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Submitter Handle:EGP_SNPS
Submitter Batch ID:NUDT1-EGP_AD-101705
Submitter Method ID:METHOD-E
Citation:NIEHS Envirommental Genome Project (EGP) - (N01 ES-15478)
Comment:The first descriptor in the "Submitter SNP ID:" field indicates the HUGO assigned name of the gene studied. The second number denotes the variant base position in the listed GenBank accession number.
Batch Total SubSNP(ss) Count:107

SubSNP(ss) Submitter
Samplesize RefSNP(rs) ss2rs
Chr ChrPos Contig
ss48532629 NUDT1-000049 A/C 28 rs35585276 0 7 2242164 NT_007819.18 2232164
ss48532630 NUDT1-000085 C/G 28 rs34691993 0 7 2242200 NT_007819.18 2232200
ss48532631 NUDT1-000095 -/GGCCT 30 rs35136463 0 7 2242210 NT_007819.18 2232210
ss48532632 NUDT1-000161 A/G 30 rs35967498 0 7 2242276 NT_007819.18 2232276
ss48532633 NUDT1-000239 C/T 30 rs34628340 0 7 2242354 NT_007819.18 2232354
ss48532634 NUDT1-000243 C/G 30 rs35675198 0 7 2242358 NT_007819.18 2232358
ss48532635 NUDT1-000357 A/G 30 rs34996498 0 7 2242472 NT_007819.18 2232472
ss48532636 NUDT1-000456 A/G 30 rs35913626 0 7 2242571 NT_007819.18 2232571
ss48532637 NUDT1-000666 A/G 30 rs35773002 0 7 2242781 NT_007819.18 2232781
ss48532638 NUDT1-000862 C/T 28 rs1139425 0 7 2242977 NT_007819.18 2232977
ss48532639 NUDT1-001214 G/T 30 rs6978317 0 7 2243329 NT_007819.18 2233329
ss48532640 NUDT1-001500 -/A 30 rs397897184 0 7 2243615 NT_007819.18 2233615
ss48532641 NUDT1-001772 -/CTGCAC 28 rs35429564 0 7 2243886 NT_007819.18 2233886
ss48532642 NUDT1-001796 C/G 28 rs10252542 0 7 2243905 NT_007819.18 2233905
ss48532643 NUDT1-001800 C/T 28 rs35188662 0 7 2243909 NT_007819.18 2233909
ss48532644 NUDT1-001904 A/G 28 rs35354695 0 7 2244013 NT_007819.18 2234013
ss48532645 NUDT1-001939 C/T 28 rs35468746 0 7 2244048 NT_007819.18 2234048
ss48532646 NUDT1-002065 A/G 30 rs34779186 0 7 2244174 NT_007819.18 2234174
ss48532647 NUDT1-002128 C/T 30 rs34109396 0 7 2244237 NT_007819.18 2234237
ss48532648 NUDT1-002272 A/C 30 rs35157472 0 7 2244381 NT_007819.18 2234381
ss48532649 NUDT1-002291 C/T 30 rs36099990 0 7 2244400 NT_007819.18 2234400
ss48532650 NUDT1-002375 A/G 30 rs35537189 0 7 2244484 NT_007819.18 2234484
ss48532651 NUDT1-002635 A/C 30 rs34727517 0 7 2244744 NT_007819.18 2234744
ss48532652 NUDT1-002672 C/G 30 rs34185397 0 7 2244781 NT_007819.18 2234781
ss48532653 NUDT1-002733 C/T 30 rs34208631 0 7 2244842 NT_007819.18 2234842
ss48532654 NUDT1-002788 C/T 30 rs10264867 0 7 2244897 NT_007819.18 2234897
ss48532655 NUDT1-002837 C/T 30 rs34510418 0 7 2244946 NT_007819.18 2234946
ss48532656 NUDT1-002842 C/T 30 rs34054418 0 7 2244951 NT_007819.18 2234951
ss48532657 NUDT1-002887 A/G 30 rs34606695 0 7 2244996 NT_007819.18 2234996
ss48532658 NUDT1-003141 C/T 28 rs36064010 0 7 2245250 NT_007819.18 2235250
30 of 107 subsnp's starting at ss48532629. ss# starting at ss

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