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Submitter Handle:PGA-UW-FHCRC
Submitter Batch ID:SCYA2-AFRICAN-090402
Submitter Method ID:METHOD-E
Citation:SeattleSNPs. NHLBI Program for Genomic Applications HL66682
Comment:These SNPs were generated as part of the NHLBI Program for Genomic Applications (PGA) to develop genomic resources distributed to the research community. Please see for details on how to cite this work. The first descriptor in the "Submitter SNP ID:" field indicates the HUGO assigned name of the gene studied. The second number denotes the variant base position in the listed GenBank accession number.
Batch Total SubSNP(ss) Count:18

SubSNP(ss) Submitter
Samplesize RefSNP(rs) ss2rs
Chr ChrPos Contig
ss5112019 SCYA2-000107 A/G 44 rs1860189 1 17 34251339 NT_010783.16 7315359
ss5112020 SCYA2-000291 G/T 42 rs3917876 0 17 34251523 NT_010783.16 7315543
ss5112021 SCYA2-000305 C/T 42 rs1860188 1 17 34251537 NT_010783.16 7315557
ss5112023 SCYA2-000604 C/T 48 rs3917878 0 17 34251836 NT_010783.16 7315856
ss5112024 SCYA2-000678 G/T 42 rs3917879 0 17 34251910 NT_010783.16 7315930
ss5112027 SCYA2-001280 A/C 36 rs2857654 0 17 34252512 NT_010783.16 7316532
ss5112028 SCYA2-001537 A/G 40 rs1024611 1 17 34252769 NT_010783.16 7316789
ss5112029 SCYA2-001548 A/G 38 rs3917882 0 17 34252780 NT_010783.16 7316800
ss5112030 SCYA2-001563 G/T 46 rs3917883 0 17 34252795 NT_010783.16 7316815
ss5112032 SCYA2-001980 A/T 44 rs1024610 1 17 34253212 NT_010783.16 7317232
ss5112036 SCYA2-003190 C/G 44 rs3760396 1 17 34254422 NT_010783.16 7318442
ss5112037 SCYA2-003756 C/G 46 rs2857656 0 17 34254988 NT_010783.16 7319008
ss5112038 SCYA2-004748 -/AGCTCCTCCTTCTC 46 rs3917887 0 17 34255980 NT_010783.16 7320000
ss5112039 SCYA2-004881 C/G 48 rs2857657 0 17 34256113 NT_010783.16 7320133
ss5112040 SCYA2-005018 C/T 48 rs4586 0 17 34256250 NT_010783.16 7320270
ss5112042 SCYA2-005660 C/T 42 rs13900 0 17 34256892 NT_010783.16 7320912
ss5112050 SCYA2-007843 C/T 46 rs2530797 1 17 34259075 NT_010783.16 7323095
ss5112056 SCYA2-009063 A/G 48 rs3917900 0 17 34260295 NT_010783.16 7324315
18 of 18 subsnp's starting at ss5112019.This is the last page.

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