Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd05483: retropepsin_like_bacteria 
Bacterial aspartate proteases, retropepsin-like protease family.
This family of bacteria aspartate proteases is a subfamily of retropepsin-like protease family, which includes enzymes from retrovirus and retrotransposons. While fungal and mammalian pepsin-like aspartate proteases are bilobal proteins with structurally related N- and C-termini, this family of bacteria aspartate proteases is half as long as their fungal and mammalian counterparts. The monomers are structurally related to one lobe of the pepsin molecule and function as homodimers. The active site aspartate occurs within a motif (Asp-Thr/Ser-Gly), as it does in pepsin. In aspartate peptidases, Asp residues are ligands of an activated water molecule in all examples where catalytic residues have been identified. This group of aspartate proteases is classified by MEROPS as the peptidase family A2 (retropepsin family, clan AA), subfamily A2A.
PSSM-Id: 133150
Aligned: 184 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 50.7057
Created: 17-Jan-2008
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
catalytic motifCatalytic
Feature 1:catalytic motif [active site]
  • Comment:conserved catalytic motif DT/SG of retropepsin.
  • Citation:PMID 7664111

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1                             ###                                                        
AAX74242     123 GHFEVNGRVn---gARVHFLVDTGASSVVLSQedaeragid--taslnysvPIMTANGQARAASit--iATLQIGdi-er 194 Brucella abortu...
YP_759357    178 GIKQVAITId---gVPVLADFDLGNGNEILLSrefaeragllepanilgtkLGGGIGGPVERTLvr--vETLEIGgh-vl 251 Hyphomonas nept...
ZP_02425033  187 HNFYTDITIg---gRTERFIFDTGCSGASFVSaefakrhd---leiicdsiSVSGIGGNGFVKFat--tDSMQIGpv-ti 257 Alistipes putre...
ZP_01125917   23 ATYYVPVSIag--wGTGDFLVDTGASHMAINQaalnslkandqadyikhliGTLADGGQITVPVyr--iASVMIGqdcvl 98  Nitrococcus mob...
ZP_01960792  183 TTILIPVTIn---gKTYRFIFDTGAGTSFMSErfakevgv---rmlndsltINSTLPGAMNGQMgt--vENMQIGsm-if 253 Bacteroides cac...
ZP_01908271  449 DVIILEIKAd---dATLRMLFDTGASDLLMSDqqahs---------lvigtDAMAPLAAGGPNLpqgqlESLGLGdm-tv 515 Plesiocystis pa...
YP_159590     36 TTFYVQGKIgg--lGTVDLMVDTGSGYMTINEemlatlqga-gqaqyirqlRGRLANGSELDVPvy-aiKAVSIGdgcwl 111 Azoarcus sp. EbN1
YP_431802     52 NKLFVEVEVg---gAPRRFVFDTGSPSMMSAKlakelgl------kvidkrKGRDSHGAIVESEiv--qADLNVGgt-vf 119 Hahella chejuen...
EDN37673      42 QEFIAPYLIakvnqNKAYILFDSGSKGVSIFNssvtqlkl---nksqdsnySLNMAGQKSKNHSvi--lDEIEIGni-hl 115 Francisella tul...
YP_001678451  44 KAPYILAKVn---nRFAYVIFDSGSKGISIFNhsvdqlgl---nqesgsgySSNMVGQKIKNQNvv--lNKIQIGdi-ll 114 Francisella phi...
Feature 1                                      
AAX74242     195 HNVRAMVTKegl------ltgSLLGMNFLQ 218 Brucella abortus biovar 1 str. 9-941
YP_759357    252 RNVTAAVSPpgd------gadANIGVSVLR 275 Hyphomonas neptunium ATCC 15444
ZP_02425033  258 RHPYFMVFDndeasdqighieAVLGTDFMR 287 Alistipes putredinis DSM 17216
ZP_01125917   99 TNVEAAVFPgq--------trNILGLSALR 120 Nitrococcus mobilis Nb-231
ZP_01960792  254 HYPLITVAPpnalds-vmrvdAILGMDFIN 282 Bacteroides caccae ATCC 43185
ZP_01908271  516 KNVPVTMFPadq-------lgAVVGMTGVD 538 Plesiocystis pacifica SIR-1
YP_159590    112 NNVEAAVFPgk--------trAILGLNALQ 133 Azoarcus sp. EbN1
YP_431802    120 HKTPLFVADfpkta--qclfdGVLGSEVLP 147 Hahella chejuensis KCTC 2396
EDN37673     116 NNIKARVTTqpkkk---qypiIVIGLDFLE 142 Francisella tularensis subsp. novicida GA99-3548
YP_001678451 115 KNVEAKITNqpkrk---qypvIVVGTDFLV 141 Francisella philomiragia subsp. philomiragia ATCC 25017

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