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Submitter Handle:EGP_SNPS
Submitter Batch ID:MSH6-PDR90-031302
Submitter Method ID:METHOD-E
Citation:NIEHS-SNPs, Environmental Genome Project, NIEHS ES15478.
Comment:These SNPs were generated as part of the NIEHS supported grant (HL66682) for the Environmental Genome Project to develop SNP resources distributed to the research community. Please see for details on how to cite this work. The first descriptor in the "Submitter SNP ID:" field indicates the HUGO assigned name of the gene studied. The second number denotes the variant base position in the listed GenBank accession number.
Batch Total SubSNP(ss) Count:164

SubSNP(ss) Submitter
Samplesize RefSNP(rs) ss2rs
Chr ChrPos Contig
ss4384478 MSH6-000219 A/C 166 rs3136227 0 2 47782468 NT_022184.16 31636349
ss4384479 MSH6-000428 G/T 152 rs3136228 0 2 47782677 NT_022184.16 31636558
ss4384480 MSH6-000537 A/G 154 rs3136229 0 2 47782786 NT_022184.16 31636667
ss4384481 MSH6-001100 A/G 152 rs1042821 1 2 47783349 NT_022184.16 31637230
ss4384482 MSH6-001170 A/C 152 rs1042820 1 2 47783419 NT_022184.16 31637300
ss4384483 MSH6-001484 C/T 168 rs3136230 0 2 47783733 NT_022184.16 31637614
ss4384484 MSH6-001509 A/G 154 rs3136231 0 2 47783758 NT_022184.16 31637639
ss4384485 MSH6-001601 C/G 160 rs3136232 0 2 47783850 NT_022184.16 31637731
ss4384486 MSH6-001633 C/G 160 rs3136233 0 2 47783882 NT_022184.16 31637763
ss4384487 MSH6-001662 -/C 162 rs3136234 0 2 47783910 NT_022184.16 31637791
ss4384488 MSH6-001671 A/G 158 rs3136235 0 2 47783919 NT_022184.16 31637800
ss4384489 MSH6-001673 A/G 158 rs3136236 0 2 47783921 NT_022184.16 31637802
ss4384490 MSH6-001704 C/G 124 rs3136237 0 2 47783952 NT_022184.16 31637833
ss4384491 MSH6-002621 C/T 178 rs3136238 0 2 47784869 NT_022184.16 31638750
ss4384492 MSH6-002640 C/G 178 rs3136239 0 2 47784888 NT_022184.16 31638769
ss4384493 MSH6-002699 C/T 178 rs3136240 0 2 47784947 NT_022184.16 31638828
ss4384494 MSH6-002988 C/G 178 rs3136241 0 2 47785236 NT_022184.16 31639117
ss4384495 MSH6-003133 A/C 174 rs3136242 0 2 47785381 NT_022184.16 31639262
ss4384496 MSH6-003273 C/T 176 rs3136243 0 2 47785517 NT_022184.16 31639398
ss4384497 MSH6-003274 A/G 176 rs3136244 0 2 47785518 NT_022184.16 31639399
ss4384498 MSH6-003463 C/T 180 rs3136245 0 2 47785707 NT_022184.16 31639588
ss4384499 MSH6-003700 C/T 178 rs3136246 0 2 47785944 NT_022184.16 31639825
ss4384500 MSH6-003716 A/G 178 rs3136247 0 2 47785960 NT_022184.16 31639841
ss4384501 MSH6-003822 -/C 178 rs3136248 0 2 47786065 NT_022184.16 31639946
ss4384502 MSH6-003856 C/G 178 rs3136249 0 2 47786099 NT_022184.16 31639980
ss4384503 MSH6-004266 A/G 176 rs3136250 0 2 47786509 NT_022184.16 31640390
ss4384504 MSH6-004290 C/T 176 rs3136251 0 2 47786532 NT_022184.16 31640413
ss4384505 MSH6-004381 C/T 174 rs3136252 0 2 47786623 NT_022184.16 31640504
ss4384506 MSH6-004764 A/G 168 rs3136253 0 2 47787006 NT_022184.16 31640887
ss4384507 MSH6-005041 -/CT 162 rs3136254 0 2 47787283 NT_022184.16 31641164
30 of 164 subsnp's starting at ss4384478. ss# starting at ss

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