Detailed information for SNP Genotypes

The URL for the genotype pages is /projects/SNP/snp_gf.cgi

The HTML interface has 3 pages:
The first page is a form for selecting species and SNPs.
The second page is a form for selecting populations.
The third page contains the search results in HTML, text, or XML.

All form parameters can be specified on any page and will be reflected in the forms.  The list of all HTTP form parameters is in the following table.

Name Page Value
pg All 0, 1, or 2 for pages first, second, or third page, respectively.
species first The species or tax ID to be searched.  This is either the tax ID in an integer form or the name of the species followed by an underscore and the tax id.  For example, human_9606 and 9606 are equivalent.
tax_id first Same as species.  Ignored if species is specified.
RSPick first 1 if selecting SNPs by RS numbers, 2 if selecting a gene by name or ID, empty or 0 otherwise.
RSlist first A list of rs number delimited by spaces, commas, or newlines.  This is used only if RSPick is 1
Gene first The name or NCBI ID of a gene.  This is used only if RSPick is 2.
chr first Chromosome.  This can be a number or a string such as X, Y, Un, or MT.  This is used only if RSPick is empty or 0.
rng first Range of SNPs to be selected, valid values are C and FF specifies a range and C specifies that the range is centered around an RS number or base pair.  This is used only if RSPick is empty or 0.  See below for more details
rngspec first Values are chr_pos or rs  If chr_pos then the range will be selected by number of base pairs within the chromosome, otherwise it is a range between two RS numbers or an within a specified number of base pairs of an RS, depending on the value of rng.  This is used only if RSPick is empty or 0.
from first This is the position in base pairs within the chromosome or an RS number for the beginning or center of the range, depending on the value of rng (see above.)  RS numbers can optionally be preceeded with 'rs' and base pair numbers may optionally end with K or M for kilo or mega base pairs.  This is used only if RSPick is empty or zero.
to first If rng is F this is the ending RS number or base pair, using the format as from above.  If rng is C this is the number of base pairs from the centered position specified in from above.  This is used only if RSPick empty or 0.
weight1 first 1 if selecting weight 1 snps only, omitted otherwise.  This is used only if RSPick is not 1.
trusnp first 1 if selecting SNPs only, omitted otherwise.  This is used only if RSPick is not 1.
diall first 1 if selecting diallelic SNPs only, omitted otherwise.  This is used only if RSPick is not 1.
snpfnc first SNP Function.  An integer representing the SNP function.  Multiple values can be selected, but they must be separate name=value pairs.  For example snpfnc=2&snpfnc=3&snpfnc=4, etc.  This is optional and is used only if RSPick is not 1.
founders second 1 if selecting founders only within a pedigree, omitted otherwise.
pop second For Human (9606): Population and type. A string consisting of the integer pop_id from the Population table followed by an exclamation point (!) and the integer population group.  The population groups are:
0 - Undefined
1 - African American
2 - Asian
3 - European
4 - Global
5 - Hispanic
6 - Native American
7 - North African/Middle Eastern
8 - Sub-Saharan African
9 - Tissue

For non-human species this is the integer pop_id only.

Multiple name=value pairs may be used.
ind second For non-human only.  submitted_ind_id from the SubInd table.  Multiple name=value pairs may be used.
type third The value is xml for downloading xml, text for tab separated text, and empty or omitted for retrieving html.
api third If the value is 1 then the Content-type will be text/xml for xml and text/plain for text.  If this is omitted or the value is 0 then the content-type will be application/octet-stream.  The purpose of this is to direct the browser to save the output to a file.
indGty third If the value is no then individuals, genotypes, and pedigrees are omitted.  This is used only when type is xml,
