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Submitter Handle:EGP_SNPS
Submitter Batch ID:ORC2L-PDR90-061504
Submitter Method ID:METHOD-E
Citation:NIEHS-SNPs, Environmental Genome Project, NIEHS ES15478.
Comment:These SNPs were generated as part of the NIEHS supported grant (HL66682) for the Environmental Genome Project to develop SNP resources distributed to the research community. Please see for details on how to cite this work. The first descriptor in the "Submitter SNP ID:" field indicates the HUGO assigned name of the gene studied. The second number denotes the variant base position in the listed GenBank accession number.
Batch Total SubSNP(ss) Count:154

SubSNP(ss) Submitter
Samplesize RefSNP(rs) ss2rs
Chr ChrPos Contig
ss28447647 ORC2L-007588 C/T 164 rs16836205 0 2 200957740 NT_005403.18 106461725
ss28447646 ORC2L-007395 C/T 176 rs16836210 0 2 200957933 NT_005403.18 106461918
ss28447645 ORC2L-006867 G/T 180 rs16836213 0 2 200958461 NT_005403.18 106462446
ss28447644 ORC2L-006591 C/T 180 rs13385223 1 2 200958737 NT_005403.18 106462722
ss28447643 ORC2L-006294 A/T 162 rs13413306 1 2 200959034 NT_005403.18 106463019
ss28447642 ORC2L-006081 A/G 180 rs16836235 0 2 200959247 NT_005403.18 106463232
ss28447641 ORC2L-005959 C/T 180 rs2307357 0 2 200959369 NT_005403.18 106463354
ss28447640 ORC2L-005685 A/G 176 rs16836259 0 2 200959643 NT_005403.18 106463628
ss28447639 ORC2L-005141 -/T 164 rs16836262 0 2 200960187 NT_005403.18 106464172
ss28447638 ORC2L-005059 A/G 172 rs11887561 1 2 200960269 NT_005403.18 106464254
ss28447637 ORC2L-005033 -/GTT 174 rs141348896 1 2 200960293 NT_005403.18 106464278
ss28447636 ORC2L-004787 C/T 180 rs16836279 0 2 200960541 NT_005403.18 106464526
ss28447635 ORC2L-004331 C/T 178 rs16836284 0 2 200960997 NT_005403.18 106464982
ss28447634 ORC2L-004124 C/G 178 rs16836289 0 2 200961204 NT_005403.18 106465189
ss28447633 ORC2L-004090 C/T 166 rs16836303 0 2 200961238 NT_005403.18 106465223
ss28447632 ORC2L-003812 C/T 180 rs16836312 0 2 200961516 NT_005403.18 106465501
ss28447631 ORC2L-003689 A/G 166 rs16836322 0 2 200961639 NT_005403.18 106465624
ss28447630 ORC2L-003676 G/T 166 rs16836330 0 2 200961652 NT_005403.18 106465637
ss28447629 ORC2L-003223 G/T 178 rs16836336 0 2 200962105 NT_005403.18 106466090
ss28447628 ORC2L-002701 C/T 160 rs16836340 0 2 200962627 NT_005403.18 106466612
ss28447627 ORC2L-002206 A/G 160 rs16836341 0 2 200963122 NT_005403.18 106467107
ss28447626 ORC2L-002148 C/T 160 rs16836346 0 2 200963180 NT_005403.18 106467165
ss28447625 ORC2L-002064 C/T 160 rs16836350 0 2 200963264 NT_005403.18 106467249
ss28447624 ORC2L-001686 C/G 180 rs3087357 0 2 200963642 NT_005403.18 106467627
ss28447623 ORC2L-000864 C/T 162 rs16836367 0 2 200964464 NT_005403.18 106468449
ss28447622 ORC2L-000515 G/T 170 rs16836377 0 2 200964813 NT_005403.18 106468798
ss28447621 ORC2L-000449 C/G 170 rs874358 0 2 200964879 NT_005403.18 106468864
ss28447620 ORC2L-000251 A/G 168 rs16836399 0 2 200965077 NT_005403.18 106469062
ss28447619 ORC2L-000225 A/G 166 rs16836405 0 2 200965103 NT_005403.18 106469088
ss28447618 ORC2L-000109 -/CTT 166 rs16841508 0 2 200965216 NT_005403.18 106469201
30 of 154 subsnp's starting at ss28447647. ss# starting at ss

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