Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd16234: EFh_SPARC_SMOC 
EF-hand, extracellular calcium-binding (EC) motif, found in secreted modular calcium-binding protein SMOC-1, SMOC-2, and similar proteins
SMOC proteins corresponds to a group matricellular proteins that are involved in direct or indirect modulation of growth factor signaling pathways and play diverse roles in physiological processes involving extensive tissue remodeling, migration, proliferation, and angiogenesis. They may mediate intercellular signaling and cell type-specific differentiation during gonad and reproductive tract development. SMOC-1 is localized in basement membranes. Its mutations have been found to be associated with individuals with Warrdenburg Anopthalmia Syndrome. SMOC-2 is ubiquitously expressed and is involved in angiogenesis and the regulation of cell cycle progression. It enhances the angiogenic effect of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). It has also been implicated in generalized vitiligo. SMOC proteins consist of a follistatin-like (FS) domain, two thyroglobulin-like (TY) domains, a novel domain conserved only in SMOC proteins, and an extracellular calcium-binding (EC) domain with two EF-hand calcium-binding motifs.
PSSM-Id: 320013
Aligned: 33 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 110.062
Created: 18-Nov-2014
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
Feature 1:Ca binding site [ion binding site]
  • Comment:Based on the structure evidence that Homo sapiens SPARC (1SRA) binds two Ca2+ ions.
  • Citation:PMID 8119487

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1                                                                            # # #      # 
KFQ56686      156 CPEGKKVEFITSLLDALTTDMVQAInsaaptgggr----------fsepdpshtlEERVVHWYFSQLDNNSSNDINKREL 225  Pelecanus cri...
CAA96669      138 CKEKKRTRFLRRLVSTLKSEMIMSGinat-----------------------kvsRDSAIRWKFNQLNINHNNVLERSEW 194  Caenorhabditi...
KFM63039      412 CSLHKKQEFLDELVQSFIKEMIEDAknrsls-------------------idtptAEKAARWKFASIDVNNNSVLDKREW 472  Stegodyphus m...
ETN65963     1376 CPEEKKVEFLKDLKAFLSKQVTTSFagkivp-------------------vwkteEEKIAILSFVLLDKNQNKQLERKEW 1436 Anopheles dar...
XP_008180872  442 CPEHKKHIFLKDLMDYLRHKHSKNNnasf-----------------------asdYESIISDIFHSLDTNHNNVLERKEW 498  pea aphid
ERL89004      409 CPDDKKLIFLQELMQFLRTKMSESAtpnnpag----------------slaliqsKEEEAFWSFNFLDKNHNRVLERSEW 472  mountain pine...
NP_724871     475 CTEPRKTQFLKELKAYLNTSLLPSSttgsns------------------smwktdDERIATLSFVYLDKNKNKSWDRREW 536  fruit fly
XP_008199221  398 CPNEKKTIFLRDLIQFLHARMLKDNdtvnlys----------------lpwmsskEEQAATWSFVEFDKNKNKMLDRNEW 461  red flour beetle
ETN76239       59 CLEAQKYCWCVHTATGEPIPGTSILnakphceeekptpkskrirknsstasdnvgRDAALMWKFDKLNTNKNQVLERSEW 138  Necator ameri...
CDJ80215      184 CTEKRKMRFLRRLLSSIKTEMIMAGngad----------------------enigRETALKWKFDQLNANNNQVLERSEW 241  barber pole worm
Feature 1                                        # # #      #       
KFQ56686      226 KPFKRYVKkk-------akPKKCARRFTDYCDLNKDKSISLQELKGCLGV 268  Pelecanus crispus
CAA96669      195 KPFKSVLLew-------knVRQCSRNLFKTCDLNKDRKLTFDEWRKCIVQ 237  Caenorhabditis elegans
KFM63039      473 KIFKKEWRsfqkdskqkkrLRKCWRNLPRFCDENDNQKITMDEWLACTSI 522  Stegodyphus mimosarum
ETN65963     1437 KAFREMITat-------rqLRKCGKKMPRYCDVNSDRKITLSEWMSCLDG 1479 Anopheles darlingi
XP_008180872  499 KSFREEMSan-------nkLKRCGKKLPRHCDVNHDNKIGFTEWLNCLNV 541  pea aphid
ERL89004      473 KAFKDMVGav-------ktMRKCGKKLPRYCDSNKDKEISTTEWLDCLNV 515  mountain pine beetle
NP_724871     537 KNFRDLVTsa-------shLRRCGKKMPRYCDVNGDKKISLAEWLNCLQA 579  fruit fly
XP_008199221  462 KIFKEVVAke-------knLRKCGKKLPRYCDINKDRHISMTEWLDCLNV 504  red flour beetle
ETN76239      139 KPYKNALLqw-------kkVKHCSRNFFKTCDVDSNRRLTFEEWRKCIVK 181  Necator americanus
CDJ80215      242 KPYKSLIVqw-------kkVKQCSRSFFKSCDTDANRKLTLEEWKKCFTP 284  barber pole worm

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