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Submitter Handle:EGP_SNPS
Submitter Batch ID:GTF2H3-PDR90-012104
Submitter Method ID:METHOD-E
Citation:NIEHS-SNPs, Environmental Genome Project, NIEHS ES15478.
Comment:These SNPs were generated as part of the NIEHS supported grant (HL66682) for the Environmental Genome Project to develop SNP resources distributed to the research community. Please see for details on how to cite this work. The first descriptor in the "Submitter SNP ID:" field indicates the HUGO assigned name of the gene studied. The second number denotes the variant base position in the listed GenBank accession number.
Batch Total SubSNP(ss) Count:136

SubSNP(ss) Submitter
Samplesize RefSNP(rs) ss2rs
Chr ChrPos Contig
ss16357592 GTF2H3-000240 G/T 168 rs10773020 0 12 123632542 NT_029419.13 86397290
ss16357593 GTF2H3-000408 G/T 158 rs2017181 1 12 123632710 NT_029419.13 86397458
ss16357594 GTF2H3-000840 -/AT 170 rs397843920 0 12 123633142 NT_029419.13 86397890
ss16357595 GTF2H3-000919 G/T 180 rs11572910 0 12 123633221 NT_029419.13 86397969
ss16357597 GTF2H3-001400 -/CGTACCCCTC 178 rs11572912 0 12 123633701 NT_029419.13 86398449
ss16357598 GTF2H3-001570 A/G 178 rs11572913 0 12 123633862 NT_029419.13 86398610
ss16357599 GTF2H3-001650 A/C 180 rs7294420 0 12 123633942 NT_029419.13 86398690
ss16357600 GTF2H3-002109 C/T 172 rs11572914 0 12 123634401 NT_029419.13 86399149
ss16357601 GTF2H3-002316 A/G 176 rs6488885 0 12 123634608 NT_029419.13 86399356
ss16357602 GTF2H3-002470 G/T 164 rs11572915 0 12 123634762 NT_029419.13 86399510
ss16357603 GTF2H3-002549 C/T 164 rs11572916 0 12 123634841 NT_029419.13 86399589
ss16357604 GTF2H3-002554 A/T 164 rs11572917 0 12 123634846 NT_029419.13 86399594
ss16357605 GTF2H3-003050 A/G 176 rs11572918 0 12 123635342 NT_029419.13 86400090
ss16357606 GTF2H3-003099 C/T 168 rs11572919 0 12 123635391 NT_029419.13 86400139
ss16357607 GTF2H3-003144 A/G 158 rs11572920 0 12 123635436 NT_029419.13 86400184
ss16357608 GTF2H3-003366 A/C 172 rs6488886 0 12 123635658 NT_029419.13 86400406
ss16357609 GTF2H3-003373 A/G 172 rs11572921 0 12 123635665 NT_029419.13 86400413
ss16357610 GTF2H3-004212 -/GGCGGCAC 154 rs11572922 0 12 123636504 NT_029419.13 86401252
ss16357611 GTF2H3-004507 A/C 140 rs11572923 0 12 123636799 NT_029419.13 86401547
ss16357612 GTF2H3-004590 A/T 140 rs11057311 0 12 123636882 NT_029419.13 86401630
ss16357613 GTF2H3-004593 C/T 136 rs11572924 0 12 123636885 NT_029419.13 86401633
ss16357614 GTF2H3-004635 A/T 154 rs11572925 0 12 123636927 NT_029419.13 86401675
ss16357615 GTF2H3-005272 A/G 114 rs11572926 0 12 123637564 NT_029419.13 86402312
ss16357616 GTF2H3-005478 -/T 144 rs11572927 0 12 123637770 NT_029419.13 86402518
ss16357617 GTF2H3-005569 A/G 146 rs11057312 0 12 123637861 NT_029419.13 86402609
ss16357618 GTF2H3-005824 C/G 144 rs11572928 0 12 123638116 NT_029419.13 86402864
ss16357619 GTF2H3-006098 C/T 174 rs11572929 0 12 123638390 NT_029419.13 86403138
ss16357620 GTF2H3-006169 A/G 176 rs7306528 0 12 123638461 NT_029419.13 86403209
ss16357621 GTF2H3-006231 A/G 176 rs11572931 0 12 123638523 NT_029419.13 86403271
ss16357596 GTF2H3-001399 C/G 176 N.D. N.D.
30 of 136 subsnp's starting at ss16357592. ss# starting at ss

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