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Staphylococcus aureus
Reference genome: Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus NCTC 8325
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ID: 154
Organism ImageStaphylococcus aureus

Causes skin infections

Lineage: Bacteria[37505]; Bacillota[6130]; Bacilli[2619]; Bacillales[1727]; Staphylococcaceae[121]; Staphylococcus[66]; Staphylococcus aureus[1]
Straphylococci. The genus Staphylococcus are pathogens of humans and other mammals. Traditionally they were divided into two groups based on the coagulase reaction. Staphylcocci are generally found inhabiting the skin and mucous membranes of mammals and birds. Some members of this genus can be found as human commensals and these are generally More...


Sequence data: genome assemblies: 16858; sequence reads: 198 (See  Genome Assembly and Annotation report)
Statistics: median total length (Mb): 2.82782
 median protein count: 2672
 median GC%: 32.7

Publications (limited to 20 most recent records)


 Representative (genome information for reference and representative genomes)

    Reference genome:

    • minus sign  Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus NCTC 8325

      Human Pathogen

      Morphology: Gram:Positive, Shape:Cocci, Motility:No

      Environment: OxygenReq:Facultative, OptimumTemperature:30-37, TemperatureRange:Mesophilic, Habitat:HostAssociated

      Phenotype: Disease:Toxic-shock syndrome and staphylococcal scarlet fever

      Type Name RefSeq INSDC Size (Mb) GC% Protein rRNA tRNA Other RNA Gene Pseudogene

Dendrogram (based on genomic BLAST)

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