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View Population Frequency Batch
Submitter Handle:SNP500CANCER
Submitter Batch ID:SNP500CANCER_07_03_08_B
Submitter Method ID:TAQMAN
Citation:not supplied
Comment:not supplied
Batch Total SubSNP(ss) Count:3022

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Batch Summary: this batch submitted frequency for 14 populations across 28916 subsnp.
Submitter Population
Total ss#
Total rs#
View Frequency
SNP500CANCER|P1 2387 2379 detail
SNP500CANCER|CAUC1 2387 2379 detail
SNP500CANCER|AFR1 2387 2379 detail
SNP500CANCER|HISP1 2387 2379 detail
SNP500CANCER|PAC1 2387 2379 detail
SNP500CANCER|P2 2289 2281 detail
SNP500CANCER|CAUC2 2289 2281 detail
SNP500CANCER|AFR2 2289 2281 detail
SNP500CANCER|P3 1565 1558 detail
SNP500CANCER|CAUC3 1565 1558 detail
SNP500CANCER|AFR3 1565 1558 detail
SNP500CANCER|HISP3 1565 1558 detail
SNP500CANCER|PAC3 1565 1558 detail
SNP500CANCER|ASI2 2289 2281 detail

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