Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd06241: M14-like 
Peptidase M14-like domain; uncharacterized subgroup
Peptidase M14-like domain of a functionally uncharacterized subgroup of the M14 family of metallocarboxypeptidases (MCPs). The M14 family are zinc-binding carboxypeptidases (CPs) which hydrolyze single, C-terminal amino acids from polypeptide chains, and have a recognition site for the free C-terminal carboxyl group, which is a key determinant of specificity. Two major subfamilies of the M14 family, defined based on sequence and structural homology, are the A/B and N/E subfamilies. Enzymes belonging to the A/B subfamily are normally synthesized as inactive precursors containing preceding signal peptide, followed by an N-terminal pro-region linked to the enzyme; these proenzymes are called procarboxypeptidases. The A/B enzymes can be further divided based on their substrate specificity; Carboxypeptidase A-like (CPA-like) enzymes favor hydrophobic residues while carboxypeptidase B-like (CPB-like) enzymes only cleave the basic residues lysine or arginine. The A forms have slightly different specificities, with Carboxypeptidase A1 (CPA1) preferring aliphatic and small aromatic residues, and CPA2 preferring the bulky aromatic side chains. Enzymes belonging to the N/E subfamily enzymes are not produced as inactive precursors and instead rely on their substrate specificity and subcellular compartmentalization to prevent inappropriate cleavage. They contain an extra C-terminal transthyretin-like domain, thought to be involved in folding or formation of oligomers. MCPs can also be classified based on their involvement in specific physiological processes; the pancreatic MCPs participate only in alimentary digestion and include carboxypeptidase A and B (A/B subfamily), while others, namely regulatory MCPs or the N/E subfamily, are involved in more selective reactions, mainly in non-digestive tissues and fluids, acting on blood coagulation/fibrinolysis, inflammation and local anaphylaxis, pro-hormone and neuropeptide processing, cellular response and others. Another MCP subfamily, is that of succinylglutamate desuccinylase /aspartoacylase, which hydrolyzes N-acetyl-L-aspartate (NAA), and deficiency in which is the established cause of Canavan disease. Another subfamily (referred to as subfamily C) includes an exceptional type of activity in the MCP family, that of dipeptidyl-peptidase activity of gamma-glutamyl-(L)-meso-diaminopimelate peptidase I which is involved in bacterial cell wall metabolism.
PSSM-Id: 349460
Aligned: 26 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 247.941
Created: 4-Dec-2007
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
Zn binding siteactive site
Feature 1: Zn binding site [ion binding site], 3 residue positions
Conserved feature residue pattern:[H] [ED] [H]Click to see conserved feature residue pattern help
  • Comment:Metallocarboxypeptidases share the zinc binding motif HXXE...H, where the zinc ion is penta-coordinated to ND1 atoms of the histidines, OE1 and OE2 atoms of the glutamic acid, and to a water molecule in a slightly distorted tetrahedral manner.

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1               #  #                                                                  
NP_251744 136 KPTLLVEAEIHPGEANGKDAMFMLLRDMSAadrplaglleKINLLFIPVVNVDGDLRrsay-------griNQNGPqetG 208 Pseudomonas aerugi...
AAQ58944  134 KPTIYIEAGIHPGEANGKDAGLMLLRDLTVggaqr-alldKVNILFVPTVNIDGDVRygky-------griNQNGPdetG 205 Chromobacterium vi...
NP_925420 101 KDIVLVNAAIHPGEIPGKDAGFAFVRDLVIsgkha-alldGAILVFIPVFGVDGHERfgpy-------triNQNGPeesG 172 Gloeobacter violac...
EDP72062   96 NRILLINNGIHPGESDGIDATMMLYRDIVQgkid---apkKTILVTIPIYNVGGSLNrntg-------trtNQNGPkayG 165 Flavobacteriales b...
EDX78909  100 KPVLMIQAGIHPGEIDGKDAGMMVLRDIAFygkd--alldRVNLILIPILSVDGHERasty-------srpNQRGPriqG 170 Brevundimonas sp. ...
AKQ68439  125 KPVVLAQAGIHSGEIDGKDAGLMLLRDIAHggke--tlldRVDWVFVPILNVDGHERssvw-------srgQQRGPrekG 195 Myxococcus sp. (co...
ADG66044  143 KPTVLAQAGIHAGEIDGKDAGMMLLRDIALrgka--hlldHANLLFIPILNADGHERtsrw-------nrpNQRGPlhqG 213 Planctopirus limno...
AOS44529  117 RPTLLAQAGIHSGEIDGKDAGLMLLRDLAFggka--tllaHANFVLVPVFNADGHEHrsaw-------nrpNQRGPvhqG 187 Opitutaceae bacter...
EKY13030   96 RTIVFINSAIHGNEPDGVDATMLLFRNLAQ----------NEIKLSKNVIVVTIPVY--------------NIGGMl-tG 150 Capnocytophaga sp....
KYF78214   70 RPVVLMLDGIHPGEVEGKEASLALVRDLLDgrhp--dwldSLVLLVAPLFNPDGNDAldpqnrrldlkkltGQPGPv-vG 146 Sorangium cellulosum
Feature 1                                              #                                      
NP_251744 209 WRVNGrNLNLNRDFTKLdSAEIRNVAWVFNHYe-LSFFADTHSTDGAMYPYDssychngn-----gwspassaWMDQVMR 282 Pseudomonas aerugi...
AAQ58944  206 WRVNSrNLNLNRDFAKLdSPEIRNVARVLGQYq-PDFFIDTHSTDGVNYQYDvtycnngq-----gwspassrWMDQVMT 279 Chromobacterium vi...
NP_925420 173 WRTTAqNLNLNRDFLKAdTPEMRVWLNVFERYl-PDLIVDTHDTDGADYQYNltygletgasldpalvawqkvAFEGEIF 251 Gloeobacter violac...
EDP72062  166 FRGNArNYDLNRDFIKSdTKNAKAFAQIFHLVq-PDVFIDNHVSNGADYQYTlthlftqhn----kmggvlgnYIHTQMM 240 Flavobacteriales b...
EDX78909  171 WRNTAtNQNLNRDYLKLdQPEMRSVRGLILKYr-PDLYVDVHVTDGLDYQYDvtygfngedg-sfsrspngsaWLDTVFK 248 Brevundimonas sp. ...
AKQ68439  196 WRGTAqNINLNRDYAKAdAPETRAIIGLLRELd-PALYVDFHVSDGPDMQYDvtytfagwgt--yarssaitdWLEGRFK 272 Myxococcus sp. (co...
ADG66044  214 WRTTAqNLNLNRDYMKAqAPEMQALLRLITVSk-PALYLDIHVTDGVDYQYDitygfhgyre-sfawspqiakWLDQIYR 291 Planctopirus limno...
AOS44529  188 WRTTAqNLNLNRDYMKAdAPEMQAMIGLLRAAd-PALYLDLHVTDGLDHQYDityafegwgegapayspgiaaWLNRRFR 266 Opitutaceae bacter...
EKY13030  151 KKNSEaNYNLNCDFVKAdVENTLSFAKILQEVq-PDIFIDNHVTDVVNAPYVlsystsqie----klgvftggYVRDALL 225 Capnocytophaga sp....
KYF78214  147 TRTQSqGINLNRDYLRQaAPEMRLLQQRVCVPwaPDLTIDNHATNGSVHRFHmtvdvphti---asgraepiaMVRDRLV 223 Sorangium cellulosum
Feature 1                                                                                     
NP_251744 283 KPVyqalesLGHMvhe---------ciSLNDNQDPTQGYypyr---tdlARFSNQYGDIrnvPSILIEQHALHPYKTQVL 350 Pseudomonas aerugi...
AAQ58944  280 PYVyrqlraYGHEpnv---------ciSMNDNEDIGKGYypyy---sdlARFSNQYADVrgiPAILVELHALKPYRQQVL 347 Chromobacterium vi...
NP_925420 252 PAVa----gRGHVvsp---------yiILRDSKDVSKGItqd----psePRFSTGYGALqnrPTLLVETHMLKDYKSRVT 314 Gloeobacter violac...
EDP72062  241 PQLeqkleaKSWDit----------pyVNVFNRTPESGFsqf----mdsPRYSTGYTTLfntLGMMVETHMLKPYKQRVE 306 Flavobacteriales b...
EDX78909  249 PAMngalerEGHIpge---------lvFGIDDDEPKKGLsdg----glgERFSNGWGSAahvPTILIENHSLKPHEQRVL 315 Brevundimonas sp. ...
AKQ68439  273 SSVdaslssQGHVpgv---------ypSLIDGDDPSSGLrfs----pegPRYSTGYGDFtgiPTVLVENHSLKPYKQRVL 339 Myxococcus sp. (co...
ADG66044  292 PGLdqslqaAGHIpgp---------lvFALDKSDLNKGIvdv----pynPRFSTGYGDLihlPTILVENHSLKPFRQRVL 358 Planctopirus limno...
AOS44529  267 PATdtalvqGGHIpgp---------yyEPVNGREPSGGIsig----ngaPRFSTGYGDLrhlPAVLLETHSLKPYRQRVL 333 Opitutaceae bacter...
EKY13030  226 PRLsqq-leKRQLplqs------dslrTPFKQLTLSSHPd--------iPRYATGYVSLwncMSIRINTNGLKPYKQRVE 290 Capnocytophaga sp....
KYF78214  224 PDViaavrkRGFEsgwygnfvederalDANGDVDPTAPVglgwmtyphhPRFGSNYRGLtnrLDLLLECYSYLPFEERVQ 303 Sorangium cellulosum
Feature 1       
NP_251744 351 GN 352 Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1
AAQ58944  348 GN 349 Chromobacterium violaceum ATCC 12472
NP_925420 315 AT 316 Gloeobacter violaceus PCC 7421
EDP72062  307 GT 308 Flavobacteriales bacterium ALC-1
EDX78909  316 GT 317 Brevundimonas sp. BAL3
AKQ68439  340 GA 341 Myxococcus sp. (contaminant ex DSM 436)
ADG66044  359 GT 360 Planctopirus limnophila DSM 3776
AOS44529  334 GT 335 Opitutaceae bacterium IG16b
EKY13030  291 AN 292 Capnocytophaga sp. oral taxon 324 str. F0483
KYF78214  304 TA 305 Sorangium cellulosum

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