A flow diagram represents transformer architecture. On the left, x leads to embedding, then positional embedding, M S A, M L P, add and L N, and finally, M C A. On the right, y leads to embedding, then positional embedding, M M S A, add and L N, M C A, add and L N, M L P, add and L N, linear, soft max, and output probabilities.

Fig. 3

The transformer architecture. It consists of an encoder (left) and a decoder (right) block, each one consisting from a series of attention blocks (multi-head and masked multi-head attention) and MLP layers. Next to each element, we denote its dimensionality. Figure inspired from [4]

From: Chapter 6, Transformers and Visual Transformers

Cover of Machine Learning for Brain Disorders
Machine Learning for Brain Disorders [Internet].
Colliot O, editor.
New York, NY: Humana; 2023.
Copyright 2023, The Author(s)

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