
Print a data report containing virus genome metadata by accession or taxon


datasets summary virus genome - Print a data report containing virus genome metadata by accession or taxon


datasets summary virus genome [flags]


Print a data report containing virus genome metadata by nucleotide accession or taxon. The data report is returned in JSON format.

Refer to NCBI’s download and install documentation for information about getting started with the command-line tools.


  datasets summary virus genome accession NC_045512.2
	  datasets summary virus genome taxon sars-cov-2 --host dog


      --annotated               Limit to annotated genomes
      --api-key string          Specify an NCBI API key
      --as-json-lines           Output results in JSON Lines format
      --complete-only           Limit to complete genomes
      --debug                   Emit debugging info
      --geo-location string     Limit to genomes isolated from a specified geographic location (continent, country or U.S. state)
      --help                    Print detailed help about a datasets command
      --host string             Limit to virus genomes isolated from a specified host species
      --limit string            Limit the number of virus summaries returned
                                  * all:      returns all matching virus summaries
                                  * a number: returns the specified number of matching virus summaries
                                     (default "all")
      --lineage string          Limit results by Pango lineage (only SARS-CoV-2)
      --refseq                  Limit to RefSeq genomes
      --released-after string   Limit to genomes released on or after a specified date (MM/DD/YYYY)
      --report string           Specify report virus genome report summary type
                                  * virus:      returns a primary virus data report
                                  * annotation: returns a virus annotation report
                                     (default "virus")
      --updated-after string    Limit to genomes updated on or after a specified date (MM/DD/YYYY)
      --version                 Print version of datasets



Print a data report containing virus genome metadata by taxon (NCBI Taxonomy ID, scientific or common name for any virus at any tax rank)


Print a data report containing virus genome metadata by accession

Generated April 19, 2024