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Submitter Handle:EGP_SNPS
Submitter Batch ID:CDKN1B-PDR90-020602
Submitter Method ID:METHOD-E
Citation:NIEHS-SNPs, Environmental Genome Project, NIEHS ES15478.
Comment:These SNPs were generated as part of the NIEHS supported grant (HL66682) for the Environmental Genome Project to develop SNP resources distributed to the research community. Please see for details on how to cite this work. The first descriptor in the "Submitter SNP ID:" field indicates the HUGO assigned name of the gene studied. The second number denotes the variant base position in the listed GenBank accession number.
Batch Total SubSNP(ss) Count:13

SubSNP(ss) Submitter
Samplesize RefSNP(rs) ss2rs
Chr ChrPos Contig
ss4329013 CDKN1B-000108 C/G 176 rs3093728 0 12 12717574 NT_009714.18 5632924
ss4329014 CDKN1B-000295 C/T 180 rs34330 0 12 12717761 NT_009714.18 5633111
ss4329015 CDKN1B-000416 C/T 180 rs2066828 0 12 12717882 NT_009714.18 5633232
ss4329016 CDKN1B-000699 G/T 178 rs2066827 0 12 12718165 NT_009714.18 5633515
ss4329017 CDKN1B-000971 C/T 150 rs3093729 0 12 12718437 NT_009714.18 5633787
ss4329018 CDKN1B-001019 G/T 146 rs3093730 0 12 12718485 NT_009714.18 5633835
ss4329019 CDKN1B-001282 C/T 156 rs3093731 0 12 12718748 NT_009714.18 5634098
ss4329020 CDKN1B-001573 A/T 164 rs3093732 0 12 12719039 NT_009714.18 5634389
ss4329021 CDKN1B-002085 -/A 164 rs3093733 0 12 12719550 NT_009714.18 5634900
ss4329022 CDKN1B-002236 C/T 168 rs3093734 0 12 12719701 NT_009714.18 5635051
ss4329023 CDKN1B-002726 -/CAGC 172 rs3093735 0 12 12720190 NT_009714.18 5635540
ss4329024 CDKN1B-002838 C/G 180 rs34329 0 12 12720299 NT_009714.18 5635649
ss4329025 CDKN1B-002906 A/G 152 rs3093736 0 12 12720367 NT_009714.18 5635717
13 of 13 subsnp's starting at ss4329013.This is the last page.

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