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Submitter Handle:EGP_SNPS
Submitter Batch ID:CDKN1A-PDR90-040502
Submitter Method ID:METHOD-E
Citation:NIEHS-SNPs, Environmental Genome Project, NIEHS ES15478.
Comment:These SNPs were generated as part of the NIEHS supported grant (HL66682) for the Environmental Genome Project to develop SNP resources distributed to the research community. Please see for details on how to cite this work. The first descriptor in the "Submitter SNP ID:" field indicates the HUGO assigned name of the gene studied. The second number denotes the variant base position in the listed GenBank accession number.
Batch Total SubSNP(ss) Count:48

SubSNP(ss) Submitter
Samplesize RefSNP(rs) ss2rs
Chr ChrPos Contig
ss4388463 CDKN1A-000056 C/T 176 rs733590 0 6 36677426 NT_007592.16 36617426
ss4388464 CDKN1A-000319 A/G 180 rs762623 0 6 36677689 NT_007592.16 36617689
ss4388465 CDKN1A-000441 A/C 180 rs762624 0 6 36677811 NT_007592.16 36617811
ss4388466 CDKN1A-000549 A/G 180 rs2395655 0 6 36677919 NT_007592.16 36617919
ss4388467 CDKN1A-001623 -/AT 172 rs3176319 0 6 36678992 NT_007592.16 36618992
ss4388468 CDKN1A-001643 A/G 172 rs3176320 0 6 36679011 NT_007592.16 36619011
ss4388469 CDKN1A-001662 C/T 172 rs3176321 0 6 36679030 NT_007592.16 36619030
ss4388470 CDKN1A-001669 -/G 180 rs3176322 0 6 36679034 NT_007592.16 36619034
ss4388471 CDKN1A-001704 C/T 176 rs3176323 0 6 36679072 NT_007592.16 36619072
ss4388472 CDKN1A-001805 A/C 178 rs3176324 0 6 36679173 NT_007592.16 36619173
ss4388473 CDKN1A-001825 G/T 180 rs3176325 0 6 36679193 NT_007592.16 36619193
ss4388474 CDKN1A-002144 A/G 174 rs3176326 0 6 36679512 NT_007592.16 36619512
ss4388475 CDKN1A-002183 A/G 180 rs3176327 0 6 36679551 NT_007592.16 36619551
ss4388476 CDKN1A-002312 A/C 180 rs3176328 0 6 36679680 NT_007592.16 36619680
ss4388477 CDKN1A-002318 G/T 180 rs3176329 0 6 36679686 NT_007592.16 36619686
ss4388478 CDKN1A-002345 A/G 180 rs3176330 0 6 36679713 NT_007592.16 36619713
ss4388479 CDKN1A-002380 C/T 180 rs3176331 0 6 36679748 NT_007592.16 36619748
ss4388480 CDKN1A-002480 G/T 172 rs3176332 0 6 36679848 NT_007592.16 36619848
ss4388481 CDKN1A-003133 -/AG 180 rs397727968 0 6 36680500 NT_007592.16 36620500
ss4388482 CDKN1A-003221 C/T 180 rs3176334 0 6 36680587 NT_007592.16 36620587
ss4388483 CDKN1A-003321 C/T 180 rs3176335 0 6 36680687 NT_007592.16 36620687
ss4388484 CDKN1A-003673 A/T 178 rs3176336 0 6 36681039 NT_007592.16 36621039
ss4388485 CDKN1A-003777 A/C 170 rs3176337 0 6 36681143 NT_007592.16 36621143
ss4388486 CDKN1A-003831 C/T 170 rs2894408 0 6 36681197 NT_007592.16 36621197
ss4388487 CDKN1A-004258 G/T 170 rs3176339 0 6 36681624 NT_007592.16 36621624
ss4388488 CDKN1A-004379 C/T 176 rs3176340 0 6 36681745 NT_007592.16 36621745
ss4388489 CDKN1A-004419 -/G 178 rs3176341 0 6 36681784 NT_007592.16 36621784
ss4388490 CDKN1A-004451 A/G 176 rs2376620 1 6 36681816 NT_007592.16 36621816
ss4388491 CDKN1A-005125 A/G 176 rs3176343 0 6 36682490 NT_007592.16 36622490
ss4388492 CDKN1A-005405 A/G 178 rs3176344 0 6 36682770 NT_007592.16 36622770
30 of 48 subsnp's starting at ss4388463. ss# starting at ss

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