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Dunn G, Emsley R, Liu H, et al. Evaluation and validation of social and psychological markers in randomised trials of complex interventions in mental health: a methodological research programme. Southampton (UK): NIHR Journals Library; 2015 Nov. (Health Technology Assessment, No. 19.93.)

Cover of Evaluation and validation of social and psychological markers in randomised trials of complex interventions in mental health: a methodological research programme

Evaluation and validation of social and psychological markers in randomised trials of complex interventions in mental health: a methodological research programme.

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Chapter 1Efficacy and mechanism evaluation


The development of the capability and capacity to implement high-quality clinical research, including the evaluation of complex interventions through randomised trials, is a key priority of the NHS, the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) and the Medical Research Council (MRC).1 The evaluation of complex treatment programmes for mental illness [e.g. cognitive–behavioural therapy (CBT) for depression or psychosis] not only is a vital component of this research in its own right but also provides a well-established model for the evaluation of complex interventions in other clinical areas. It is recognised, however, that randomised trials of psychological treatments need to be implemented on a larger scale than has typically been the case hitherto, and the NIHR Mental Health Research Network (MHRN) was established to foster and support developments in this area. The parallel development of research methodology for the optimal design, implementation and interpretation of the results of such trials is an essential component of these developments. In particular, there is a need for robust methods to make valid causal inferences for explanatory analyses of the mechanisms of treatment-induced change in clinical and economic outcomes in randomised clinical trials. This has been recognised by the MHRN in the formation of a MHRN Methodology Research Group, of which all investigators are members and which is led by the principal investigator in the current project. The MHRN Methodology Research Group is an initiative to bring key scientists in the field together, to develop resources and training programmes, and to foster the development and evaluation of relevant methodologies.

Broadly speaking, the research presented in this report aims to answer four questions about complex interventions/treatments:

  1. Does it work?
  2. How does it work?
  3. Whom does it work for?
  4. What factors make it work better?

In particular, the present project was aimed at strengthening the methodological underpinnings of psychological treatment trials: to develop, evaluate and disseminate statistical and econometric methods for the explanatory analysis of trials of psychological treatment programmes involving complex interventions and multivariate responses.

By explanatory analysis, we mean a secondary analysis in which one tries to explain how a given therapeutic effect has been achieved or, alternatively, why the therapy is apparently ineffective. This is scientifically useful because it can allow investigators to tailor treatments more effectively or to identify different mechanisms. An explanatory trial is one that is designed to answer these questions.

We use psychological treatment trials as an exemplar of complex interventions, but the methodology and associated problems are more generic and can be readily applied to other clinical areas (although this is beyond the scope of this report).

Hand in hand with the development of the methods of analysis there was consideration of more effective designs for these trials, particularly in the choice of social and psychological markers as potential prognostic factors, predictors (moderators) and mediators or candidate surrogate outcomes of clinical treatment effects. We will define these formally later in the chapter; however, in summary, a prognostic variable indicates the long-term treatment-free outcome for patients and a predictive variable interacts with treatment to identify if the treatment effect varies depending on the level of the predictive variable. All of these have direct relevance to the development and evaluation of personalised therapies (stratified medicine).

Much of the methodological work in this area is mirrored by wider interests in statistical methods for biomarker validation2 and the evaluation of their role as putative surrogate outcomes.3 The aim is to add significantly to our understanding of biological and behavioural processes [see the NIHR Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation (EME) programme – www.eme.ac.uk]. Part of the rationale for the present project was to integrate statistical work on surrogate outcome and other biomarker validation with that on the evaluation of mediation in the social and behavioural sciences. We refer to the term ‘marker’ to emphasise this common ground.

The present project was focused on the use of social and psychological markers to assess both treatment effect mediation and treatment effect modification by therapeutic process measures (‘therapeutic mechanisms evaluation’) in the presence of measurement errors, hidden confounding (selection effects) and missing data. The proposed programme of work had three integrated components: (1) the extension of instrumental variable (IV) methods to latent growth curve models and growth mixture models (GMMs) for repeated-measures data; (2) the development of designs and meta-analytic/metaregression methods for parallel trials (and/or strata within trials); and (3) the evaluation of the sensitivity/robustness of findings to the assumptions necessary for model identifiability. A core feature of the programme was the development of trial designs, involving alternative randomisations to different interventions, specifically aimed at solving the identifiability problems. Incidentally, the programme also led to the development of easy-to-use software commands for the evaluation of mediational mechanisms.

The role of the present report is not simply to summarise our research findings (although it will do this) but primarily to disseminate them in a relatively non-technical way in which the philosophy and technical approaches described in the modern causal inference literature can be applied to the design and analysis of rigorous randomised clinical trials for the evaluation of both treatment efficacy and treatment effect mechanisms. These are known as EME trials. This type of trial usually tests if an intervention works in a well-defined group of patients, and also tests the underlying treatment mechanisms, which may lead to improvements in future iterations of the intervention. One particularly promising area of application of this methodological work is in the development of EME trials for personalised therapies (or, more generally, the whole field of personalised or stratified medicine). Our aim here is to promote the full integration of marker information in EME trials in personalised (stratified) therapy.

Treatment efficacy

Let us start with the question ‘Does it work?’, which underpins the concept of treatment efficacy. We begin by describing some of the fundamental ideas of causal inference: the role of potential outcomes (counterfactuals) in the evaluation of treatment effects; average treatment effects (ATEs) and the challenges of confounding and treatment effect heterogeneity; and the challenges and pitfalls of mechanisms evaluation.

What is the effect of therapy?

Alice has suffered from depressive episodes, on and off, for several years. Six months ago a family friend advised her to ask for a course of CBT. She accepted the advice, asked her doctor for a referral to a clinical psychology service and has had several of what she believes to be helpful sessions with the therapist. She is now feeling considerably less miserable. Let us assume that her Beck Depression Inventory (BDI)4 score is now 10, having been 20 6 months ago. What proportion of the drop in the BDI score from 20 to 10 points might be attributed to the receipt of therapy? Has the treatment worked? We ask whether Alice’s depression has improved ‘because of the treatment, despite the treatment, or regardless of the treatment’.5 What would the outcome have been if she had not received a course of CBT? The effect of the therapy is a comparison of what is and what might have been. It is counterfactual. We wish to estimate the difference between Alice’s observed outcome (i.e. after the sessions of CBT) and the outcome that would have been observed if, contrary to fact, she had carried on with treatment (if any) as usual.6 Without the possibility of comparison, the treatment effect is not defined. Prior to the decision to treat (treatment allocation in the context of an RCT), we can think of two potential outcomes:

BDI following 6 months of therapy: BDI(T).

BDI following 6 months in the control condition: BDI(C).

The effect of therapy is the difference (Δ): Δ = BDI(T) – BDI(C).

This is called the individual treatment effect, which, since the BDI is a continuous score, is the difference between BDI(T) and BDI(C). The problem, however, is that this effect can never be observed. Any given individual receives treatment and we observe BDI(T), or the person receives the control condition and we observe BDI(C). We never observe both: we know the outcome of psychotherapy for Alice but the outcome that we might have seen had she not received therapy remains an unobserved counterfactual.

Efficacy: the average treatment effect

For a given individual, the effect of therapy is the difference Δ = BDI(T) – BDI(C) and, over a relevant population of individuals, the ATE is Ave[BDI(T) – BDI(C)]. Here we use ‘Ave[]’ instead of the mathematical statisticians’ customary expectation operator ‘E[]’ in order to make the discussion a little easier for the non-mathematically trained reader to follow (but later in the report we will use ‘E[]’ because of the need for both clarity and precision). Therefore, the efficacy of the therapy is the average of the individual treatment effects. How do we estimate efficacy? The ideal is through a well-designed and well-implemented randomised controlled trial (RCT).

Confounding and the role of randomisation

Note the simple mathematical equality:


If the selection of treatment options is purely random (as in a perfect RCT in which all participants are exposed to the treatment to which they have been allocated) then immediately it follows from the random allocation of treatment that:


Here ‘Ave[BDI|Treatment]’ means ‘the average of the BDI scores in the treated group’.

If treatment is randomly allocated, then efficacy is the difference between the average of the outcomes after treatment and the average of the outcomes under the control condition. It is estimated by simply comparing the corresponding averages resulting from the implemented trial. This straightforward and simple approach to the data analysis arises from the fact that treatment allocation and outcome do not have any common causes (the only influence on treatment allocation is the randomisation procedure) and therefore the effect of treatment receipt on clinical outcome is not subject to confounding.

Readers should note at this stage that this simple situation applies only if there is perfect adherence to (or compliance with) the randomly allocated treatments. If there are departures from the allocated treatments then the familiar intention-to-treat (ITT) estimator (i.e. compare outcomes as randomised) does not provide us with an unbiased estimator of efficacy. It provides an estimate of the effect of offer of treatment (effectiveness) and not the effect of actually receiving it (but is still not subject to confounding, as it is just estimating something subtly different from treatment efficacy). Common alternatives are the so-called per-protocol analysis (restricting the analyses to the outcomes for only those participants who have complied with their treatment application) and as-treated analysis (ignoring randomisation altogether). Both of these are potentially flawed. Both are likely to be subject to confounding by treatment-free prognosis: patients withdrawing from treatment, or being withdrawn by their clinician, may have quite a different prognosis from those who remain on therapy. In general, using a more general notation of Y for an outcome variable rather than BDI, we introduce potential outcomes Y(T) and Y(C). It is important to remember that generally:


Accordingly, how do we approach the problem of estimating efficacy (rather than effectiveness) in the presence of non-compliance? We will describe this below; however, first we introduce the problem (challenge) of treatment effect heterogeneity.

Treatment effect heterogeneity

Returning to our therapeutic intervention to improve levels of depression, there is no reason to believe that the individual treatment effect, Δ = BDI(T) – BDI(C), is constant from one individual to another. It is very likely to be variable, and we would like to evaluate how it might depend on potential moderators (‘predictive markers’ in the jargon of stratified or personalised medicine) and process measures such as the strength of the therapeutic alliance. Indeed, it is an article of faith among the personalised therapy community that there will be high levels of treatment effect heterogeneity among the general population and, given our ability to find markers that will be good predictors of treatment effect differences, these markers should then be very useful in the selection of therapies that might be optimal for patients with a given set of characteristics. This will form the basis of later discussions, but here we will illustrate the implications of treatment effect heterogeneity for efficacy estimation in RCTs for which there is a substantial amount of non-compliance with allocated treatment (compliance assumed for simplicity to be either all or none).

Staying with our relatively simple RCT in which we allocate participants to a treatment or a control condition, we can envisage situations in which those allocated to treatment fail to turn up for any of their therapy. There may also be participants who were allocated to the control condition but who, for whatever reason, actually received a course of therapy. Here the decision concerning the actual receipt of treatment is not determined by the trial investigators and, in particular, it is certainly not solely determined by the randomisation (although we would hope that, compared with the control participants, a considerably higher proportion of those allocated to the treatment condition would actually receive the therapy). An obvious question now is ‘What is the effect of treatment in the treated participants?’. Similarly, we might ask what the effect of treatment might have been in those who did not receive it. These two treatment effects are the average effect of treatment in the treated and the average effect of treatment in the untreated. If treatment effects were homogeneous (i.e. the same for everyone in the trial or equivalent target population) then these two ATEs would be identical and therefore the same as the ATE. If there is treatment effect heterogeneity, however, and actual receipt of treatment is in some way associated with treatment efficacy, then life becomes considerably more complicated. Frequently, we cannot estimate without bias the average effect of treatment in the people treated under these circumstances, but we can still define a group of participants for which we might be able to infer a treatment effect progress using randomisation (together with some additional assumptions). We refer to this group as the compliers and the average effect of treatment in the compliers as the complier-average causal effect (CACE).7

The complier-average causal effect

Barnard et al.8 have described a RCT in which there is non-compliance with allocated treatment together with subsequent loss to follow-up as ‘broken’. Our aim is to make sense of the outcome data from a broken trial. Can the broken trial be ‘mended’? Yes, but subject to the validity of a few assumptions. Before proceeding with this topic, however, we stress that, in a randomised trial, non-adherence or non-compliance with an allocated therapy or other intervention is neither an indicator of a trial’s failure (or lack of quality) nor a judgement on the trial participants. Especially in mental health, non-compliance can arise from patients making the wisest choice as they gather more information; for example, there may have been an adverse event which appeared to be linked to the therapy and, in this case, the patient’s doctor may have been involved in the decision to withdraw from treatment. The analysis of data from trials with a significant amount of non-compliance does need careful thought, however, particularly if non-compliance increases the risk of there being no follow-up data on outcome. Returning to our hypothetical trial with two types of non-compliance with allocated treatment (failure to turn up if you are in the therapy group, obtaining therapy if you are a control), we start by following Angrist et al.7 and postulate that a trial comprises up to four types or classes of patient:

  1. those who will always receive therapy irrespective of their allocation (always treated)
  2. those who will never receive therapy irrespective of their allocation (never treated)
  3. those who receive therapy if and only if they are allocated to the treatment arm (compliers)
  4. those who receive therapy if and only if they are allocated to the control arm (defiers).

It is reasonable to assume that under most circumstances there are no defiers7 (the so-called monotonicity assumption), leaving us with three classes (the always treated, the never treated and compliers). However, we cannot always identify which class a particular participant should belong to; a patient who is allocated to the treatment group who then receives therapy is either always treated or a complier, and a participant who is allocated to the control group and who actually experiences the control condition is either never treated or a complier. However, a participant who is allocated to treatment and fails to receive therapy must be a member of the never treated. Similarly, a participant who is allocated to the control group and in fact receives therapy must be a member of the always treated.

The CACE is defined as the average effect of treatment in the compliers. This is the average effect that we hope we can estimate. However, first we have to make two additional assumptions:

  1. As a direct result of randomisation the proportions of the three classes are (on average) the same in the two arms of the trial.
  2. The effects of random allocation (i.e. the ITT effects) on outcome in the always treated and the never treated are both zero (the so-called exclusion restrictions). Note that this is not the same as saying that the ATEs (if they could be estimated) would be zero.

Following assumption 1 we can immediately estimate the proportion of the always treated from the proportion receiving therapy in the control group. Similarly, the proportion of the never treated follows from the proportion in the treatment group who fail to turn up for their therapy. The proportion of compliers is then what is left. Representing these three proportions as PAT, PNT and PC, respectively, and the associated ITT effects in the three classes as ITTAT, ITTNT and ITTC, then it should be clear that the overall ITT effect is the weighted sum of these class-specific effects:


The CACE is estimated by ITTC, and the other two ITT effects on the right-hand side of the equation (ITTAT and ITTNT) have both been assumed to be zero. It follows immediately that the CACE can be estimated by dividing the overall ITT effect by the estimated proportion of compliers (which, itself, is actually the ITT effect on the receipt of therapy: the arithmetic difference between the proportion receiving therapy in the treatment arm and the proportion receiving therapy in the control arm).

In the absence of treatment effect heterogeneity, the CACE estimate provides us with an estimate of the ATE. If this is actually the case, then it is clear that the overall ITT effect is a biased estimator of the ATE (it is attenuated, shrunk towards the null hypothesis of a zero treatment effect, the shrinkage being the proportion of compliers, PC). If, however, we are convinced that there is a possibility of treatment effect heterogeneity, then all we can say is that the CACE estimate is simply the estimated treatment effects for the compliers in this particular trial. It tells us nothing about the ATE in the always treated and never treated, and it follows that we have only limited information about the ATE (bounds can be determined for the ATE9,10 but this is beyond the scope of the present report). If, in a subsequent trial (or trials), the conditions are such that different participants are induced to be compliers, then the CACE will shift accordingly. It is a challenge to use one particular CACE estimate to generalise or predict what the ATE in the compliers will be under different circumstances.

Here, we have introduced the CACE to illustrate how treatment effect heterogeneity can complicate and threaten the validity of apparently straightforward estimators of ATEs (efficacy). Although treatment effect heterogeneity holds out great promise for the development of personalised therapies, it is also a potential nuisance and trap for the unwary. Exposure to the concept of the CACE, however, is also motivated by other considerations. Treatment receipt provides a simple introduction to mediation. Random allocation encourages participants to take part in therapy (or not, if they are in the control arm), which in turn influences clinical outcomes. The exclusion restrictions (random allocation has no effect on outcome in the always treated and the never treated) are equivalent to the assumptions that there is no direct effect of randomisation on outcome but that the effect of randomisation is completely mediated by treatment received. Randomisation, here, is an example of an IV (see Chapter 3) and the above expression for the CACE estimate is an example of what is known as an IV estimator.7 Finally, the four latent classes of Angrist et al.7 (always treated, never treated, compliers and defiers) also provide a relatively simple and straightforward example of principal stratification,11 an idea which will be described in some detail in Chapters 2 and 3.

Therapeutic mechanisms

We have discussed the rationale of efficacy estimation in some detail. What about the second component of EME: the challenge of evaluating mechanisms? ‘How does the treatment/complex intervention work?’. We will illustrate this with a description of a trial currently funded by the NIHR EME programme, the Worry Intervention Trial (WIT).12 Here, we summarise the trial protocol.

The approach taken by the WIT was to improve the treatment by focusing on key individual symptoms and to develop interventions that are designed to target the mechanisms that are thought to maintain them. In the investigators’ earlier work, worry had been found to be an important factor in the development and maintenance of persecutory delusions. Worry brings implausible ideas to mind, keeps them in mind and makes the ideas distressing. The aim of the trial was to test the effect of a cognitive–behavioural intervention to reduce worry in patients with persecutory delusions and, very relevant to the context of the present report, determine how the worry treatment might reduce delusions. WIT involved randomising 150 patients with persecutory delusions either to the worry intervention in addition to standard care or to standard care alone. The principal hypotheses to be evaluated by the trial results are that a worry intervention will reduce levels of worry and that it will also reduce the persecutory delusions.

The key features of WIT are to establish that (1) the worry intervention reduces levels of worry, (2) the worry intervention reduces the severity of persecutory delusions and (3) the reduction in levels of worry leads to a reduction in persecutory delusions [i.e. that worry is a mediator of the effect of the intervention on the important clinical outcome (persecutory delusions)]. It is reasonably straightforward to establish the efficacy of the intervention in terms of its influence on worry (the intermediate outcome) and on persecutory delusions (the ‘final’ outcome). It is also straightforward to show whether or not levels of worry are associated or correlated with levels of persecutory delusions. However, this association could arise from three sources (not necessarily mutually exclusive): worry may have a causal influence on delusions; delusions may have a causal influence on worry; and there may be common causes of both (some or all of them neither measured nor even suspected to exist). As the randomised intervention is very clearly targeting worry, it seems reasonable to assume that worry is the intermediate outcome (mediator) leading to persecutory delusions, and not vice versa. Ruling out or making adjustments for common causes (confounding) is much more of a challenge. Another challenge is measurement error in the intermediate outcome (mediator). Finally, we have to deal with missing data (missing values for the mediator, missing values for the final outcome or both). Methods for tackling these problems will be discussed in detail in Chapter 2.

The evaluation of mediation is a key component of mechanisms evaluation for complex interventions. A second important aspect of mechanisms evaluation is the role of psychotherapeutic processes as a possible explanation of treatment effect heterogeneity. This answers the question ‘What factors make the treatment work better?’. For example, how might the treatment effect be influenced by characteristics of the therapeutic process such as the amount of therapy received (sessions attended), adherence to treatment protocols (the fidelity/validity of the treatment received13) or the strength of the therapeutic alliance between therapist and patient?14 Although they are modifiers of the effects of treatment, such process measures are integral to the therapy (they do not precede the therapy) and cannot be regarded as predictive markers or treatment moderators. One major hurdle in the evaluation of the role of these process measures is that they are not measured (or even defined) in the absence of therapy; they cannot be measured in the control participants. One cannot measure the strength of the therapeutic alliance in the absence of therapy. Second, the potential effect modifiers are likely to be measured with a considerable amount of measurement error (number of sessions attended, for example, is only a proxy for the ‘dose’ of therapy; rating scales for strength of the therapeutic alliance will have only modest reliability). Third, there are also likely to be hidden selection effects (hidden confounding). A participant may, for example, have a good prognosis under the control condition (no treatment). If that same person were to receive treatment, however, the factors that predict good outcome in the absence of treatment would also be likely to predict good compliance with the therapy (e.g. number of sessions attended or strength of the therapeutic alliance). Severity of symptoms or level of insight, measured at the time of randomisation, for example, is likely to be a predictor of both treatment compliance and treatment outcome. They are potential confounders. If we were to take a naive look at the associations between measures of treatment compliance and outcomes in the treated group, then we would most likely be misled. These associations would reflect an inseparable mix of selection and treatment effects (i.e. the inferred treatment effects would be confounded). We can allow for confounders in our analyses, if they have been measured, but there will always be some residual confounding that we cannot account for. The fourth and final challenge to be considered here arises from missing outcome data. Data are unlikely to be missing purely by chance. Prognosis, compliance with allocated treatment and the treatment outcome itself are all potentially related to loss to follow-up, which, in turn, leads to potentially biased estimates of treatment effects, their mediated parts and estimates of the influences of treatment effect modifiers. These methodological issues will be discussed in detail in Chapter 3.

Personalised therapy

The explicit notion of the heterogeneity of the causal effect of treatment on outcome, and the search for patient characteristics (i.e. markers) that will explain this heterogeneity and will be useful in subsequent treatment choice, is at the very core of what we label as personalised therapy. This answers our question ‘Whom does the treatment work for?’.

Other names that have been used for this activity in the wider context of medical and health-care research are ‘personalised medicine’, ‘stratified medicine’ (stratification implying classifying patients in terms of their probable response to treatment), ‘predictive medicine’, ‘genomic medicine’ and ‘pharmacogenomics’. None of these names, on its own, is fully satisfactory, but taken together they convey most of the essential information. We start by assuming that there is treatment effect heterogeneity: a given treatment will be more beneficial for some patients than for others. If we have a second competing treatment available for the same condition, then we also assume that it too will display varying efficacy but, with luck, it will be (most) beneficial for the patients for whom the first treatment seems to offer little promise (a distinct possibility if the second treatment has a completely different mechanism of action). A related approach might be motivated by reduction in the incidence of unpleasant or life-threatening side effects (possibly more relevant to drug treatment than psychotherapies but they should always be borne in mind). None of this knowledge is of any practical value, however, unless we can identify (in advance of treatment allocation) which patients might gain most benefit from each of the treatment options. We need access to pre-treatment characteristics (markers, often biological or biomarkers, but also including social, demographic and clinical indicators) that singly or jointly predict (i.e. are correlated or associated with) treatment effect heterogeneity. These so-called predictive markers (more familiarly known as treatment moderators in the psychological literature) can be identified through prior biological or psychological (cognitive) theory concerning treatment mechanisms or through statistical searches but, before they can be incorporated into a large clinical trial to validate their use, the preliminary evidence for their predictive role needs to be pretty convincing. If the predictive biomarker passes this preliminary hurdle, our contention is that a large trial of efficacy, designed to evaluate both treatment effect heterogeneity and corresponding mediational mechanisms, will provide a richer and more robust foundation for personalised or stratified therapy. We will return to these thoughts in detail in Chapter 5.

Markers and their potential roles

We start with the rather confusing terminology and with definitions provided by Simon:15 ‘a “prognostic biomarker” is a biological measurement made before treatment to indicate long-term outcome for patients either untreated or receiving standard treatment’ and ‘a “predictive biomarker” is a biological measurement made before treatment to identify which patient is likely or unlikely to benefit from a particular treatment’. In our view, both definitions need to be clarified and expanded in the context of a given evaluative RCT (we will interpret ‘biological marker’ here as meaning any type of useful biological, psychological, social or clinical information). Let us assume that we are planning to run a controlled psychotherapy trial: supposedly active therapy [plus treatment as usual (TAU)] versus TAU alone. Here, a purely prognostic marker would be a marker for which the effect on patient outcome is identical in the two arms of the trial (i.e. we would need to include no interactions between marker and treatment but only the independent effects of marker and randomised treatment in, for example, a generalised linear model to describe the treatment outcomes). Equivalently, the treatment’s effect on outcome does not vary with (is independent of) the value of a prognostic marker. On the other hand, the treatment’s effect is dependent on (predicted by) the value of a predictive marker (i.e. there would be a need to include, and estimate, the size of interactions between marker and treatment in the model to describe the treatment outcomes). In the extensive literature in the behavioural and social sciences (and mental health trials) a predictive marker would be called a treatment moderator;16,17 the baseline marker moderates or modifies the effect of the subsequent treatment. Our prognostic marker is usually referred to as a predictor or predictive variable. To add to the confusion, these definitions imply not that a predictive marker has no prognostic value but simply that its prognostic value is different in the two arms of the trial (another interpretation of the marker by treatment interaction). Graphical representations of the effects of prognostic and predictive biomarkers are illustrated in Figure 1.

FIGURE 1. Graphical representations of the effects of (a) prognostic and (b) predictive markers.


Graphical representations of the effects of (a) prognostic and (b) predictive markers. Black arrows indicate causal effects (the heavy lines being the ones of particular interest); the green arrow indicates moderation of the effect of treatment on outcome. (more...)

In the present report, we are primarily concerned with the distinction between prognostic and predictive markers, but of course we also discuss markers of mediational mechanisms and therapeutic processes. We use the terms ‘prognostic marker’ and ‘predictive marker’ to indicate measurements made prior to treatment allocation (i.e. a subset of the more general profile of potential baseline covariates in a conventional randomised trial, genetic markers being particularly prominent). Returning to measurements made after the onset of treatment, the third type of biomarker that would be potentially very useful is a marker of the function targeted by the treatment (i.e. the putative mediator). In some situations, investigators might wish to evaluate and promote the putative treatment effect mediator as a surrogate outcome; however, the evaluation of surrogate outcomes is not a topic that we wish to pursue here.

The rest of the report: where do we go from here?

In the next chapter we discuss the statistical evaluation of treatment effect mediation in some detail, starting with long-established strategies from the psychological literature,1719 with the possibility of using prognostic markers for confounder adjustment, introducing definitions of direct and indirect effects based on potential outcomes (counterfactuals) (together with appropriate methods for their estimation), and then moving on to methods allowing for the possibility of hidden confounding between mediator and final outcome. In Chapter 3 we start by criticising the usual naive approach to evaluating the modifying effects of process measures (correlating their values with clinical outcomes in the treated group, with no reference to the controls) and then describe modern methods developed from the use of IVs14 and principal stratification.7,11 Chapter 4 extends the ideas from these two chapters to cover trials involving longitudinal data structures (repeated measures of the putative mediators and/or process variables, as well as of clinical outcomes). Chapter 5 considers the challenge of trial design in the context of the use of IV methods and principal stratification. A considerable proportion of the discussion within this chapter will focus on EME trials for personalised therapy. Many of the statistical methods for mechanisms evaluation in EME trials (in fact all of them) require assumptions that are not testable using the data at hand. We will discuss sensible strategies for the reporting and interpretation of a given set of trial results (Appendices 5 and 6 summarise the results of a series of Monte Carlo simulations to assess the sensitivity of the results to departures from these assumptions). In Chapter 6, we finish with a general overview of our results and discussion of possibilities for future research but, perhaps more importantly, we provide a practical guideline for the design and analysis of EME trials with accompanying software scripts to help readers implement their own analysis strategies.

Copyright © Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO 2015. This work was produced by Dunn et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the Secretary of State for Health. This issue may be freely reproduced for the purposes of private research and study and extracts (or indeed, the full report) may be included in professional journals provided that suitable acknowledgement is made and the reproduction is not associated with any form of advertising. Applications for commercial reproduction should be addressed to: NIHR Journals Library, National Institute for Health Research, Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre, Alpha House, University of Southampton Science Park, Southampton SO16 7NS, UK.

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