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Submitter Handle:EGP_SNPS
Submitter Batch ID:SHH-PDR90-092903
Submitter Method ID:METHOD-E
Citation:NIEHS-SNPs, Environmental Genome Project, NIEHS ES15478.
Comment:These SNPs were generated as part of the NIEHS supported grant (HL66682) for the Environmental Genome Project to develop SNP resources distributed to the research community. Please see for details on how to cite this work. The first descriptor in the "Submitter SNP ID:" field indicates the HUGO assigned name of the gene studied. The second number denotes the variant base position in the listed GenBank accession number.
Batch Total SubSNP(ss) Count:61

SubSNP(ss) Submitter
Samplesize RefSNP(rs) ss2rs
Chr ChrPos Contig
ss12709656 SHH-006982 A/G 162 rs9333614 0 7 155807290 NT_007933.16 93300511
ss12709655 SHH-006675 A/G 174 rs9333613 0 7 155807597 NT_007933.16 93300818
ss12709654 SHH-006640 A/T 170 rs9333612 0 7 155807632 NT_007933.16 93300853
ss12709653 SHH-006549 A/G 160 rs1233556 1 7 155807723 NT_007933.16 93300944
ss12709652 SHH-006431 A/C 160 rs9333610 0 7 155807841 NT_007933.16 93301062
ss12709651 SHH-006018 C/G 176 rs9333609 0 7 155808254 NT_007933.16 93301475
ss12709650 SHH-005589 A/C 178 rs9333608 0 7 155808683 NT_007933.16 93301904
ss12709649 SHH-005412 C/T 178 rs9333607 0 7 155808860 NT_007933.16 93302081
ss12709648 SHH-005396 G/T 178 rs9333606 0 7 155808876 NT_007933.16 93302097
ss12709647 SHH-005313 G/T 176 rs1233557 1 7 155808959 NT_007933.16 93302180
ss12709646 SHH-005266 -/G 178 rs9333604 0 7 155809006 NT_007933.16 93302227
ss12709645 SHH-005170 C/G 178 rs9333603 0 7 155809102 NT_007933.16 93302323
ss12709644 SHH-005103 A/G 174 rs9333602 0 7 155809169 NT_007933.16 93302390
ss12709643 SHH-003990 C/T 164 rs9333601 0 7 155810282 NT_007933.16 93303503
ss12709642 SHH-003871 C/T 160 rs9333600 0 7 155810401 NT_007933.16 93303622
ss12709641 SHH-003809 G/T 170 rs1233561 1 7 155810463 NT_007933.16 93303684
ss12709640 SHH-003317 C/T 174 rs9333598 0 7 155810955 NT_007933.16 93304176
ss12709639 SHH-002989 A/C 178 rs9333597 0 7 155811283 NT_007933.16 93304504
ss12709638 SHH-002988 C/T 178 rs9333596 0 7 155811284 NT_007933.16 93304505
ss12709637 SHH-002867 C/T 180 rs756884 1 7 155811405 NT_007933.16 93304626
ss12709636 SHH-002025 A/G 156 rs9333594 0 7 155812247 NT_007933.16 93305468
ss12709635 SHH-001940 A/G 154 rs9333593 0 7 155812332 NT_007933.16 93305553
ss12709634 SHH-001895 A/G 88 rs9333592 0 7 155812377 NT_007933.16 93305598
ss12709633 SHH-001142 A/G 172 rs9333591 0 7 155813130 NT_007933.16 93306351
ss12709632 SHH-001013 C/T 176 rs1882041 0 7 155813259 NT_007933.16 93306480
ss12709631 SHH-000769 A/G 138 rs9333590 0 7 155813503 NT_007933.16 93306724
ss12709630 SHH-000558 C/T 160 rs9333589 0 7 155813714 NT_007933.16 93306935
ss12709629 SHH-000443 A/G 160 rs9333588 0 7 155813829 NT_007933.16 93307050
ss12709628 SHH-000393 A/T 160 rs9333587 0 7 155813879 NT_007933.16 93307100
ss12709627 SHH-000294 C/T 162 rs288746 0 7 155813978 NT_007933.16 93307199
30 of 61 subsnp's starting at ss12709656. ss# starting at ss

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