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Submitter Handle:EGP_SNPS
Submitter Batch ID:GTF2H4-PDR90-062702
Submitter Method ID:METHOD-E
Citation:NIEHS-SNPs, Environmental Genome Project, NIEHS ES15478.
Comment:These SNPs were generated as part of the NIEHS supported grant (HL66682) for the Environmental Genome Project to develop SNP resources distributed to the research community. Please see for details on how to cite this work. The first descriptor in the "Submitter SNP ID:" field indicates the HUGO assigned name of the gene studied. The second number denotes the variant base position in the listed GenBank accession number.
Batch Total SubSNP(ss) Count:48

SubSNP(ss) Submitter
Samplesize RefSNP(rs) ss2rs
Chr ChrPos Contig
ss4480099 GTF2H4-000111 A/G 174 rs3218802 0 6 30907493 NT_007592.16 30847493
ss4480100 GTF2H4-000121 C/T 174 rs3218803 0 6 30907503 NT_007592.16 30847503
ss4480101 GTF2H4-000444 A/G 174 rs3218804 0 6 30907826 NT_007592.16 30847826
ss4480102 GTF2H4-000462 A/C 170 rs3218805 0 6 30907844 NT_007592.16 30847844
ss4480103 GTF2H4-000463 C/T 174 rs2284176 0 6 30907845 NT_007592.16 30847845
ss4480104 GTF2H4-000505 G/T 174 rs3218806 0 6 30907887 NT_007592.16 30847887
ss4480105 GTF2H4-000676 C/T 170 rs3218807 0 6 30908058 NT_007592.16 30848058
ss4480106 GTF2H4-000740 A/G 180 rs1264309 1 6 30908122 NT_007592.16 30848122
ss4480107 GTF2H4-000858 C/T 180 rs3218808 0 6 30908240 NT_007592.16 30848240
ss4480108 GTF2H4-000875 G/T 180 rs2074510 1 6 30908257 NT_007592.16 30848257
ss4480109 GTF2H4-000993 C/T 180 rs1052693 0 6 30908375 NT_007592.16 30848375
ss4480110 GTF2H4-001032 C/T 180 rs3218809 0 6 30908414 NT_007592.16 30848414
ss4480111 GTF2H4-001079 A/G 172 rs2074509 1 6 30908461 NT_007592.16 30848461
ss4480112 GTF2H4-001252 C/T 178 rs3218810 0 6 30908634 NT_007592.16 30848634
ss4480113 GTF2H4-001279 A/G 178 rs2074508 1 6 30908661 NT_007592.16 30848661
ss4480114 GTF2H4-001837 C/G 180 rs1362123 1 6 30909219 NT_007592.16 30849219
ss4480115 GTF2H4-001895 A/G 178 rs1362122 1 6 30909277 NT_007592.16 30849277
ss4480116 GTF2H4-002043 C/T 180 rs916920 1 6 30909425 NT_007592.16 30849425
ss4480117 GTF2H4-002498 A/G 180 rs3218811 0 6 30909880 NT_007592.16 30849880
ss4480118 GTF2H4-002601 A/C 180 rs1419693 1 6 30909983 NT_007592.16 30849983
ss4480119 GTF2H4-003201 A/G 178 rs3218813 0 6 30910583 NT_007592.16 30850583
ss4480120 GTF2H4-003420 A/T 180 rs3218814 0 6 30910802 NT_007592.16 30850802
ss4480121 GTF2H4-003610 C/T 174 rs3218815 0 6 30910992 NT_007592.16 30850992
ss4480122 GTF2H4-003698 A/G 156 rs3218816 0 6 30911080 NT_007592.16 30851080
ss4480123 GTF2H4-003760 C/T 176 rs2074512 1 6 30911142 NT_007592.16 30851142
ss4480124 GTF2H4-004477 C/T 178 rs886420 1 6 30911859 NT_007592.16 30851859
ss4480125 GTF2H4-004785 C/T 180 rs3218817 0 6 30912167 NT_007592.16 30852167
ss4480126 GTF2H4-004828 C/T 176 rs1264308 1 6 30912210 NT_007592.16 30852210
ss4480127 GTF2H4-004913 A/G 176 rs3218818 0 6 30912295 NT_007592.16 30852295
ss4480128 GTF2H4-004938 C/T 176 rs3218819 0 6 30912320 NT_007592.16 30852320
30 of 48 subsnp's starting at ss4480099. ss# starting at ss

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