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FIGURE 7. Increased membrane association of GAPDH following nitroalkylation by OA-NO2. From: Reversible Post-translational Modification of Proteins by Nitrated Fatty Acids in Vivo.

Control and OA-NO2-treated GAPDH were incubated with liposomes for 30 min at 25 °C. Liposomes were sedimented by ultracentrifugation, and the translocation of soluble GAPDH in the supernatant (A) to a liposome membrane-associated state (B) was determined as a function of OA-NO2 treatment concentration by SDS-PAGE.

Carlos Batthyany, et al. J Biol Chem. ;281(29):20450-20463.

FIGURE 10. Mass spectrometric characterization of nitroalkylated GSH. From: Reversible Post-translational Modification of Proteins by Nitrated Fatty Acids in Vivo.

A, EPI analysis (e.g. MS/MS fragmentation pattern) of the synthetic standard GS-OA-NO2 showing major C- and N-terminal fragment ions detected by full-scan MS/MS (y and b fragments, respectively). Inset, scheme showing the structure and principal EPI fragments of GS-OA-NO2. B, EPI analysis of the endogenous RBC cytosolic GS-OA-NO2 adduct, displaying a fragmentation pattern identical to that of synthetic GS-OA-NO2. C, MS/MS/MS of the fragment ion y2 (m/z 506.3) from GS-OA-NO2 adduct (m/z = 635.2). Table, list and structural interpretation of fragment ions generated.

Carlos Batthyany, et al. J Biol Chem. ;281(29):20450-20463.

FIGURE 4. Mass spectrometric analysis of GAPDH alkylation by OA-NO2 and its reversal by GSH. From: Reversible Post-translational Modification of Proteins by Nitrated Fatty Acids in Vivo.

GAPDH (0.5 μm) was incubated with OA-NO2 (10 μm) in 0.1 m pyrophosphate, 0.1 mm DTPA, pH 7.4, at 25 °C for 15 min. GSH (10 mm) was then added for 15 min. After desalting, aliquots were analyzed by MALDI-TOF MS (AC; Voyager DE PRO, Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA) or by LC-ESI two-dimensional linear ion trap MS (D; LTQ; Thermo Electron Corp.). A, spectrum of native GAPDH; B, OA-NO2-treated GAPDH before, and C, after addition of GSH; D, native GAPDH (black trace) and OA-NO2-treated GAPDH (red trace).

Carlos Batthyany, et al. J Biol Chem. ;281(29):20450-20463.

FIGURE 5. ESI-HPLC-MS analysis of tryptic peptides from native and OA-NO2-alkylated GAPDH. From: Reversible Post-translational Modification of Proteins by Nitrated Fatty Acids in Vivo.

Selective ion chromatograms from native or OA-NO2-treated GAPDH digested with sequence-grade trypsin and analyzed by ESI-LC-MS (LCQ-Deca; Thermo Electron Corp.). Nonalkylated peptides (A) and peptides alkylated by OA-NO2 (B and C) are numbered as in the . A, similar relative ion intensities of non-nucleophilic peptides 7 and 17 (m/z 657.3 and 1369.7) were generated by both control and OA-NO2-nitroalkylated GAPDH. B, peptides 2, 18, and 23 containing the nucleophilic OA-NO2-reactive amino acid His were present at lower ion intensities in the tryptic digest of OA-NO2-treated GAPDH. C, peptides 19 and 21, containing OA-NO2-reactive nucleophilic amino acid Cys, were absent in tryptic digests of OA-NO2-treated GAPDH.

Carlos Batthyany, et al. J Biol Chem. ;281(29):20450-20463.

FIGURE 9. Mass spectrometric detection of endogenous nitroalkylated GSH in healthy human red blood cells. From: Reversible Post-translational Modification of Proteins by Nitrated Fatty Acids in Vivo.

Red cells were lysed, and membranes sedimented by centrifugation and the soluble fraction were supplemented with the internal standards GS-[13C18] OA-NO2 and GS-[13C18 (LNO2) before purification by reverse phase chromatography using a preparative C18 column. The eluted fraction was concentrated and analyzed by LC-ESI-MS/MS (Q-Trap 4000; Applied Biosystem, Foster City, CA). A, mass spectra of the eluent produced by monitoring the MRM transition 635.3/506.3 (corresponding to the generation of the y2-adducted fragment) for endogenous GS-OA-NO2 (red trace) and 653.3/524.3 for the added internal standard GS-[13C18] OA-NO2 (MRM 653.3/524.3 (black trace). B, similar to A, but monitoring the transitions for GS-LNO2. The injection peak in Fig. 9 occurred at 0.13 min.

Carlos Batthyany, et al. J Biol Chem. ;281(29):20450-20463.

FIGURE 8. Mass spectrometric detection of endogenous nitroalkylated GAPDH in red blood cells obtained from healthy humans. From: Reversible Post-translational Modification of Proteins by Nitrated Fatty Acids in Vivo.

The cytosolic (A) and membrane-associated (B) protein fractions from lysed red cells were separated by SDS-PAGE using nonreducing, denaturing conditions (4–15% gradient gel). The 36-kDa Coomassie dye-binding band corresponding to the Rf of GAPDH was excised and digested in-gel with sequencing grade trypsin. Peptides were extracted, separated, and analyzed by LC nanospray linear ion trap MS/MS (LTQ; Thermo Electron Corp.). A, MS/MS of the doubly charged ion at m/z 759.96 corresponding to the human homolog of rabbit nitroalkylated peptide 19. Inset, amino acid sequence indicating major C- and N-terminal fragment ions detected by full-scan MS/MS. B, MS/MS spectrum of triply charged human GAPDH ion at m/z 882.71 corresponding to the human peptide sequence 305–323. Inset, amino acid sequence indicating major C- and N-terminal fragment ions detected by full-scan MS/MS.

Carlos Batthyany, et al. J Biol Chem. ;281(29):20450-20463.

FIGURE 2. The inhibition of GAPDH following alkylation by nitrolinoleate, nitro-oleate, peroxynitrite, and hydrogen peroxide. From: Reversible Post-translational Modification of Proteins by Nitrated Fatty Acids in Vivo.

A, GAPDH (0.5 μm) was incubated with increasing concentrations of LNO2 (0–10 μm) (☐) or OA-NO2 (■) in 100 mm sodium pyrophosphate, 100 μm DTPA, pH 7.4, at 20 °C for 15 min. Aliquots were removed, and GAPDH activity was determined. B, the relative inactivation of GAPDH by LNO2 (●), OA-NO2 (■), ONOO (0–50 μm; ▲), and H2O2 (0–100 μm, ▼). C, time course of OA-NO2-mediated GAPDH inhibition. GAPDH (0.5 μm) was incubated with OA-NO2 (10 μm) in 0.1 m pyrophosphate 0.1 mm DTPA, pH 7.4, at 25 °C. At the indicated time points aliquots were removed, and enzyme activity was determined. D, pH profile of the inhibition of GAPDH by OA-NO2. After preincubation of GAPDH (0.5 μm) for 5 min in 50 mm sodium pyrophosphate buffer adjusted to pH 5.5–10 at 20 °C, OA-NO2 (7.5 μm) was added, and after 15 min GAPDH activity was assessed as before. The percentage of control GAPDH activity at each pH was determined.

Carlos Batthyany, et al. J Biol Chem. ;281(29):20450-20463.

FIGURE 3. OA-NO2-induced thiol oxidation in GAPDH and reversibility of enzyme inactivation by thiol reagents. From: Reversible Post-translational Modification of Proteins by Nitrated Fatty Acids in Vivo.

A, GAPDH (2 μm) was incubated for 15 min in 0.1 m pyrophosphate, 0.1 mm DTPA, pH 7.4, at 25 °C with OA-NO2 (0–50 μm). Aliquots were removed, and GAPDH activity was determined (♦). Reduced thiol content was determined by 5,5′-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic) acid reaction of GAPDH denatured in 1% SDS (●). B, GAPDH (0.5 μm) was incubated with H2O2 (250 μm), ONOO (50 μm), OA-NO2 (10 μm), or LNO2 (10 μm) in 0.1 m pyrophosphate, 0.1 mm DTPA, pH 7.4, at 25 °C for 15 min, and GAPDH activity was determined before (open bars) and after (solid black bars) treatment of the samples with DTT (10 mm) for 30 min at 25 °C. As a control, GAPDH was pretreated with DTT and activity was measured. C, OA-NO2-inactivated GAPDH was treated with increasing concentrations of GSH (0–10 mm) and enzyme activity determined.

Carlos Batthyany, et al. J Biol Chem. ;281(29):20450-20463.

FIGURE 1. Mass spectrometric analysis of the alkylation of glutathione by nitroalkenes and its impact on GSH lipophilicity. From: Reversible Post-translational Modification of Proteins by Nitrated Fatty Acids in Vivo.

A, ESI-ion trap MS spectrum in negative ion mode (LCQ Deca; Thermo Electron Corp.) of the reaction product generated by LNO2 (300 μm) reaction with GSH (300 μm) in 50 mm sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.4, at 20 °C for 30 min. Previous to the MS analysis, the reaction mixture was diluted in methanol, 0.1% NH4OH. B, MS/MS spectrum in negative ion mode of the GS-LNO2 adduct (m/z = 631.3). C, MS/MS/MS spectrum of fragment ion 306 m/z from GS-LNO2 adduct (m/z = 631.3). Inset, structural scheme of the adduct showing main fragmentation sites. The mass of main fragment ions is shown in red as detected in the negative ionization mode. D, total ion chromatogram in positive ion mode shows a significant increase in the lipophilicity of GSH following alkylation by OA-NO2, as indicated by the change in retention times of GSH ((M + H)+ = 308.3) (D, black) versus the GS-OA-NO2 adduct ((M + H)+ = 635.3) (D, red).

Carlos Batthyany, et al. J Biol Chem. ;281(29):20450-20463.

FIGURE 6. Mass spectrometric analysis of nitroalkylation patterns following in vitro treatment of purified GAPDH with OA-NO2. From: Reversible Post-translational Modification of Proteins by Nitrated Fatty Acids in Vivo.

A, selective ion chromatograms from LC-ESI-MS analysis of OA-NO2-modified peptide 18 (LCQ Deca; Thermo Electron Corp.). The nitroalkylation of peptide 18 (native peptide (M + H)+ = 1229.6, room temperature 27.9 min) by OA-NO2 increased the retention time to 76 min, and the mass of the OA-NO2-modified peptide 18 was increased by 327 Da, equivalent to the neutral ion mass of OA-NO2, becoming m/z 1556.7. B, LC nanospray MS/MS spectrum of the nitroalkylated peptide 18 (LTQ; Thermo Electron Corp.). MS/MS spectrum of the doubly charged ion at m/z 844.34. Colors are annotated in the corresponding table. The yo and bo nomenclature indicates the corresponding y-H2O and b-H2O fragments, respectively. Inset, amino acid sequence of peptide 18 indicating major C- and N-terminal fragment ions detected by full-scan MS/MS. C, MALDI-TOF mass spectrum of the tryptic digest of OA-NO2-treated GAPDH (Voyager DE Pro, Applied Biosystem, Foster City, CA), focusing on nitroalkylated-peptide 18 ((M + H)+ = 1556.9). D, PSD MALDI-TOF-MS analysis of modified peptide 18 gives a main product ion at m/z 437.1, corresponding to the immonium ion of the histidine (H)-OA-NO2 adduct. E, structure and fragmentation pattern of the His-OA-NO2 adduct, showing the immonium adduct fragment (H-OA-NO2). Table list of MS/MS fragment ions m/z from peptide 18. Ions that are detected are highlighted in color (B). AA, amino acids.

Carlos Batthyany, et al. J Biol Chem. ;281(29):20450-20463.

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