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Submitter Handle:EGP_SNPS
Submitter Batch ID:PGR-PDR90-011504
Submitter Method ID:METHOD-E
Citation:NIEHS-SNPs, Environmental Genome Project, NIEHS ES15478.
Comment:These SNPs were generated as part of the NIEHS supported grant (HL66682) for the Environmental Genome Project to develop SNP resources distributed to the research community. Please see for details on how to cite this work. The first descriptor in the "Submitter SNP ID:" field indicates the HUGO assigned name of the gene studied. The second number denotes the variant base position in the listed GenBank accession number.
Batch Total SubSNP(ss) Count:245

SubSNP(ss) Submitter
Samplesize RefSNP(rs) ss2rs
Chr ChrPos Contig
ss16343364 PGR-004634 C/T 166 rs1379130 1 11 101127892 NT_033899.9 13124996
ss16343363 PGR-004589 A/C 168 rs11571149 0 11 101127937 NT_033899.9 13125041
ss16343362 PGR-004510 C/T 170 rs11571148 0 11 101128016 NT_033899.9 13125120
ss16343361 PGR-004495 C/G 170 rs11571147 0 11 101128031 NT_033899.9 13125135
ss16343360 PGR-004486 C/G 174 rs3740753 1 11 101128040 NT_033899.9 13125144
ss16343359 PGR-004357 G/T 172 rs11571146 0 11 101128169 NT_033899.9 13125273
ss16343358 PGR-004067 C/T 174 rs10160726 1 11 101128459 NT_033899.9 13125563
ss16343357 PGR-004012 C/T 168 rs11571145 0 11 101128514 NT_033899.9 13125618
ss16343356 PGR-003814 C/T 170 rs11571144 0 11 101128712 NT_033899.9 13125816
ss16343355 PGR-003603 A/G 170 rs11571143 0 11 101128923 NT_033899.9 13126027
ss16343354 PGR-003182 -/A 176 rs11571142 0 11 101129342 NT_033899.9 13126446
ss16343353 PGR-003178 -/T 176 rs11571141 0 11 101129347 NT_033899.9 13126451
ss16343352 PGR-003042 A/G 176 rs10895068 0 11 101129483 NT_033899.9 13126587
ss16343351 PGR-002886 A/G 178 rs2008112 0 11 101129639 NT_033899.9 13126743
ss16343350 PGR-002755 C/T 178 rs518162 1 11 101129770 NT_033899.9 13126874
ss16343349 PGR-002429 A/C 174 rs11571140 0 11 101130096 NT_033899.9 13127200
ss16343348 PGR-002300 A/G 174 rs11571139 0 11 101130225 NT_033899.9 13127329
ss16343347 PGR-002217 G/T 168 rs11224606 0 11 101130308 NT_033899.9 13127412
ss16343346 PGR-002109 A/G 170 rs11571138 0 11 101130416 NT_033899.9 13127520
ss16343345 PGR-001929 C/T 162 rs625942 0 11 101130596 NT_033899.9 13127700
ss16343344 PGR-001862 A/C 160 rs11571137 0 11 101130663 NT_033899.9 13127767
ss16343343 PGR-001566 A/T 178 rs11571136 0 11 101130959 NT_033899.9 13128063
ss16343342 PGR-001040 C/T 172 rs11571135 0 11 101131485 NT_033899.9 13128589
ss16343341 PGR-000999 -/G 176 rs11571134 0 11 101131525 NT_033899.9 13128629
ss16343340 PGR-000589 C/T 164 rs11571133 0 11 101131935 NT_033899.9 13129039
ss16343339 PGR-000561 C/G 166 rs11571132 0 11 101131963 NT_033899.9 13129067
ss16343338 PGR-000448 C/T 164 rs11571131 0 11 101132076 NT_033899.9 13129180
ss16343337 PGR-000436 A/G 166 rs11571130 0 11 101132088 NT_033899.9 13129192
ss16343336 PGR-000164 A/C 132 rs11571129 0 11 101132360 NT_033899.9 13129464
ss16343335 PGR-000143 C/T 128 rs507141 0 11 101132381 NT_033899.9 13129485
30 of 245 subsnp's starting at ss16343364. ss# starting at ss

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