNLKK----EDIISKinNKDIESICDLIHIYLlsln--- 429 Plasmodium yoeli...
NP_713233   283 AILGVMATVPlpdhria-lgipeswNGVLVYDMdpqSSAelgGIRR----YDFILEanGTPIKNINDLREQVGivg---- 353 Leptospira inter...
Feature 1                           
1KY9_A      333 vgsKLTLGLLRdGKQVNVNL 352 Escherichia coli
BAA11365    442 khnEIFFTVQRgDRMLYIAL 461 Rickettsia typhi
NP_343943   272 -gsQINVKMLRdSKEIELSI 290 Sulfolobus solfataricus
NP_376823   286 -leEIEMKILRgKDKISIKV 304 Sulfolobus tokodaii
NP_563146   435 dgdSVPVEIIRdGKKVNLNL 454 Clostridium perfringens str. 13
NP_563402   363 vgdIIKLKVIRgDTTKDISV 382 Clostridium perfringens str. 13
ZP_00000981 287 -kgNTDVIFIRgGSKYRTTI 305 Ferroplasma acidarmanus
ZP_00104104 353 inkFINITLKRkNKIIKLKV 372 Prochlorococcus marinus subsp. pastoris str. CCMP1378
EAA21164    430 aigLYSYLYPKiKYKISGTR 449 Plasmodium yoelii yoelii
NP_713233   354 lggKIKLRIYReKSMQELSI 373 Leptospira interrogans serovar lai str. 56601

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