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View SNP Submission Batch
Submitter Handle:KWOK
Submitter Batch ID:8.6.98(3)
Submitter Method ID:3
Citation:SNPs from Human Chromosome 7p15-21 Overlapping Regions
Comment:SNPs from the overlapping genomic sequence between clones RG242H14 (accession no. AC005165) and RG241I02 (accession no. AC003090) on chromosome 7p15-21. These SNPs represent DNA sequence variations between the two donor chromosomes but the allele frequencies in the general population are not known.
Batch Total SubSNP(ss) Count:4

SubSNP(ss) Submitter
Samplesize RefSNP(rs) ss2rs
Chr ChrPos Contig
ss87 700117 A/G 2 rs87 0 7 25660241 NT_007819.18 25650241
ss86 700115 C/T 2 rs86 0 7 25660666 NT_007819.18 25650666
ss85 700112 C/T 2 rs85 0 7 25662406 NT_007819.18 25652406
ss84 700111 C/G 2 rs84 0 7 25663173 NT_007819.18 25653173
4 of 4 subsnp's starting at ss87.This is the last page.

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