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Journal Article Tag Suite Conference (JATS-Con) Proceedings 2022 [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Center for Biotechnology Information (US); 2022.

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Journal Article Tag Suite Conference (JATS-Con) Proceedings 2022 [Internet].

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JATS from Markdown

Developer friendly single-source scholarly publishing

, , and .

Author Information and Affiliations

Software is an integral part of modern research and as a consequence, it is becoming increasingly important to find ways to acknowledge and credit this work through publication. The Journal of Open Source Software JOSS) is a developer friendly, open access journal for research software packages. Authors of JOSS submissions are generally comfortable with tools commonly used by software developers, as such, the JOSS paper format, submission, and review process happen in a developer-focused way with papers written in Markdown (a lightweight markup-language) and the review happening on GitHub.

Here we present the single-source publishing pipeline developed for JOSS, especially the conversion of articles authored in Markdown into PDF and XML formats, including JATS. We describe how we built on and extended the document converter pandoc, how metadata is processed and integrated into the publishing artifacts, and which advantages and challenges we see in enriching plain-text inputs into structured documents.


The Journal of Open Source Software, created in May 2016, has the dual goals of “improving the quality of the software submitted and providing a mechanism for research software developers to receive credit”.[1]

We developed a publishing system to go from Markdown to JATS in a mostly automated fashion. The system follows the general idea of using Markdown as the central format of a document production system, which has been described previously.[2]

The idea of using Markdown to produce JATS output has been described previously[3]; our method differs in that we consider JATS not as an intermediary format, but as the normalized exchange format for articles. The source for all output formats remains the author-generated Markdown file.

Journal of Open Source Software

The JOSS experience is designed to be family to software developers. It uses the same infrastructure that many software authors are already using, and models its reviewing and publishing processes around this as well.

Reviewing and publishing happens mostly on the software collaboration platform GitHub. Authors and editors are supported by an “editorialbot”, a software that can be controlled through comments posted to the website[4]. It automates many aspects of the editorial checks including information on the submitted software, generates PDF proofs for the convenience of authors and reviewers, checking citation metadata and triggering the final publishing step in case of paper acceptance.

Papers, published under a Creative Commons license, are immediately uploaded to the journal’s website and archived in a public git repository.

This paper focuses on the publishing system, i.e., the component producing proofs and final artifacts, with the Markdown-to-JATS conversion as the major point of interest.

Markup Conversion

Below we demonstrate how a the conversion takes plance by examining some key document structures and how they are represented in Markdown and converted to JATS. This should not be understood as a complete reference, but as a few examples to demonstrate the general system capabilities.

Emphasis Markup

The markup in Markdown in supposed to be semantic, not presentational. The table below gives a small example.

Mathematical Formulæ

Markdown allows the inclusion of mathematical formulæ using TeX notation, where the math is delimited by single dollar $ characters for inline math, and double $$ characters for display math. A formula like a2+b2=c2 is rendered as

<![CDATA[a^2 + b^2 = c^2]]>
    <mml:math display="inline"

Whitespace and indentations are not as in the generated output but were added for readability.

Note that the XML includes both the raw TeX markup as well as the MathML representation.

Code listings

There are multiple ways in which code blocks can be written in Markdown. The most frequently used syntax delimits the code by three backticks on a separate line, where the programming language can optionally be given on the opening line.

``` html
<h1>HTML heading</h1>

Code blocks are put into <code> elements. If the language is unknown, then <preformat> is used instead. No syntax highlighting is done when targeting JATS.


Pandoc currently uses implicit figures, i.e., paragraphs that contain only an image are treated as figures.

![The figure caption](image-path.jpg "optional title")
  <caption><p>The figure caption</p></caption>
  <graphic mimetype="image" mime-subtype="jpeg"
           xlink:title="optional title" />

Linebreaks in the graphic element above were added for readability.


The most common way to write tables are so-called “pipe tables”, named in reference to the pipe character | being used as column separator.

: Table caption

| Item | Name |
| 1    | Fork |
| 2    | Glas |

As demonstrated above, a caption for the table can be added by prefixing a line before the table with a colon :.

    <p>Table caption</p>

More complex tables, e.g. with cells spanning multiple columns or rows, can currently not be represented in Markdown syntax. However, Markdown, due in part to its origins as a blogging tool, allows to embed raw HTML. Pandoc can be configured to parse and convert these snippets, so it would be possible to fall back to HTML when necessary.


BibTeX, and the advanced reimplementation BibLaTeX, are popular reference management systems. The .bib text files used by these tools can be regarded as a kind of lingua franca of reference handling, as most systems can read and write the format. Due to this familiarity to most authors, and as pandoc has full support for bib files, these the preferred source for bibliography generation.

Pandoc uses the Citation Style Language (CSL) to style citations as well as the bibliography. By default, <mixed-citation> elements are used and filled with plain (untagged) text that is formatted according to the requirements of the current CSL.

For JOSS, however, we chose to use the alternative <element-citation> elements, which can be enabled via an pandoc option. This allows round-trips from bib to JATS and back, should it ever be necessary.


The unconventional nature of the system increases the importance of easy deployment and usability: Software developers are very accustomed to Markdown as a tool for software documentation and exchange, but less used to using it for publishing. As part of the JOSS experience, authors are offered an easy way to generate artifacts like a PDF preview of their paper in the review thread itself by issuing commands such as @editorialbot generate pdf.

Pandoc is the base component of the publishing pipeline, with scripts, templates, and configuration files as another essential part.


The publishing component is containerized and available as a Docker image from multiple container registries. Authors can use the image in a fashion similar to a normal command line program, generating PDF and JATS output just by pointing the program to the article’s Markdown file.

Familiarity with the command line should not be a prerequisite for article authors. For that reason, and since most published software is developed on GitHub, we provide a “GitHub Action” that can be enabled by placing a file with a few lines of code in the software’s repository. This will build the publishing artifacts on a remote server and make the artifacts available for download each time the repository is updated.

Conversion Adjustments

The conversion process by stock pandoc is not always sufficient for a satisfactory XML output. E.g., many authors are used to writing LaTeX, and include raw LaTeX snippets in the Markdown input. These snippets will be used when producing PDF output, but do not show up in other output formats. The most common use of such snippets is for document-internal cross-references.

Pandoc offers a feature called “Lua filters” that allows to modify the abstract document tree programmatically. We made heavy use of Lua filters to improve and shape the conversion process.


Markdown support for cross-references is limited. For example, there is no automatic numbering of figures or tables, as there is in LaTeX. However, as many authors are familiar with the respective LaTeX mechanisms, the decision was made to add support for these features.

The system checks the document for raw LaTeX code relevant for cross-referencing. The snippets are then processed further in a Lua filter, using pandoc’s LaTeX parser to read the raw LaTeX.

Below is example Lua code, showing the kind of processing necessary to support LaTeX cross-references.

-- Function called on all raw inline snippets.
RawInline = function (raw)
  -- Do nothing if the snippet does not contain TeX code.
  if not raw.format == 'tex' then
    return nil

  -- Check if code is related to cross-references.
  -- If it is, then parse the snippet as LaTeX and
  -- use the parse-result to replace the snippet
  -- in the document structure.
  local is_ref_or_label = raw.text:match '^\\ref%{'
    or raw.text:match '^\\autoref'
    or raw.text:match '^\\label%{.*%}$'
  if is_ref_or_label then
    -- parse TeX as a document;
    -- use first paragraph of the result.
    local first = pandoc.read(raw.text, 'latex').blocks[1]
    return first and first.content or nil

  -- Otherwise do nothing.
  return nil

The actual numbering of equations and tables, not shown here, is done in the filter as well.


The systems primary format for metadata is YAML, a “human-friendly data serialization language”[5]. Pandoc supports the specification of article metadata in YAML blocks, either directly in the article file or in separate metadata files.

title: Exemplum
date: 2022-05-02

Three different types of metadata are differentiated in the publishing system: journal metadata, typically included in the <journal-meta> element, as well as author-supplied and system-generated article metadata. Journal metadata are hard-coded into a global configuration file, while author-supplied metadata, like title and contributors, are taken from the YAML header of the Markdown file. System-generated article-metadata include the DOI, submission and acceptance dates, as well as volume and issue numbers, and are passed to the pipeline only when building the final publishing artifacts.

All three types of metadata are merged into the article object; journal metadata is given the highest precedence, followed by system-generated metadata, thereby ensuring that authors cannot overwrite any of these data in the final artifacts.

We use pandoc’s metadata schema for JATS output, which can be thought of as a restricted subset of JATS frontmatter. As the focus is on author convenience, and due in part to historical decisions and part to the limitations of YAML, the system performs a normalization step on the user-provided metadata. This includes the linking of authors with their affiliations, as well as parsing of names into firstname, surname, and suffixes. Authors can add details and override the algorithm in case this automatic parsing fails.

The structure to specify authors and affiliations is influenced by historical decisions going back to a previous publishing system, but is focused on simplicity. Each author is given as a list item in the authors field. Affiliations are declared via references to affiliation indexes.

  - name: John Doe
    orcid: 0000-1234-5678-901X
    affiliation: 1

  - name: Federation of Planets
    index: 1

Advantages and Drawbacks

This pipeline is well suited for a journal like JOSS, where there is a heavy focus on automation and reducing manual steps in the publishing process.

Output Formats

Besides JATS, the publishing pipeline is also used to produce PDF/ output suitable for publishing and archiving[6]. Just as JATS, the PDF is generated directly from the Markdown input via pandoc and LaTeX; the author-submitted text files constitute the source in this single source publishing workflow. Furthermore, the pipeline is also used to produce Crossref XML.

It would be possible to extended the system to produce HTML, EPUB, or other target formats supported by pandoc. The main obstacle for this is the handling of metadata, as the converter assumes a simpler metadata structure for most formats than what it supports for JATS. This can be resolved with moderate effort by using custom template that includes all relevant variables in the output.

Markup expressiveness

The limited number of markup elements helps to produce semantically tagged output. However, Markdown is, by design, less expressive than JATS. For example, there is no standard way in Markdown to add a title to the caption of a figure or table, to build an index, or to specify inline attribution information for a quote or graph, all of which are supported in JATS. Similar problems arise when targeting HTML, especially when adding inline semantic information.

While it is possible to encode semantics in Markdown[2], and to extend pandoc via various methods (e.g., Lua filters) to map this data into the appropriate tags, these extensions will typically be ad hoc and might require new standardization efforts to prevent the development of new and incompatible conventions.

Nonetheless, we found Markdown to be sufficiently expressive for all articles published in JOSS, and believe that the simplicity and author convenience justifies its use as the base format in a single-source publishing workflow.


The publishing system is currently geared towards JOSS, but could be adjusted to suit different journals as well.* All software used by JOSS, including the publishing pipeline, is Open Source and available under an OSI approved license. The sources can be found on the GitHub account of the Open Journals organization.

One aspect worth highlighting in this context is that, due to pandoc’s wide range of supported input formats, the pipeline could be modified to work with additional or alternative input formats. Work is underway to build a modified version that works with reStructuredText[7]. Support for other formats, like Emacs org[8], Quarto[9], Jupyter notebooks, or even Docx, would be possible as well.


Our pipeline implements a single-source publishing workflow that uses the author-provided Markdown document and BibTeX file as primary input, producing JATS, PDF, and Crossref XML.

The pandoc document converter supports common scientific document components like code listings, tables, formulæ, and figures, allowing automated tagging, as well as the production of visually-focused artifacts. This is enhanced further by customizing the document conversion process via various pandoc mechanisms, including custom Lua scripts for metadata handling and document-internal cross-references.

The system presented here allows for the quick generation of article proofs and archiving artifacts. This, combined with the heavy focus on automation in JOSS, enables a single-source workflow that supports a very short write–review cycle, as well as direct and effortless publishing.


Smith AM, Niemeyer KE, Katz DS, Barba LA, Githinji G, Gymrek M, et al. Journal of open source software (JOSS): Design and first-year review. PeerJ Computer Science [Internet]. 2018 Feb;4:e147. Available from: https://doi​.org/10.7717/peerj-cs.147 . [PMC free article: PMC7340488] [PubMed: 32704456]
Krewinkel A, Winkler R. Formatting open science: Agilely creating multiple document formats for academic manuscripts with pandoc scholar. PeerJ Computer Science [Internet]. 2017 May;3:e112. Available from: https://doi​.org/10.7717/peerj-cs.112 .
Johnston P. Jatdown: A markdown language for writing JATS. In: Journal article tag suite conference (JATS-con) proceedings 2016 [internet]. National Center for Biotechnology Information (US); 2016.
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For example, the JATS version of this article was generated using a similar system. The sources are available from https://github.com/tarleb/jats-con-2022

© 2022 The authors.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

The copyright holder grants the U.S. National Library of Medicine permission to archive and post a copy of this paper on the Journal Article Tag Suite Conference proceedings website.

Bookshelf ID: NBK579698


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