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View Population Frequency Batch
Submitter Handle:SNP500CANCER
Submitter Batch ID:SNP500CANCER_07_03_08_D
Submitter Method ID:EPOCH
Citation:not supplied
Comment:not supplied
Batch Total SubSNP(ss) Count:57

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Batch Summary: this batch submitted frequency for 14 populations across 359 subsnp.
Submitter Population
Total ss#
Total rs#
View Frequency
SNP500CANCER|P1 20 20 detail
SNP500CANCER|CAUC1 20 20 detail
SNP500CANCER|AFR1 20 20 detail
SNP500CANCER|HISP1 20 20 detail
SNP500CANCER|PAC1 20 20 detail
SNP500CANCER|P2 16 16 detail
SNP500CANCER|CAUC2 16 16 detail
SNP500CANCER|AFR2 16 16 detail
SNP500CANCER|P3 39 39 detail
SNP500CANCER|CAUC3 39 39 detail
SNP500CANCER|AFR3 39 39 detail
SNP500CANCER|HISP3 39 39 detail
SNP500CANCER|PAC3 39 39 detail
SNP500CANCER|ASI2 16 16 detail

Submitter Population Handle|ID: SNP500CANCER|CAUC2
SubSNP(ss) Samplesize Type Frequency RefSNP(rs) Chromosome ChrPos Contig
ss105434893 120 GTY AA=0.13 /AG=0.35 /GG=0.48 /NN=0.03 rs2236757 21 33252612 NT_011512 20286804
ss105434923 120 GTY AA=0.15 /AG=0.53 /GG=0.32 rs3547 19 43543398 NT_011109 16302524
ss105435088 120 GTY AA=0.05 /AG=0.35 /GG=0.6 rs2296327 14 64943829 NT_026437 46720306
ss105435127 120 GTY AA=0.05 /AT=0.15 /NN=0.13 /TT=0.67 rs6539137 12 104313402 NT_029419 67078150
ss105435175 120 GTY CC=0.95 /CT=0.03 /NN=0.02 rs2230050 9 21440917 NT_008413 21430917
ss105435352 120 GTY CC=0.4 /CG=0.48 /GG=0.12 rs9846149 3 196060437 NT_005612 102354863
ss105435618 120 GTY CC=0.45 /CT=0.42 /TT=0.13 rs5415 17 7281162 NT_010718 6792175
ss105435975 120 GTY AA=0.08 /AG=0.42 /GG=0.5 rs1953536 14 95142113 NT_026437 76918590
ss105435999 120 GTY CC=0.62 /CT=0.33 /TT=0.05 rs10719 5 31401340 NT_006576 31391340
ss105436126 120 GTY GG=0.5 /GT=0.42 /NN=0.02 /TT=0.07 rs1573034 10 103960140 NT_030059 62266619
ss105436173 120 GTY CC=0.83 /CG=0.13 /GG=0.02 /NN=0.02 rs6564965 16 82099639 NT_010498 35718957
ss105441726 120 GTY AA=0.8 /AG=0.17 /GG=0.03 rs3218438 7 152666141 NT_007933 90159362
ss105441740 120 GTY CC=0.9 /CG=0.08 /NN=0.02 rs6964582 7 152654377 NT_007933 90147598
ss105441741 120 GTY AA=0.08 /AG=0.4 /GG=0.5 /NN=0.02 rs2239291 15 90814696 NT_010194 67537822
ss105441742 120 GTY CC=0.57 /CG=0.42 /GG=0.02 rs3729587 3 14167125 NT_022517 14157125
ss105441743 120 GTY CC=0.9 /CG=0.1 rs3094406 7 152665780 NT_007933 90159001
16 of 16 subsnp's starting at ss105441743.This is the last page.

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