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Human Genome Issue HG-2118

Possible misassembly or indel variation in GRCh38 within AC087741.18
Analysis of GU267643.1 along with alignment of HuRef Chr. 17, suggest there may be ~1,795 bp sequence missing from the reference assembly within component AC087741.18. This may represent variation or an assembly error.
Resolved (GRC Resolved by Electronic Means)
Clone Problem
Last updated:
Affects version:
Fix version:
GRCh39, GRCh38.p14
HuRef WGS contig ABBA01015411.1 patches an approximately 1.8kb deletion in CM000679.2/NC_000017.11 component AC087741.18.

Patches and alternate loci

Scaffold type:
FIX patch to GRCh38
This sequence will be incorporated into the reference assembly in the next major assembly release. At that time, the accession number for this patch will be made secondary to the reference chromosome accession. In this scaffold, HuRef WGS contig ABBA01015411.1 corrects an approximately 1.8kb deletion in CM000679.2/NC_000017.11 component AC087741.18.
Revision history of patches and alts for HG-2118
Assembly Scaffold type Contig name GenBank accession RefSeq accession Region
GRCh38.p14 FIX HG2118_PATCH MU273379.1 REGION331

Locations and genomic context

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  • (View region: Ensembl | NCBI | UCSC)
  • (View region: Ensembl | NCBI | UCSC)