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Submitter Handle:EGP_SNPS
Submitter Batch ID:SMUG1-PDR90-030702
Submitter Method ID:METHOD-E
Citation:NIEHS-SNPs, Environmental Genome Project, NIEHS ES15478.
Comment:These SNPs were generated as part of the NIEHS supported grant (HL66682) for the Environmental Genome Project to develop SNP resources distributed to the research community. Please see for details on how to cite this work. The first descriptor in the "Submitter SNP ID:" field indicates the HUGO assigned name of the gene studied. The second number denotes the variant base position in the listed GenBank accession number.
Batch Total SubSNP(ss) Count:34

SubSNP(ss) Submitter
Samplesize RefSNP(rs) ss2rs
Chr ChrPos Contig
ss4384671 SMUG1-007131 C/G 150 rs3136395 0 12 54181071 NT_029419.13 16945819
ss4384670 SMUG1-006577 A/C 150 rs3136394 0 12 54181625 NT_029419.13 16946373
ss4384669 SMUG1-006528 A/G 176 rs971 1 12 54181674 NT_029419.13 16946422
ss4384668 SMUG1-006518 C/T 178 rs3136393 0 12 54181684 NT_029419.13 16946432
ss4384667 SMUG1-006440 A/G 178 rs3136392 0 12 54181762 NT_029419.13 16946510
ss4384666 SMUG1-006366 C/T 178 rs3136391 0 12 54181836 NT_029419.13 16946584
ss4384665 SMUG1-006268 A/G 180 rs3136390 0 12 54181934 NT_029419.13 16946682
ss4384664 SMUG1-006186 G/T 176 rs2233921 0 12 54182016 NT_029419.13 16946764
ss4384663 SMUG1-005606 C/T 178 rs3136389 0 12 54182596 NT_029419.13 16947344
ss4384662 SMUG1-005404 -/GACA 178 rs3136388 0 12 54182795 NT_029419.13 16947543
ss4384661 SMUG1-004974 C/T 158 rs3136387 0 12 54183228 NT_029419.13 16947976
ss4384660 SMUG1-004839 C/G 160 rs3136386 0 12 54183363 NT_029419.13 16948111
ss4384659 SMUG1-004699 -/TCCG 156 rs3136385 0 12 54183499 NT_029419.13 16948247
ss4384658 SMUG1-004301 G/T 164 rs2233920 0 12 54183897 NT_029419.13 16948645
ss4384657 SMUG1-004264 C/T 166 rs2233919 0 12 54183934 NT_029419.13 16948682
ss4384656 SMUG1-003100 A/G 154 rs3136384 0 12 54185098 NT_029419.13 16949846
ss4384655 SMUG1-002903 A/T 162 rs3136383 0 12 54185295 NT_029419.13 16950043
ss4384654 SMUG1-002897 C/G 158 rs3136382 0 12 54185301 NT_029419.13 16950049
ss4384653 SMUG1-002667 A/G 152 rs3136381 0 12 54185531 NT_029419.13 16950279
ss4384652 SMUG1-002246 C/T 180 rs3136380 0 12 54185952 NT_029419.13 16950700
ss4384651 SMUG1-002121 A/G 180 rs3136379 0 12 54186077 NT_029419.13 16950825
ss4384650 SMUG1-001709 C/T 166 rs3136378 0 12 54186489 NT_029419.13 16951237
ss4384649 SMUG1-001699 C/T 166 rs3136377 0 12 54186499 NT_029419.13 16951247
ss4384648 SMUG1-001291 C/T 154 rs3136376 0 12 54186907 NT_029419.13 16951655
ss4384647 SMUG1-001046 C/T 162 rs3136375 0 12 54187152 NT_029419.13 16951900
ss4384646 SMUG1-000918 C/T 180 rs2279402 0 12 54187280 NT_029419.13 16952028
ss4384645 SMUG1-000880 C/T 180 rs2279401 0 12 54187318 NT_029419.13 16952066
ss4384644 SMUG1-000708 C/T 160 rs3136374 0 12 54187490 NT_029419.13 16952238
ss4384643 SMUG1-000668 C/T 152 rs2279400 0 12 54187530 NT_029419.13 16952278
ss4384642 SMUG1-000368 A/G 158 rs3087404 0 12 54187830 NT_029419.13 16952578
30 of 34 subsnp's starting at ss4384671. ss# starting at ss

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