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Submitter Handle:EGP_SNPS
Submitter Batch ID:RPS3-PDR90-102604
Submitter Method ID:METHOD-E
Citation:NIEHS-SNPs, Environmental Genome Project, NIEHS ES15478.
Comment:These SNPs were generated as part of the NIEHS supported grant (HL66682) for the Environmental Genome Project to develop SNP resources distributed to the research community. Please see for details on how to cite this work. The first descriptor in the "Submitter SNP ID:" field indicates the HUGO assigned name of the gene studied. The second number denotes the variant base position in the listed GenBank accession number.
Batch Total SubSNP(ss) Count:48

SubSNP(ss) Submitter
Samplesize RefSNP(rs) ss2rs
Chr ChrPos Contig
ss28529777 RPS3-000366 -/GGGACTAC 178 rs397693353 0 11 75398160 NT_167190.2 20873086
ss28529778 RPS3-000576 G/T 174 rs17884621 0 11 75398363 NT_167190.2 20873289
ss28529779 RPS3-000770 C/T 180 rs17880804 0 11 75398557 NT_167190.2 20873483
ss28529780 RPS3-000890 A/G 180 rs17885828 0 11 75398677 NT_167190.2 20873603
ss28529781 RPS3-000906 C/G 180 rs17880356 0 11 75398693 NT_167190.2 20873619
ss28529782 RPS3-001037 C/T 176 rs3133186 0 11 75398824 NT_167190.2 20873750
ss28529783 RPS3-001113 -/TTTG 176 rs397844184 0 11 75398900 NT_167190.2 20873826
ss28529784 RPS3-001289 C/G 176 rs17883509 0 11 75399076 NT_167190.2 20874002
ss28529785 RPS3-001537 A/T 176 rs17883225 0 11 75399324 NT_167190.2 20874250
ss28529786 RPS3-001683 C/T 176 rs17882074 0 11 75399470 NT_167190.2 20874396
ss28529787 RPS3-001744 C/T 180 rs17881757 0 11 75399531 NT_167190.2 20874457
ss28529788 RPS3-001745 A/G 180 rs17880657 0 11 75399532 NT_167190.2 20874458
ss28529789 RPS3-001758 A/G 180 rs3133187 0 11 75399545 NT_167190.2 20874471
ss28529790 RPS3-001796 C/T 180 rs17879266 0 11 75399583 NT_167190.2 20874509
ss28529791 RPS3-001849 C/T 180 rs7131286 0 11 75399636 NT_167190.2 20874562
ss28529792 RPS3-001913 A/G 180 rs17884475 0 11 75399700 NT_167190.2 20874626
ss28529793 RPS3-001956 C/G 180 rs12277045 0 11 75399743 NT_167190.2 20874669
ss28529794 RPS3-002121 A/G 180 rs534812 0 11 75399908 NT_167190.2 20874834
ss28529795 RPS3-002342 A/G 146 rs17133945 0 11 75400129 NT_167190.2 20875055
ss28529796 RPS3-002654 -/C 178 rs17881627 0 11 75400441 NT_167190.2 20875367
ss28529797 RPS3-002688 -/AGTTT 172 rs17880543 0 11 75400475 NT_167190.2 20875401
ss28529798 RPS3-003134 C/T 178 rs17878463 0 11 75400921 NT_167190.2 20875847
ss28529799 RPS3-003197 A/G 178 rs17887020 0 11 75400984 NT_167190.2 20875910
ss28529800 RPS3-003306 A/G 178 rs2070763 0 11 75401093 NT_167190.2 20876019
ss28529801 RPS3-003810 C/T 178 rs17883451 0 11 75401597 NT_167190.2 20876523
ss28529802 RPS3-003850 C/T 178 rs11236421 0 11 75401637 NT_167190.2 20876563
ss28529803 RPS3-004380 C/T 158 rs17884709 0 11 75402167 NT_167190.2 20877093
ss28529804 RPS3-004390 C/T 160 rs17880903 0 11 75402177 NT_167190.2 20877103
ss28529805 RPS3-004444 C/T 158 rs17881509 0 11 75402231 NT_167190.2 20877157
ss28529806 RPS3-004666 G/T 158 rs17880385 0 11 75402453 NT_167190.2 20877379
30 of 48 subsnp's starting at ss28529777. ss# starting at ss

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