
Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd05401: NT_GlnE_GlnD_like 
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Nucleotidyltransferase (NT) domain of Escherichia coli adenylyltransferase (GlnE), Escherichia coli uridylyl transferase (GlnD), and similar proteins.
Escherichia coli GlnD and -E participate in the Glutamine synthetase (GS)/Glutamate synthase (GOGAT) pathway for the assimilation of ammonium nitrogen. In nitrogen sufficiency, GlnE adenylates GS, reducing GS activity; when nitrogen is limiting, GlnE deadenylates GS-AMP, restoring GS activity. When nitrogen is limiting, GlnD uridylylates the nitrogen regulatory protein PII to PII-UTP, and in nitrogen sufficiency, it removes the modifying groups. The activity of Escherichia coli GlnE is modulated by PII-proteins. PII-UMP promotes GlnE deadenylation activity, and PII promotes GlnE adenylation activity. Escherichia coli GlnE has two separate NT domains. The N-terminal NT domain catalyzes the deadenylylation of GS, and the C-terminal NT domain the adenylylation reaction. The majority of proteins in this family contain a C-terminal NT domain which is associated with a cystathionine beta-synthase (CBS) domain pair and a CAP_ED (cAMP receptor protein effector ) domain. This family belongs to the Pol beta-like NT superfamily. In the majority of enzymes in this superfamily, two carboxylates, Dx[D/E], together with a third more distal carboxylate, coordinate two divalent metal cations involved in a two-metal ion mechanism of nucleotide addition. For the majority of proteins in this family, these carboxylate residues are conserved.
PSSM-Id: 143391
Aligned: 76 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 71.6014
Created: 23-Jul-2007
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
metal binding
Conserved site includes 3 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1: metal binding triad

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1                                                                                        
1V4A_A        92 LFRRRIXVRIAWAQTLAlvte-------------esiLQQLSYLAETLIVAARDWLYdaccrewgtpcnaqgeaqPLLIL 158  Escherichia coli
YP_891774      9 FLKSKDEDSVLASCKDGvlkckkalkkqfiklggrsfGTYQSKEIDKFFKCAFEATKisyfgef----apddeqlPISVI 84   Campylobacter ...
YP_908978      9 KQRFMAMSQPDADGVYRnga---------------akRKARTELAMGNLTQLWNEACeavsf--------dvpatGIGLG 65   Bifidobacteriu...
YP_001466573  17 KEKFLDFKANLPKHFQKnqg--------------rnfTNFLAKEYDDFIKSYLNETMreffdef----vpqndsfAFSIL 78   Campylobacter ...
NP_217434      5 SPCAASDLAVARRELLSgnhrel---------dpvglRQTWLDLHESWLIDKADEIGiad-------------asGFAIV 62   Mycobacterium ...
NP_906294     44 KGEVRHYMEGLEEKFDQnlg--------------rhfSYRHAREMDRLVAFVYKAVIrryfkey----lpplnhvPLVFI 105  Wolinella succ...
NP_823825      5 YGRTYGCRGLGTQRLRGgpaapppe----garsgpprRAALAELTDDWLTGLFDAGGag--------------prGVSLV 66   Streptomyces a...
YP_001250466   9 KNTIKQFKEKLCKDFSQkani-------------tsiTRKLAVFIDTILIQLFIKNKlhf-------------gdNFCLL 62   Legionella pne...
ZP_01856929   17 RTKVEQARQRGQELLRLga----------------sgLQIATAIAESIEQLLLQIIQdqfqqlpe--prqkllvqNCSIL 78   Planctomyces m...
Q5FPT6        50 QTTRENVLSILRRHLGSgnatvrrefe-krrmsgidaARALARQADDMVCALAELAAqkhe----------spgeTLCLC 118  Gluconobacter ...
Feature 1                      # #                                               #               
1V4A_A       159 GXGKLGGGELnfSSDIDLIFAwpehgctqggrreldnaqfftRXGQRLIKVldqptqdgfVYRVDXRLRPFgesgPLVLS 238  Escherichia coli
YP_891774     85 ALGSYALSEMsvRSDIDFFISy-------------------kNVAGYNVKDivk---syiKFLKDINLDINpvyyEIDEL 142  Campylobacter ...
YP_908978     66 AVGSLARGQVgpSSDLDLAVIyepha------------ltdqQLNELANKLw--------YPIWDSGLDLDqsvrTVAQC 125  Bifidobacteriu...
YP_001466573  79 ATGKYAQTLLsaNSELEILLVy-------------------kNLKGYNIKNflke-fseiLDSSGMKFVIKi--aEVDEI 136  Campylobacter ...
NP_217434     63 GVGGLGRRELlpYSDLDVLLLhdg---------------kpaDILRPVADRl-------wYPLWDANIRLDhsvrTVSEA 120  Mycobacterium ...
NP_906294    106 ALGSYGREQLsvHSDIDLMIVykev--------------ggyNLLEMIEKMi--------HIGWDCGLKIShrvhEVGEL 163  Wolinella succ...
NP_823825     67 AVGGYGRGELspRSDLDLLLLhdgg--------------dqgAVAALADRIw--------YPVWDLGLALDhsvrTPAEA 124  Streptomyces a...
YP_001250466  63 ALGSYGRRELqlHSDIDLLILhtek--------------vsnIQLQRAQKFi--------QDCWDVGLEVShqitTVSSC 120  Legionella pne...
ZP_01856929   79 VIGGSGRGLMapYSDVDLLFLyrnq--------------vneEFAAFVGDIv--------RNCWDAGLKLGhslrTISDS 136  Planctomyces m...
Q5FPT6       119 ATGGYGAGLLapFSDIDILFLipgd--------------ptpAMTARIEFIl--------YALWDLGLRVGhatrSIAEC 176  Gluconobacter ...
Feature 1                                                     
1V4A_A       239 FAALEDYYqeqgrdwerYAXVKARI-XGDsegvYANELRAXLRPF 282  Escherichia coli
YP_891774    143 FDAIKDDLel------kTMFYQVRYvCASk--qLYKMTKDKIFEL 179  Campylobacter fetus subsp. fetus 82-40
YP_908978    126 EAVTDRDLpa------aMGWLDVVPiAGDt--gLIESTAVSILER 162  Bifidobacterium adolescentis ATCC 15703
YP_001466573 137 FINFKDDLkf------kSETSQLRYiCGSk--sLYRLVKSEIIKI 173  Campylobacter concisus 13826
NP_217434    121 LTIANSDLma------aLGMLEARHiAGDq--qLSFALIDGVRRQ 157  Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv
NP_906294    164 LEVSRSDIti------kTSFLEARFiCGSk--iLYMETEARIEQI 200  Wolinella succinogenes DSM 1740
NP_823825    125 RKTAGEDLkv------qLGLLDARHlAGDl--aLTAGLRTAVLAD 161  Streptomyces avermitilis MA-4680
YP_001250466 121 ANLASQDLsv------iSTIMDMFLlCGHg--aLMEELIYQTHTL 157  Legionella pneumophila str. Corby
ZP_01856929  137 VKMARTEPef------aTAMIEARAiWGDe--hLAEQLIRSFYRH 173  Planctomyces maris DSM 8797
Q5FPT6       177 VRDADSDLti------rTALLDLRFlHGEr--gLARDLRCALGAD 213  Gluconobacter oxydans 621H

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