PubChem | Glycans | Symbol Nomenclature for Glycans (SNFG)

Software tools supporting SNFG

1. 3D-Symbol Nomenclature for Glycans (3D-SNFG): Create 3D atomic models of glycans

Description: 3D-SNFG is a cartoon representation for atomic models of carbohydrates. The glycan can be depicted with large shapes, or icons centered within the rings.

Citation: Thieker, D. F., Hadden, J. A., Schulten, K., & Woods, R. J., "3D implementation of the symbol nomenclature for graphical representation of glycans", Glycobiology 2016.

3D-Symbol Nomenclature For Glycans

2. DrawGlycan SNFG: Convert IUPAC input strings to sketches of glycans and glycopeptides

Description: DrawGlycan-SNFG uses IUPAC-condensed string inputs to generate glycan and glycopeptide drawings. Bond fragmentation and other glycan descriptors can be included.

DrawGlycan SNFG


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Citation: Cheng, K., Zhou, Y., Neelamegham, S., "DrawGlycan-SNFG: a robust tool to render glycans and glycopeptides with fragmentation information", Glycobiology, 2016.

3. GlycanBuilder2-SNFG: GlycanBuilder updated to handle SNFG

Description: GlycanBuilder2 is an updated version of GlycanBuilder which supports the building of structures to and from WURCS2.0, drawing cyclic glycans and specifying glycans with cross-linked substituents. It also supports SNFG symbols.



Citation: S. Tsuchiya, N.P. Aoki, D. Shinmachi, M. Matsubara, I. Yamada, K.F. AokiKinoshita, H. Narimatsu, Implementation of GlycanBuilder to draw a wide variety of ambiguous glycans, Carbohydrate Research (2017).