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View Individual Genotype Batch
Submitter Handle:TSC-CSHL
Submitter Batch ID:TSC-MOTOROLA-MOT_asian-Sep-18-2003-GENOTYPE
Submitter Method ID:TSC-MOTOROLA-33
Citation:not supplied
Comment: These genotypes were produced as part of the The SNP Consortium Allele Frequency/Genotype project (see for details). This particular subset of genotype data was produced by the laboratory MOTOROLA, using individuals from a MOT_asian panel.
Batch Total SubSNP(ss) Count:795

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Batch Summary: this batch submitted genotype for 1 populations across 795 subsnp and 30 individuals.
dbSNP pop_id Total individuals Total ss#
Total rs#
View Genotype
TSC-CSHL|MOT_asian 763 30 795 795 detail

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