Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd17183: FERM_F1_KIND1 
FERM (Four.1 protein, Ezrin, Radixin, Moesin) domain, F1 sub-domain, found in kindlin-1 (KIND1)
KIND1, also termed Kindlerin, or Kindler syndrome protein, or fermitin family homolog 1 (FERMT1), or Unc-112-related protein 1 (URP1), is an integrin-interacting protein that has been implicated in cell adhesion, proliferation, polarity, and motility. It is essential for maintaining the structure of cell-matrix adhesion, such as focal adhesions and podosomes. KIND1 is expressed primarily in epithelial cells. Loss or mutations of KIND1 gene may cause the Kindler syndrome (KS), an autosomal recessive skin disorder with an intriguing progressive phenotype comprising skin blistering, photosensitivity, progressive poikiloderma with extensive skin atrophy, and propensity to skin cancer. KIND1 forms a molecular complex with the key transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta/Smad3 signaling components including type I TGFbeta receptor (TbetaRI), Smad3 and Smad anchor for receptor activation (SARA) to control the activation of TGF-beta/Smad3 signaling pathway. KIND1 consists of an atypical FERM domain that is made up of F1, F2 and F3 domains, as well as an N-terminal region, which precedes the FERM domain and has been referred to as the F0 domain. This family corresponds to the F1 domain.
PSSM-Id: 340703
Aligned: 6 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 150.758
Created: 16-Dec-2016
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
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Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Q9BQL6        95 KMLRLRLPNLKMVRLRVSFSaVVFKAVSDICKILNIRRsEELSLLKPSgdyfkkkkkkdknnkepiiedilnlessptas 174 human
XP_005991151  95 KLLRLQLPNMKTVRLKVSFSsVVFKSVNDICKTLNIRKsEELSLLKPLedsskkkkkkeknnkdpviedilnldnsplsp 174 coelacanth
EMP27352      95 KMLRLCLPNMKTVRLKVSFSsVVFKAVSDICKTLNIRRsEELSLLKQSedtlkkkkkkdknnkepviedilnlynspvis 174 green sea turtle
XP_002665831  94 KSLCIQLPNMKNIKLPVTFSgVVFRAVAEICKTLNIRRtEELSLLKPTdepkkkkkkdkgtdlatdeiltmditggalgm 173 zebrafish
NP_001079432  95 KLLRLRLPNMKTVRLKVSFSaVVFKAVVEVCKILNIRRpEELSLLKPSddyvkkkkkkdnkesvldevinlespnsnsgs 174 African clawed ...
XP_007896475  96 KPLKLQLPNMRTVRLKVSFSaVVFRVVIDICKTLNIRRsEELSLLRPPdesfkkkkrkekakdsvsedildleqlpvspg 175 elephant shark
Q9BQL6       175 gssvspglysktmtpiydpingtpasstmtwfsdsplteqncsilafsqppqspeaLADMYQPRSLVDKAKLNAGWLDSS 254 human
XP_005991151 175 gsiaspglysktmtptydpvngtpasstimwfsdsplaeqncnilavsqpncppevLAKMYHSRTLLDKAKLNSGWLDSS 254 coelacanth
EMP27352     175 gspaspglysktmipiydpvngtpvsstitwfsdspltapncnilafshpscppetLAEMYQPRTLADKAKLNAGWLDSS 254 green sea turtle
XP_002665831 174 yskt----------------mtpiydpdsgspvsstslwyggspltacqpnlppeeLAKLYKPLTMEDKAAINAGWLDSS 237 zebrafish
NP_001079432 175 lpspglysktm--tpmydpvngtpasstitwftdsplaeqscnilaashpnesldiLAQMYQPRTLMEKTRLSSGWLDSS 252 African clawed ...
XP_007896475 176 slaspglysktm-tplfdpvngtplsstvtwfsdspladhncsvlaisqpdltpdiLARMYRPQSHLDKAKVNAGWLDSS 254 elephant shark
XP_005991151 255 RSLMEQGIQEDDKLLLRFKYY 275 coelacanth
EMP27352     255 RSLMEQGVQEDDQLLLRFKYY 275 green sea turtle
XP_002665831 238 RSLMEQGIQENDRLLLRFKYH 258 zebrafish
NP_001079432 253 RSLMEQGFQEDDHLLLRFKYY 273 African clawed frog
XP_007896475 255 RSLMEQGFQENEQLLLRYKYY 275 elephant shark
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