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Submitter Handle:PGA-UW-FHCRC
Submitter Batch ID:IFNGR2-AFRICAN-101504
Submitter Method ID:METHOD-E
Citation:SeattleSNPs. NHLBI Program for Genomic Applications HL66682
Comment:These SNPs were generated as part of the NHLBI Program for Genomic Applications (PGA) to develop genomic resources distributed to the research community. Please see for details on how to cite this work. The first descriptor in the "Submitter SNP ID:" field indicates the HUGO assigned name of the gene studied. The second number denotes the variant base position in the listed GenBank accession number.
Batch Total SubSNP(ss) Count:57

SubSNP(ss) Submitter
Samplesize RefSNP(rs) ss2rs
Chr ChrPos Contig
ss28528002 IFNGR2-000264 -/G 42 rs17880053 0 21 33401191 NT_011512.12 20435383
ss28528003 IFNGR2-000989 -/A 44 rs17879833 0 21 33401916 NT_011512.12 20436108
ss28528005 IFNGR2-002202 A/C 48 rs8134145 0 21 33403128 NT_011512.12 20437320
ss28528006 IFNGR2-002212 C/T 48 rs8126756 0 21 33403138 NT_011512.12 20437330
ss28528007 IFNGR2-002489 C/T 38 rs17882748 0 21 33403415 NT_011512.12 20437607
ss28528010 IFNGR2-004732 A/G 40 rs4817565 0 21 33405658 NT_011512.12 20439850
ss28528011 IFNGR2-005295 C/T 40 rs17879003 0 21 33406221 NT_011512.12 20440413
ss28528012 IFNGR2-005953 A/G 48 rs17878783 0 21 33406879 NT_011512.12 20441071
ss28528013 IFNGR2-005970 A/G 48 rs17887186 0 21 33406896 NT_011512.12 20441088
ss28528015 IFNGR2-006398 C/T 46 rs17885509 0 21 33407324 NT_011512.12 20441516
ss28528016 IFNGR2-007357 A/G 44 rs7281873 0 21 33408283 NT_011512.12 20442475
ss28528017 IFNGR2-007596 G/T 44 rs17885051 0 21 33408522 NT_011512.12 20442714
ss28528018 IFNGR2-007818 A/G 46 rs2268241 0 21 33408744 NT_011512.12 20442936
ss28528019 IFNGR2-007872 C/T 46 rs2268242 0 21 33408798 NT_011512.12 20442990
ss28528024 IFNGR2-011111 A/G 42 rs17885438 0 21 33412036 NT_011512.12 20446228
ss28528025 IFNGR2-011238 A/G 42 rs17882437 0 21 33412163 NT_011512.12 20446355
ss28528030 IFNGR2-012095 -/CA 46 rs17878489 0 21 33413018 NT_011512.12 20447210
ss28528031 IFNGR2-012098 -/ACA 46 rs17878489 0 21 33413018 NT_011512.12 20447210
ss28528033 IFNGR2-012446 G/T 44 rs9808685 0 21 33413366 NT_011512.12 20447558
ss28528035 IFNGR2-013348 A/G 48 rs2834210 0 21 33414268 NT_011512.12 20448460
ss28528036 IFNGR2-013438 -/GTGTGTTT 48 rs17880010 0 21 33414357 NT_011512.12 20448549
ss28528037 IFNGR2-014075 C/G 48 rs4986958 0 21 33414987 NT_011512.12 20449179
ss28528038 IFNGR2-014093 A/G 48 rs9808753 0 21 33415005 NT_011512.12 20449197
ss28528039 IFNGR2-016330 C/T 38 rs7283850 0 21 33417242 NT_011512.12 20451434
ss28528040 IFNGR2-016476 C/G 38 rs7277808 0 21 33417388 NT_011512.12 20451580
ss28528044 IFNGR2-017642 C/G 44 rs2834212 0 21 33418552 NT_011512.12 20452744
ss28528049 IFNGR2-019693 A/G 46 rs2834213 0 21 33420603 NT_011512.12 20454795
ss28528052 IFNGR2-020489 C/T 46 rs2834214 0 21 33421399 NT_011512.12 20455591
ss28528057 IFNGR2-022982 A/C 28 rs17885944 0 21 33423892 NT_011512.12 20458084
ss28528058 IFNGR2-023545 C/T 46 rs2012075 0 21 33424455 NT_011512.12 20458647
30 of 57 subsnp's starting at ss28528002. ss# starting at ss

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