Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd18195: BTB_POZ_ZBTB4 
BTB (Broad-Complex, Tramtrack and Bric a brac)/POZ (poxvirus and zinc finger) domain found in zinc finger and BTB domain-containing protein 4 (ZBTB4)
ZBTB4, also called KAISO-like zinc finger protein 1 (KAISO-L1), is a transcriptional repressor with bimodal DNA-binding specificity. It binds with a higher affinity to methylated CpG dinucleotides in the consensus sequence 5'-CGCG-3' but can also bind to the non-methylated consensus sequence 5'-CTGCNA-3', also known as the consensus kaiso binding site (KBS). It can also bind specifically to a single methyl-CpG pair and can bind hemimethylated DNA but with a lower affinity compared to methylated DNA. ZBTB4 contains a BTB/POZ domain, a common protein-protein interaction motif of about 100 amino acids.
PSSM-Id: 349504
Aligned: 4 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 166.222
Created: 12-Sep-2017
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
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Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Q9P1Z0         12 HAPAVLRQLNEQRLRG-LFCDVTLIAG-DTKFPAHRSVLAASSPFFREALLtsaplplppatggaapnpatttaasssss 89   human
XP_015196260   12 HAGTLLSHLNEQRLDGgLFCDVTVIAGdDAKFRAHQSVLAACSPYFRELLSsplplgaaava------------------ 73   spotted gar
OWK50324       12 HCRALLLELNEQRLRG-QFCDVTIIAE-DTKFRAHKNVLAASSPFFKRALAqepac------------------------ 65   Bengalese finch
XP_005997966   10 HPSLLLLQLNDQRLQG-LFCDITLVVE-DTKFKAHRNVLAAVSPYFKELISsqta------------------------- 62  
Q9P1Z0         90 sssssssssssasssssssssspppasppassppRVLELPgVPAAAFSDVLNFIYSARLALpggggdgaaVAEIGALGRR 169  human
XP_015196260   74 ------------------------aapgatqlseRVVELPhLKSGILSDLLDYIYTSRVSLqgs----rgTKQLSEAGKS 125  spotted gar
OWK50324       66 ------------------------------pspaQVLELPgVQAGVFSDVLNFIYNSRLAVpsp----aaARALGAVGRR 111  Bengalese finch
XP_005997966   63 ------------------------------ratdQVLELPdVKAEVFADVLTFIYSSRVFIess----alAKELASTGKK 108 
Q9P1Z0        170 LGISRLQGLGEG 181  human
XP_015196260  126 LGIPFLASLPGD 137  spotted gar
OWK50324      112 LGIPSLQGLEAG 123  Bengalese finch
XP_005997966  109 LGIKCLENLEKS 120 
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