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Submitter Handle:EGP_SNPS
Submitter Batch ID:RFC4-PDR90-082602
Submitter Method ID:METHOD-E
Citation:NIEHS-SNPs, Environmental Genome Project, NIEHS ES15478.
Comment:These SNPs were generated as part of the NIEHS supported grant (HL66682) for the Environmental Genome Project to develop SNP resources distributed to the research community. Please see for details on how to cite this work. The first descriptor in the "Submitter SNP ID:" field indicates the HUGO assigned name of the gene studied. The second number denotes the variant base position in the listed GenBank accession number.
Batch Total SubSNP(ss) Count:84

SubSNP(ss) Submitter
Samplesize RefSNP(rs) ss2rs
Chr ChrPos Contig
ss5106009 RFC4-006328 G/T 178 rs1656941 1 3 186801352 NT_005612.17 93095778
ss5106008 RFC4-006315 C/T 178 rs3917106 0 3 186801365 NT_005612.17 93095791
ss5106007 RFC4-006109 A/G 178 rs3917105 0 3 186801571 NT_005612.17 93095997
ss5106006 RFC4-004817 C/G 178 rs3917104 0 3 186802863 NT_005612.17 93097289
ss5106005 RFC4-003461 C/T 178 rs3917103 0 3 186804218 NT_005612.17 93098644
ss5106004 RFC4-003443 C/T 178 rs3917102 0 3 186804236 NT_005612.17 93098662
ss5106003 RFC4-003297 C/T 178 rs3917101 0 3 186804382 NT_005612.17 93098808
ss5106002 RFC4-003253 C/T 178 rs3917100 0 3 186804426 NT_005612.17 93098852
ss5106001 RFC4-003244 A/C 178 rs3917099 0 3 186804435 NT_005612.17 93098861
ss5106000 RFC4-002835 G/T 176 rs710450 1 3 186804844 NT_005612.17 93099270
ss5105999 RFC4-002789 C/T 178 rs3917098 0 3 186804890 NT_005612.17 93099316
ss5105998 RFC4-002731 A/T 178 rs2293243 0 3 186804948 NT_005612.17 93099374
ss5105997 RFC4-002455 C/T 172 rs3917097 0 3 186805224 NT_005612.17 93099650
ss5105996 RFC4-002397 C/T 174 rs3917096 0 3 186805282 NT_005612.17 93099708
ss5105995 RFC4-002396 C/G 174 rs3917095 0 3 186805283 NT_005612.17 93099709
ss5105994 RFC4-002312 A/G 174 rs3917094 0 3 186805367 NT_005612.17 93099793
ss5105993 RFC4-002249 A/G 176 rs3917093 0 3 186805430 NT_005612.17 93099856
ss5105992 RFC4-002167 A/C 170 rs266728 1 3 186805512 NT_005612.17 93099938
ss5105991 RFC4-001870 C/T 180 rs3917092 0 3 186805809 NT_005612.17 93100235
ss5105990 RFC4-001662 A/G 180 rs3917091 0 3 186806017 NT_005612.17 93100443
ss5105989 RFC4-001570 A/G 180 rs3917090 0 3 186806109 NT_005612.17 93100535
ss5105988 RFC4-001536 A/G 180 rs3917089 0 3 186806143 NT_005612.17 93100569
ss5105987 RFC4-001450 -/C 180 rs2066498 0 3 186806229 NT_005612.17 93100655
ss5105986 RFC4-001339 C/G 156 rs2066503 0 3 186806340 NT_005612.17 93100766
ss5105985 RFC4-000867 A/G 154 rs3917088 0 3 186806812 NT_005612.17 93101238
ss5105984 RFC4-000813 A/G 166 rs3917087 0 3 186806866 NT_005612.17 93101292
ss5105983 RFC4-000742 G/T 180 rs3917086 0 3 186806937 NT_005612.17 93101363
ss5105982 RFC4-000706 A/G 180 rs266727 0 3 186806973 NT_005612.17 93101399
ss5105981 RFC4-000544 -/AA 180 rs3082211 0 3 186807133 NT_005612.17 93101559
ss5105980 RFC4-000143 -/C 180 rs3917085 0 3 186807534 NT_005612.17 93101960
30 of 84 subsnp's starting at ss5106009. ss# starting at ss

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