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Submitter Handle:EGP_SNPS
Submitter Batch ID:FANCA-PDR90-042204
Submitter Method ID:METHOD-E
Citation:NIEHS-SNPs, Environmental Genome Project, NIEHS ES15478.
Comment:These SNPs were generated as part of the NIEHS supported grant (HL66682) for the Environmental Genome Project to develop SNP resources distributed to the research community. Please see for details on how to cite this work. The first descriptor in the "Submitter SNP ID:" field indicates the HUGO assigned name of the gene studied. The second number denotes the variant base position in the listed GenBank accession number.
Batch Total SubSNP(ss) Count:508

SubSNP(ss) Submitter
Samplesize RefSNP(rs) ss2rs
Chr ChrPos Contig
ss23141328 FANCA-005458 C/T 180 rs17225810 0 16 89810591 NT_010498.16 43429909
ss23141327 FANCA-005222 A/T 180 rs9282685 0 16 89810827 NT_010498.16 43430145
ss23141326 FANCA-005188 A/G 180 rs2074963 0 16 89810861 NT_010498.16 43430179
ss23141325 FANCA-004911 C/G 178 rs17232190 0 16 89811138 NT_010498.16 43430456
ss23141324 FANCA-004827 C/T 178 rs12935638 1 16 89811222 NT_010498.16 43430540
ss23141323 FANCA-004810 A/G 178 rs17232176 0 16 89811239 NT_010498.16 43430557
ss23141322 FANCA-004737 A/G 178 rs11859183 1 16 89811312 NT_010498.16 43430630
ss23141321 FANCA-004565 A/G 178 rs17225789 0 16 89811484 NT_010498.16 43430802
ss23141320 FANCA-004482 C/T 178 rs11076631 1 16 89811567 NT_010498.16 43430885
ss23141319 FANCA-002204 A/G 148 rs17225775 0 16 89813841 NT_010498.16 43433159
ss23141318 FANCA-002195 C/G 156 rs9927089 1 16 89813850 NT_010498.16 43433168
ss23141317 FANCA-002175 A/G 166 rs17232162 0 16 89813870 NT_010498.16 43433188
ss23141316 FANCA-002069 A/G 178 rs17232155 0 16 89813976 NT_010498.16 43433294
ss23141315 FANCA-002011 C/G 178 rs17232148 0 16 89814034 NT_010498.16 43433352
ss23141314 FANCA-001975 C/T 178 rs17225768 0 16 89814070 NT_010498.16 43433388
ss23141313 FANCA-001916 A/T 178 rs11076632 1 16 89814129 NT_010498.16 43433447
ss23141312 FANCA-001839 C/T 180 rs17225754 0 16 89814206 NT_010498.16 43433524
ss23141311 FANCA-001819 A/G 180 rs17225747 0 16 89814226 NT_010498.16 43433544
ss23141310 FANCA-001796 C/G 180 rs17232141 0 16 89814249 NT_010498.16 43433567
ss23141309 FANCA-001636 C/T 178 rs17232134 0 16 89814409 NT_010498.16 43433727
ss23141308 FANCA-001631 C/G 180 rs17232127 0 16 89814414 NT_010498.16 43433732
ss23141307 FANCA-001609 C/T 180 rs17232120 0 16 89814436 NT_010498.16 43433754
ss23141306 FANCA-001377 G/T 178 rs1800284 0 16 89814668 NT_010498.16 43433986
ss23141305 FANCA-001259 -/G 164 rs17225740 0 16 89814786 NT_010498.16 43434104
ss23141304 FANCA-000841 A/G 170 rs9925181 1 16 89815204 NT_010498.16 43434522
ss23141303 FANCA-000542 C/G 144 rs17225726 0 16 89815503 NT_010498.16 43434821
ss23141302 FANCA-000526 A/G 146 rs17225719 0 16 89815519 NT_010498.16 43434837
ss23141301 FANCA-000454 C/T 158 rs17232105 0 16 89815591 NT_010498.16 43434909
ss23141300 FANCA-000351 C/G 160 rs17232098 0 16 89815694 NT_010498.16 43435012
ss23141299 FANCA-000094 A/C 170 rs17232091 0 16 89815951 NT_010498.16 43435269
30 of 508 subsnp's starting at ss23141328. ss# starting at ss

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