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View SNP Submission Batch
Submitter Handle:KWOK
Submitter Batch ID:8.12.98(4)
Submitter Method ID:3
Citation:SNPs from Human Chromosome 7p15 Overlapping Regions
Comment:SNPs from the overlapping genomic sequence between clones DJ0881H05 (accession no. AC004007) and RG459N13 (accession no. AC004549) on chromosome 7p15. These SNPs represent DNA sequence variations between the two donor chromosomes but the allele frequencies in the general population are not known. Furthermore, these SNPs are located within regions containing repetitive elements and are most likely not good candidates for genetic marker development.
Batch Total SubSNP(ss) Count:4

SubSNP(ss) Submitter
Samplesize RefSNP(rs) ss2rs
Chr ChrPos Contig
ss220 700280 C/T 2 rs220 0 7 27897926 NT_007819.18 27887926
ss217 700277 C/T 2 rs217 0 7 27911402 NT_007819.18 27901402
ss218 700278 C/T 2 rs218 0 7 27911694 NT_007819.18 27901694
ss219 700279 C/T 2 rs219 0 7 27916460 NT_007819.18 27906460
4 of 4 subsnp's starting at ss220.This is the last page.

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