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Submitter Handle:PGA-UW-FHCRC
Submitter Batch ID:IL7R-AFRICAN-112603
Submitter Method ID:METHOD-E
Citation:SeattleSNPs. NHLBI Program for Genomic Applications HL66682
Comment:These SNPs were generated as part of the NHLBI Program for Genomic Applications (PGA) to develop genomic resources distributed to the research community. Please see for details on how to cite this work. The first descriptor in the "Submitter SNP ID:" field indicates the HUGO assigned name of the gene studied. The second number denotes the variant base position in the listed GenBank accession number.
Batch Total SubSNP(ss) Count:77

SubSNP(ss) Submitter
Samplesize RefSNP(rs) ss2rs
Chr ChrPos Contig
ss16336608 IL7R-000221 C/G 30 rs2172749 1 5 35855162 NT_006576.17 35845162
ss16336611 IL7R-000953 G/T 48 rs7718919 0 5 35855894 NT_006576.17 35845894
ss16336614 IL7R-001533 C/T 48 rs11567685 0 5 35856473 NT_006576.17 35846473
ss16336615 IL7R-001588 A/G 48 rs11567686 0 5 35856528 NT_006576.17 35846528
ss16336617 IL7R-002135 C/G 48 rs1353252 1 5 35857075 NT_006576.17 35847075
ss16336618 IL7R-002165 C/T 44 rs1353251 1 5 35857105 NT_006576.17 35847105
ss16336619 IL7R-002193 C/G 46 rs1494561 1 5 35857133 NT_006576.17 35847133
ss16336620 IL7R-002220 A/G 46 rs1353250 1 5 35857160 NT_006576.17 35847160
ss16336621 IL7R-002267 -/C 48 rs5867289 0 5 35857206 NT_006576.17 35847206
ss16336623 IL7R-002548 -/AGAAG 48 rs397696417 0 5 35857486 NT_006576.17 35847486
ss16336624 IL7R-002668 A/G 48 rs11567694 0 5 35857602 NT_006576.17 35847602
ss16336625 IL7R-002814 A/C 48 rs10213865 0 5 35857748 NT_006576.17 35847748
ss16336628 IL7R-003288 A/G 44 rs11567697 0 5 35858222 NT_006576.17 35848222
ss16336629 IL7R-003307 G/T 44 rs11567698 0 5 35858241 NT_006576.17 35848241
ss16336630 IL7R-003685 A/G 44 rs1389832 1 5 35858619 NT_006576.17 35848619
ss16336631 IL7R-003975 C/G 48 rs11567699 0 5 35858909 NT_006576.17 35848909
ss16336633 IL7R-004827 G/T 48 rs11567701 0 5 35859761 NT_006576.17 35849761
ss16336635 IL7R-005025 -/C 48 rs397843901 0 5 35859958 NT_006576.17 35849958
ss16336637 IL7R-005602 A/G 48 rs1494560 1 5 35860535 NT_006576.17 35850535
ss16336638 IL7R-005732 C/T 48 rs1494559 1 5 35860665 NT_006576.17 35850665
ss16336640 IL7R-006033 C/T 48 rs1494558 1 5 35860966 NT_006576.17 35850966
ss16336641 IL7R-006117 C/G 48 rs11567705 0 5 35861050 NT_006576.17 35851050
ss16336642 IL7R-006124 A/G 46 rs969128 0 5 35861057 NT_006576.17 35851057
ss16336643 IL7R-006233 G/T 48 rs969129 0 5 35861166 NT_006576.17 35851166
ss16336646 IL7R-006781 -/T 44 rs397790328 0 5 35861713 NT_006576.17 35851713
ss16336647 IL7R-007297 -/T 46 rs11567708 0 5 35862229 NT_006576.17 35852229
ss16336653 IL7R-007807 C/T 46 rs7717955 0 5 35862739 NT_006576.17 35852739
ss16336654 IL7R-007951 C/T 48 rs11567714 0 5 35862883 NT_006576.17 35852883
ss16336657 IL7R-008210 A/G 46 rs6451226 0 5 35863142 NT_006576.17 35853142
ss16336659 IL7R-008409 A/G 46 rs6893142 0 5 35863341 NT_006576.17 35853341
30 of 77 subsnp's starting at ss16336608. ss# starting at ss

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